The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 440 The actions of the ambitious Cui Douil and Ma Jiachang

Chapter 440 The actions of the ambitious Cui Douil and Ma Jiachang

In the days that followed, Park Tae-soo followed Han Jiang-sik to handle various important cases, and also got to know many dignitaries and chaebols.Under the power transaction, they got rid of the guilt of many big figures and quickly closed the case.The media reporters in the Busan area even reported the "brilliant deeds" of Han Jiangzhi and others, and their reputation was greatly shaken!

Until 1997, after the Asian financial turmoil, Mr. Yongsan was forced to step down early, and a new round of presidential elections began.This made prosecutors in the Busan area very nervous.

Because they support different candidates, they can get very different benefits.The gray-haired Huang Yu'an (General Prosecutor General of Busan District) was in a very bad mood at the moment, and even lost his temper in the office!
He asked these subordinates to conduct surveys, speculating from the side which candidate would be successful, but in the end, this group of stunned youths would only do polls, and the information they got back was useless at all!


After venting her anger, Huang Yu'an sat next to Han Jiangzhi and complained, "Jiang Zhi, do you have any inspiration for this election? If I choose the wrong one, I will have to leave and drink the northwest wind!... You don't want to be a prosecutor?" How long is it? This location is right here!"

Hearing what Huang Yu'an said, Han Jiangzhi knew that the opportunity was coming, as long as he grasped it, he would be able to follow the trend!

"Brother, do you want to trust me once?" Han Jiangzhi looked at the anxious Huang Yu'an in front of him, and had a bold idea~!


After asking God for a while, they finally decided to choose Kim Dae-jung between Lee Hoi-chang and Kim Dae-jung.In order to show their sincerity, Huang Yu'an and Han Jiangzhi visited Kim Dae-jung in person, and even handed over some black material about Li Huichang to the other party.


With these black materials, Kim Dae-jung successfully won the election and became the new president of Bangzi Country!In return, Huang Yu'an was successfully promoted to the deputy chief prosecutor at the prosecutor's office headquarters within a year, and Han Jiangzhi was also successfully promoted to become the new prosecutor general of the Busan region!

In the next two years, Huang Yu'an retired smoothly. Before resigning, he proposed that Han Jiangzhi be the deputy director general of the prosecutor's headquarters. The Blue House agreed to this request. Han Jiangzhi took the position smoothly. Served in Seoul.

Cui Dou-il also benefited from his relationship with Park Tae-soo and was sent by Kim Ying-soo to Seoul to form a branch of the Wild Dog Gang.


It's just that with the passage of time, the black glove who used to handle dirty things for Park Tae-soo - Choi Doo-il, successfully pulled up his own team in Seoul, and hundreds of people collected security fees for entertainment venues and sold them. Flour, a large amount of Korean won is received every day.

Especially after experiencing the joy of being a gang leader, Cui Dou-ri's mind changed obviously, "A man was born in heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time?!" Cui Dou-ri's inflated ambition made him feel like he was possessed by Lu Bu. Usually, you have the idea of ​​​​killing the boss and going it alone!

Most of the funds that were originally shipped back to Busan every month were intercepted by Cui Dou Il. He used the money to continuously recruit new people and expand his power.

Naturally, these abnormal behaviors failed to hide the fact from Jin Yingxiu, the boss of the wild dog gang. For this double-minded boy, Jin Yingxiu was not in a hurry to kill this disobedient guy. What trouble will arise.

Jin Yingxiu called Han Jiangzhi and described the situation in detail.Han Jiangzhi was very dissatisfied with this. He didn't expect that a boy in a community would dare to do such a thing just because he had a little friendship with his subordinates?

You know, most of the funds earned by Jin Yingxiu must be distributed to himself!

"...I will warn Park Tae-soo and let him manage his dog!" Han Jiangzhi said in a cold tone.

------Dividing line------

Jiangnan District, a large conference room in a hotel.

Dozens of well-dressed young and middle-aged men gathered together, chatting with friends around them from time to time. At the same time, they were also discussing why their boss had not held a club meeting for a long time, so why did he suddenly summon everyone today?

After a while, two brothers, Ma Jiachang and Ma Jiadong, and several high-level members of the club arrived.After Ma Jiachang sat in his seat, he announced with a smile that today's club meeting was officially opened.


"Thanks to the efforts of all brothers during this period, our White Tiger Club has been able to achieve such achievements. Now more than half of the club members have a decent job and a better life..." Ma Jiachang said with a smile on his face Smiling, he looked at the club executives present, and many people responded with smiles.

"...But some people, in order to obtain greater benefits, still choose to sell out the collective interests of their brothers. They even cheat and forget all about the rules of our White Tiger Society!" The conversation changed and Ma Jiachang restrained himself. He smiled and said indifferently.

"There is a foreign gang called the Wild Dog Gang. It has established strongholds in Jiangxi District, Yangchuan District, Laojiu District, and Yongdengpu District in the west. It sells flour. As the managers of the area, don't you plan to explain it? ?”

As soon as he finished speaking, many people present were very surprised. They didn't expect that right under their noses, there would be a society that dared to be so bold and sell flour on the territory they controlled?Are the managers of those districts so funny?
The heads of the four districts were called by Ma Jiachang, and their expressions instantly became panicked, "Boss,... we didn't mean what happened to the Wild Dog Gang!"

The other people present reacted instantly. Looking at this posture, they must have been beaten hard? !Otherwise, why would you be so nervous?
Ma Jiachang seemed to have expected that they would quibble, and the smile on his face remained, "Really? How do you explain these?"

Ma Jiachang glanced at his confidant, Huang Mao, who immediately understood, put the materials he had prepared on the table, and then whispered to the two subordinates beside him to bring the "witnesses" outside with him. Come in.


Looking at the information on the desktop and the subordinates who appeared in front of everyone, the four district officials who were trying to quibble just now were stunned. They thought that no one would know what they were doing, but the scene in front of them really shocked them. Old face.

Listening to the witnesses telling what they knew one by one, all the cadres of the associations present were filled with righteous indignation. They didn't expect that these four guys would allow foreign gangs to mess around in these areas just to get benefits. My brain is trapped by the door!

"Boss, there is nothing we can do! That Choi Doo-il of the Wild Dog Gang is backed by the prosecutors from the Procuratorate Headquarters. If we don't agree, then we will be in trouble!" an elderly man said. The cadre was not reconciled, and opened his mouth to argue.They are an association, aren't they most afraid of prosecutors?
If those prosecutors hold on to their pigtails, they will go to prison sooner or later!

(End of this chapter)

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