The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 443 Trainee Assessment Knockout Competition

Chapter 443 Trainee Assessment Knockout Competition

Also participating in the solo judges of this rookie assessment are the already famous HOT group and FIN.KL group Lee Hyori and Kangta.

After the two of them arrived at the assessment site one after another, they saw that Chen Daojun was also there and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"Daojun Ouba, there are so many things in the law firm, why do you have time to come?" Li Xiaoli greeted Chen Daojun first, and was a little curious about Chen Daojun's arrival. After all, the business of Shuguang Law Firm is relatively busy. As the person in charge of the law firm Chen Daojun should be very busy too!
Chen Daojun looked at the dazzling Li Xiaoli in front of him and said with a smile, "There are other lawyers in the law firm. I came here to be lazy and take a look at the handsome guys and beauties in the company. It's a good balance between work and rest!"

"...Oh, by the way, except Brother Hengjun...!" After saying that, he looked at Chen Hengjun next to him. Everyone followed his gaze and saw that it was Chen Hengjun who looked confused~!

This scene made everyone present burst into laughter. Although Chen Hengjun and Chen Daojun were the leaders of the company, this funny scene really made people laugh!They didn't even expect that their boss would be so dishonest, which is really surprising!

"Axiba, Daojun, you guys, you are too much~! How am I not handsome?!" Chen Hengjun on the side couldn't hold back when he heard his brother teasing him like this, because he is also from the company The director is the leader!Is he shameless? !
"...Brother Hengjun, I'm sorry! I can't go against my conscience~!" Chen Daojun replied somewhat silently.

This funny answer directly made everyone laugh out loud, my boss is indeed a funny talent, it is so funny~!Cooperating with Chen Hengjun's depressed expression, it's a perfect cooperation!


It has to be said that SuperMuseum Company is really good at training newcomers. After two months of training, the young boys and girls who were still immature have made significant improvements in both dancing and singing.

The girl BoA mentioned by Chen Daojun and Li Xiuhao before is even more outstanding among them.In terms of dancing, he is not inferior to those trainees who have been training for more than a year, but there are still many shortcomings in singing.

This kind of performance made Li Xiuman very satisfied. Thinking of Chen Daojun's proposal of "accepting apprentices" mentioned to him earlier, Li Xiuman became more determined. He planned to call BoA over after the assessment was over and asked her if she would like it. Be your own student?
As for the girl named Jessica, although her performance is good, her overall performance is a bit average compared to a girl with outstanding talents like BoA. However, compared to other newcomers, her performance is still good!

Nearly 2 hours later, more than 50 newcomers completed their performances one after another. All the assessment judges present had completed their scores and handed the score forms to the staff for summary scoring.

As the host of this meeting, Li Xiu looked at the dozens of trainees in front of him and said seriously, "After two months of training, everyone has made significant progress, and many people's performance on stage has also improved. very nice."

"However, our SuperMuseum company's trainee debut system adopts a final elimination system. Only the best trainees who have reached the end will have the strongest ability. Only in this way can they defeat artists from other companies and become the best in the same period. The strong ones even reach the heights of Lee Hyori and An Qixuan!"

"After the staff finish counting the scores, the last five trainees will leave our SuperMuseum company and quit the ranks of trainees."


Hearing what the company president said, the faces of dozens of trainees in the audience became ugly. Although they had long heard that SuperMuseum Company's trainee selection was very strict, now it was their turn to experience it personally. The level of nervousness was indescribable. Who knows if he will be eliminated?

After 15 minutes, the staff counted the results of this assessment, and Li Xiuman announced the results immediately after getting the ranking list.

As the names were announced one by one, the trainees in the audience showed joyful expressions one by one, while the faces of the trainees whose names were not pronounced became more and more ugly.


As the last name was pronounced, the first trainee assessment came to an end, and some were happy and some were sad.

When Li Xiuhao announced that today's assessment was over and they were disbanded, the trainees in the audience left happily as if they had received an amnesty, but a few of them looked a little depressed.

Li Xiuhao asked the staff to call back BoA who had left the scene. He still had something to talk to this girl about~!

Seeing Li Xiuman's actions, Chen Daojun had an idea and followed suit. He asked the staff to bring back Jung Soo-yeon who had already left. He wanted to have a chat with her.

Chen Daojun's actions made the rest of the people a little curious. In the assessment just now, the girl named Zheng Xiuyan didn't seem to be particularly outstanding, that is, she had a relatively high appearance and was a big beauty.But their criteria for selecting trainees is not just based on appearance~!

"Daojun, don't you have a crush on that girl?" Chen Hengjun, who was "teasing" by Chen Daojun just now, saw the opportunity, and quickly took the opportunity to tease him, intending to "revenge shame".

Lee Hyori and An Qixuan on the side also looked at Chen Daojun curiously. Although they knew that their boss was not such a womanizer, they were also very curious about what Chen Daojun was planning.

Chen Daojun smiled mysteriously, "That's right, although this girl's dancing and singing skills are not particularly outstanding, she is really good-looking. I plan to find a few more beautiful girls, and let them make their debut in a group when the time comes. A girl group with a high value will also be sought after by many young people~!"

"..." Everyone was shocked by Chen Daojun's "sexy idea". Isn't this a bit...indecent? !Their SuperMuseum is an entertainment company that trains artists, not the kind of company that engages in amusement~!

When Chen Daojun saw the meaningful glances from others, Chen Daojun's expression did not change at all. Instead, he said with a smile, "Take Hyori as an example. Are Sung Yuri and Lee Hyori, who have more outstanding looks and images in the Fin.KL team, more popular?" Taller? And the majority of their supporters are young male fans?"

The others nodded thoughtfully. Although what Chen Daojun said was a bit insincere, it was true to try. Oftentimes, outstanding appearance is also a bonus for many female stars.

Chen Hengjun was still unwilling to give up, and tried to retort, "...But, this...isn't representative?" Chen Daojun replied disdainfully, "So? Are you planning to pick ugly artists to debut?"

"..." Chen Hengjun fell silent, and the others were also speechless...

 Something delayed me today, so the update has fallen behind. I’m so sorry~T_T
(End of this chapter)

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