The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 446 Park Tae-soo's Surrender, Director Kim's Recommendation

Chapter 446 Park Tae-soo's Surrender, Director Kim's Recommendation

It turned out that the list that Huang Mao handed over to Park Tae-soo listed several top domestic companies and a number of big shots from Bangzi Country.

Although their procuratorial headquarters does have a lot of top-secret files, it doesn't mean that everyone can easily access them~!The White Tiger Club wants so much black material, what exactly do they want? !


After browsing the list, Park Tae-soo said, "There are too many things you want, it's impossible~! If this is the case, you might as well kill Choi Doo-il directly~!"

Ma Jiachang was not surprised by Park Taishu's reaction, and sneered, "Really? Then why did I hear that this guy Cui Dou Ri has a lot of good things in his hands? I heard that his Wild Dog Gang also cooperated with the prosecutor's headquarters Is there anything related to Vice President Han Jiangzhi?”

"I think many media reporters will be very interested in this kind of explosive news?... Tsk tsk tsk, as a prosecutor who maintains order and justice, he colludes with a society that commits crimes. If it gets out, it will definitely shock everyone's attention. ~!" Ma Jiachang chuckled lightly, as if telling an interesting story.

"You...!" Faced with Ma Jiachang's threat, Park Tae-soo was terrified to death. If the scandal was revealed, not only would he have to finish the game, but even Han Jiangzhi would be affected.At that time, not only will I lose my lofty status as a prosecutor, but I may also be prosecuted by the prosecutor and face prison!
"No, we must not let this happen!" Park Taishu was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He had struggled for so many years and paid so much to climb to his current position and come to the prosecutor's headquarters, the coveted place.He will never allow anything or anyone to drag him down again!


In the end, in order to save his own future, Park Taishu bit the bullet and agreed. This result satisfied the two brothers Ma Jiachang and Ma Jiadong.

Park Tae-soo looked at the three people in front of him unkindly, and then said, "But I have to meet with Choi Doo-il first, if he is safe and sound, then our transaction can proceed!"

"We can't meet each other, but you can make a phone call and have a few words with him." Ma Jiachang glanced at Ma Jiadong, who immediately dialed his subordinate's mobile phone, and after a simple explanation, Park Tae-soo and Cui Dou-il started chatting A few words.After confirming that Choi Doo Il was still alive, and also had evidence of Han Jiangzhi and his Park Tae Soo's dealings with the Wild Dog Gang, Park Tae Soo left the club with an ugly expression.


Ma Jiadong looked at his eldest brother Ma Jiachang with some confusion, "Brother, why are you so polite to this prosecutor? We have his handle, so we can't help him not agreeing?!"

Ma Jiachang looked at his reckless younger brother, sighed, and said quietly, "Jiadong, you are now the person in charge of the security company, so you should be more prudent in handling things... Many things don't have to be solved with fists. This The prosecutor is still of great use to us, we have to find a way to pull him onto our boat."

Hearing what Ma Jiachang said, Ma Jiadong nodded thoughtfully.

------Dividing line------

In a large and luxuriously decorated club.

Chen Xingjun looked suspiciously at Section Chief Jin beside him, and couldn't help but reconfirm, "Section Chief Jin, are you sure the people here can help me?"

Section Chief Jin showed a confident smile on his face, "Xingjun, if you want to change the current situation, that big man inside will definitely help you. President Chen Yongji talked to the old president before, but failed to convince him. Change your mind, don't you?"

As soon as this matter was brought up, Chen Xingjun became very annoyed. He thought he was working hard, and even got along with those mud legs on the construction site. It can be said that he showed his hard-working side to the fullest.

But grandpa Chen Yangji, a stubborn old guy, actually said that he did a good job, let's continue on the construction site!Is this TM speaking human language?How can there be such a cruel grandfather!
He is the eldest grandson of the Shunyang Group, why should he spend his whole life atoning for his sins because of a momentary mistake?Who doesn't make mistakes when they are young?Hasn't he corrected it now? !


A few minutes later, Section Chief Jin brought Chen Xingjun to a large venue, where many men and women were dancing and cheering to celebrate.Chen Xingjun looked around curiously and found that there were many young and sexy women here, as well as many women who were dressed more maturely and elegantly.

What puzzled him the most was that in addition to some young men, there were also several middle-aged men in suits who were teasing some coolly dressed young beauties.

"Xingjun, let's go! The person you want to meet is in the corner over there!" Section Chief Jin patted Chen Xingjun on the shoulder, signaling him to follow him.


After a while, Chen Xingjun saw a middle-aged man wearing a suit and tie with meticulously combed hair. The man was just sitting here quietly, exuding an unspeakable majesty.Next to him, a woman wearing OL outfit was waiting on her carefully.

After seeing the middle-aged man, Section Chief Jin bowed respectfully, with some compliments on his face, and said with a smile, "President Han, I'm taking the liberty to come here this time to introduce someone for you. This is Chen Xingjun, the eldest grandson of Shunyang Group!"

It turns out that the person sitting here is Han Jiangzhi, the deputy director general of the prosecutorial headquarters, and the unrestrained people here are his subordinates, chaebols, and business representatives who ask him.As for the beauties swaying in the middle of the hall, some of them are "female public relations" brought by the chaebol, and some are fourth- and fifth-tier female stars of entertainment companies who have been caught in the wrong.

Han Jiangzhi looked at the restrained Chen Xingjun in front of him, and quickly thought of the sensational "Shunyang Group eldest grandson scandal" three years ago, and then a special smile appeared on his face, "So it's the eldest son of the Shunyang Group, I have admired your name for a long time~!"

Upon seeing this, Section Chief Jin took the opportunity to say, "Director Han, it's like this! Our Xingjun encountered some trouble before. I would like to invite Director Han to help us solve it."

Chen Xingjun on the side also nodded again and again, listening to the conversation between Section Chief Jin and the middle-aged man, he had already realized that the middle-aged man in front of him should be a senior official of the Procuratorate Headquarters. Such a big shot!It seems that God is giving him a chance to stand up!

"Help?" Han Jiangzhi looked at the two empty-handed people in front of him, and suddenly laughed, "Is this how you ask for help? I don't see any sincerity!"

Hearing what Han Jiangzhi said, Section Chief Jin quickly looked at Chen Xingjun, who took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it over respectfully, "Here is a little gift, please accept it!"

(End of this chapter)

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