Chapter 462 Arriving at Jeju Island

Hearing what Jin Xiuzhu said, Chen Daojun smiled awkwardly and secretly complained in his heart, Chen Xingjun is really short-sighted!He was so "upright" in his work, and he disliked the fact that Daewoo Group was about to go bankrupt, so he urgently wanted a divorce.

I have completely offended my former in-laws. The most terrible thing is that not only have they not gone bankrupt and become completely lonely, but they have annexed most of the Daewoo Group through a backdoor. Even if it is not as grand as the Daewoo Group at its peak, it is still better than the chaebols and companies at the bottom. A lot!
Chen Xingjun and even Chen Yongji and his wife are probably feeling regretful now, right?


Seeing Chen Daojun, Jin Xiuzhu didn't react, and didn't talk much about this topic, but quickly turned back to the topic, stared at Chen Daojun and said solemnly, "Daojun, if I tell you about the situation in Qiongzhou in Yanxia Kingdom, If it’s different, I’ll come to you again!”

"I will definitely not disappoint you! Welcome Sister Xiuzhu to visit again!" Chen Daojun said calmly.


------Dividing line------

Early on Saturday morning, Chen Daojun hurried to the airport with Mou Xianmin, who was still a little sleepy.

"Daojun, why did you book such an early flight?!" Mou Xianmin couldn't help complaining. Last night, Chen Daojun took her out to taste delicious exotic cuisine and go shopping before returning home very late.Then he took her to pack her luggage, and she didn't finish packing her luggage until midnight.

Mou Xianmin, who was used to catching up on sleep on weekends, only slept for a few hours this time, yawning continuously, and his eyes were a little hard to open.

Chen Daojun chuckled lightly, "We have an early flight, and the next flight will be close to noon. In that case, the schedule will be very tight. It's still half an hour from the airport, so you should sleep in the car for a while, and wait until you get to the airport. I’ll call you!”

"Well, then you can call me later." Mou Xianmin nodded, leaned on the seat and closed his eyes to rest.


When Chen Daojun and Chen Daojun arrived at the airport after completing the check-in and luggage check-in procedures, they went to the waiting room. Chen Daojun soon found Wu Luomin who was waiting not far away next to a lady, and the two seemed to be discussing something.

So Chen Daojun took Mou Xianmin's jade hand and walked over quickly.

"Lawyer Wu, how long have you been here?" Chen Daojun took Mou Xianmin and sat on the bench opposite Wu Luomin, looking across with a smile.

Wu Luomin saw his boss and his wife arrived, and greeted him with a smile, "It's not long since we arrived, and the president and Mr. Mou are also very early!"

Wu Luomin then introduced his girlfriend to the two of them - Jin Xiuying, the head of the market research department of Shanshang Department Store.Jin Xiuying greeted the two of them with some restraint, then sat quietly next to Wu Luomin and listened to the conversation of several people.


After more than an hour's flight, the four of them arrived at the airport in Jeju Island smoothly. The guide who had already been waiting here took the four of them to the hotel to check in.

But Mou Xianmin, who was still a little sleepy at first, was quickly attracted by the scenery outside the car window. It was completely different from the high-rise buildings in Seoul. There were no high-rise buildings here. There were lush trees on both sides, and the air was particularly fresh.

"This is the Haiwicher Resort Hotel. There is a Jeju Folk Village within walking distance from the hotel. More than 100 traditional houses from the 19s are preserved here. It can be said to be an outdoor natural museum. In front of the hotel is the endless sea. And the long coastline, you can fully enjoy the comfort of strolling on the beach after dinner.”

"On the side of the sea view room facing the sea, you can see the blue sea right in the room. In addition, the hotel has a variety of entertainment and leisure facilities, from indoor and outdoor swimming pools to restaurants, saunas, gyms, outdoor golf courses, etc. , you can also enjoy a pleasant time in the hotel when the weather is bad.”

The guide gave a detailed introduction to the four of them in the car, and Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Lawyer Wu, it seems that the hotel you recommended is pretty good!"

Wu Luomin smiled and replied, "Boss, you have already said that all accommodation expenses in Jeju Island will be reimbursed. Of course I will choose the best one!"

Chen Daojun couldn't help but twitched when he heard the words, and Mou Xianmin and Jin Xiuying couldn't help laughing when they heard the words, no wonder Wu Luomin came to arrange this very high-end resort hotel, it turned out that the boss Chen Daojun was able to reimburse him!

"...Wait a minute, the guest from Xiangjiang will also be arranged here?" Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment, and then asked.

"That's right, didn't you say that before? That person is your good friend and the person in charge of CJ Entertainment! The standard of entertainment can't be too low, it will make you lose face?" Wu Luomin said as a matter of course.

"...You guys have tricked me!" Chen Daojun was a little helpless. In order to appease Hong Zhiqing and asked her to complete the establishment of CJ Entertainment as soon as possible, he wrote a huge empty promise. After Hong Zhiqing completed her business, she arrived. When traveling to Jeju Island for a vacation, he, Chen, had all the expenses reimbursed~!

Wu Luomin was a little confused, isn't it just a relatively high-end resort hotel?Why is my boss so "excited"?

"The person in charge of CJ Entertainment? Is that Hong Zhiqing?" Mou Xianmin was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that as the second-in-command of SBS TV station, Mou Xianmin had naturally heard of it and even seen photos of Hong Zhiqing.

A young, beautiful and strong woman with a strong aura is still holding a huge amount of wealth in Xiangjiang!It is said that the Starlight Investment Company under her control made huge profits during the Asian financial turmoil in 97, and the assets under the company's management have reached more than 20000 trillion Korean won!They are almost catching up with the top-ranked big companies in Bangzi Country!
Moreover, his father-in-law's Runhai Film and Television Company was also bought by the other party and renamed the Bangziguo branch of CJ Entertainment.

Fortunately, even if Chen Daojun had a good relationship with a beautiful and wealthy woman like Hong Zhiqing, it still couldn't change the fact that she was Chen Daojun's real girlfriend and future wife, and Chen Daojun was going to marry her next month.Otherwise, the pressure on her fiancee would be too great!


After Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin checked in, they quickly took the elevator to the luxury suite on the top floor of the hotel.Looking at the European-style, spacious and bright room in front of him, Chen Daojun nodded with satisfaction, feeling a little tongue-tied, "No wonder the cost is so high! The configuration is so complete, it's almost as good as a well-decorated large-bedroom apartment!"

"Wow! You can directly see the sea view!" Mou Xianmin looked around in the room, and was finally shocked by the scenery outside the balcony!

Looking around, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Jeju Island. In the distance are the seaside rocks and rough waves. This is very novel for Mo Xianmin, who is used to high-rise buildings in Seoul!
(End of this chapter)

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