The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 465 The Surprised People, The Destruction of the Wild Dog Gang

Chapter 465 The Surprised People, The Destruction of the Wild Dog Gang
"Ahem..., I drank too much and hit the wall yesterday..." Wu Luomin originally thought that he could get away with it, but Chen Daojun directly changed the topic to him in order to divert the attention of several people.Seeing that there was no way to escape, Wu Luomin could only make up a random reason.

But such an outrageous reason was obviously unconvincing. Chen Daojun looked at the embarrassed Wu Luomin and then at Jin Xiuying who was a little guilty. He quickly came up with a guess and smiled at the two of them before saying anything more.


"Daojun, I received news two days ago that Vodafone in Europe is raising funds, and wants to defeat Mannesmann and take back Orange. They seem to be seeking cooperation from Goldman Sachs." Hong Zhiqing recalled He reminded Chen Daojun of the news he got before.

"It's true. News has come from Goldman Sachs Group." Chen Daojun nodded in agreement, finished a piece of steak in front of him, took another sip of mushroom soup, and said calmly, "But the funds Vodafone needs are really too much. If there is too much, even if Goldman Sachs Group can take it out, the risk is not small!”

"Huh? Financial giants like Goldman Sachs Group are also at risk?" Chen Daojun's words surprised Mou Xianmin. As Chen Daojun's pillow, Goldman Sachs Group is one of the Wall Street financial giants she is very familiar with and controls hundreds of billions of assets. He also made a lot of money during the Internet investment boom in the past two years!

How much money does Vodafone have to borrow before Goldman Sachs feels the risk is not small? !

Hong Zhiqing, Wu Luomin and Jin Xiuying also looked at Chen Daojun curiously, looking forward to his next answer.

Chen Daojun shook his eyebrows, and said with a smirk, "You are so concerned about the Goldman Sachs Group, do you expect the Goldman Sachs Group to give you subsidies? I haven't heard that the Goldman Sachs Group has this benefit recently!"

When Mou Xianmin and others saw Chen Daojun, he only spoke half of what he said, and he still played tricks at the critical moment, but they were very angry.

Wu Luomin said helplessly, "Boss, please finish the matter! This is only halfway through, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help but want to greet you!"

The three women next to her felt the same about Wu Luomin's words, but out of women's reservedness, they didn't make a sound.

"Lawyer Wu, I can't see how brave you are!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Since you are so curious, it's okay to tell you!"

"According to Vodafone's plan, if they want to defeat Mannesmann and take back Orange, they will need more than hundreds of billions of dollars! Although Vodafone's market value exceeds 2000 billion, that is only the market value. It’s not bad to have tens of billions!”

"Hiss! Doesn't that mean that Vodafone is likely to borrow more than hundreds of billions of dollars from Goldman Sachs Group? That is 120 trillion won?!" Wu Luomin was stunned by the astronomical figures. Mo Xianmin and Kim Xiuying stood aside. His face was also filled with astonishment!

Hong Zhiqing took a sip of the thick soup, suppressed the surprise in her heart, and asked, "So? Will Goldman Sachs agree to this cooperation? Will it provide Vodafone with a loan?"

This question is related to the tangible benefits of whether she can make a fortune from the billions of Hutchison Whampoa stocks she holds next!
"If there is no accident, Goldman Sachs will agree to this cooperation! It's just that Vodafone needs to mortgage a lot of assets. After all, the loan amount they need is too amazing!" Chen Daojun said with some emotion.

"Then I'm relieved!" Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Hong Zhiqing couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. In this case, Li Jiacheng, who holds a part of the shares of Mannesmann Company, will definitely be able to win the battle between Vodafone and Mannesmann. , it is very likely to profit from it again, just like the sale of Orange last year made hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars!
Mou Xianmin came back to her senses and looked at Hong Zhiqing who was calm. She felt a little discouraged. Is the gap between herself and Hong Zhiqing so big?When the other party heard Chen Daojun talking about hundreds of billions of dollars, he acted so calmly, but he actually got distracted!


Due to the drinking last night, several people's schedule had to be adjusted. After lunch, Hong Zhiqing went to meet her assistant and bodyguard.After some discussion, Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin finally decided to cancel the next wedding shoot.

It's rare to come out on the weekend, so you can't spend all your time on such cumbersome things as wedding photos, and among the many wedding photos they took yesterday, they selected a few with good angles as alternatives, and used them in the wedding ceremony later , is more than enough.

Chen Daojun and Wu Luomin took their female companions along for sightseeing, and even experienced activities such as sailing and diving. They did not return to the hotel until nightfall.

------Dividing line------

Compared to the cheerful atmosphere here in Jeju Province, the situation in the Wild Dog Gang far away in Busan is not so good!Jin Yingxiu, the boss of the Wild Dog Gang, looked at his subordinates who had returned empty-handed from the Seoul area with an unhappy look on his face, "Axiba! This time Seoul didn't provide any funds at all?!"

The subordinate said with some embarrassment, "Boss, something happened over there in Seoul! Cui Dou-ri and the people in the branch there don't know what happened, and they can't seem to be found! Even at the stronghold of the Wild Dog Gang, they are nowhere to be found. Find a Dingo Gang member!"

"...Could we have encountered some problem?" Jin Yingxiu's originally fierce expression suddenly froze. This was the first time he encountered this situation!
"Is it possible that Choi Dou Il is hiding from us on purpose? He doesn't want to hand over the collected funds?... But this is wrong! It's impossible not to find anyone..."

Just when Jin Yingxiu was puzzled, Ma Zai on the side said, "Boss, did something happen to those guys? After all, the Seoul area is the territory of the White Tiger Society..."

"Impossible! That guy Han Jiangzhi is at the prosecutor's headquarters in Seoul right now. If something really happens to the wild dog gang over there, he will definitely have news!" Jin Yingxiu retorted. In his opinion, he belonged to Han Jiangzhi. "A powerful man", these years, the Wild Dog Gang has not only handled dirty work for him, but also helped him obtain a lot of wealth. If someone starts to attack the Wild Dog Gang, he will never sit idly by!


As a result, before Jin Yingxiu and others could analyze any clues, that night, multiple strongholds and headquarters of the Wild Dog Gang were attacked. Hundreds of members of the Wild Dog Gang were captured by the opponent. Under the desperate fight, he blazed a trail of blood and escaped by chance.

But they finally managed to break out of the siege and escaped to a hidden stronghold to rest.As a result, he was caught by the attackers who had been waiting here for a long time!

Those who attacked the Wild Dog Gang were members of the White Tiger Club and hundreds of special operations personnel who had already lurked in the Busan area.

In order to catch all the members of the Wild Dog Gang in one fell swoop, Huang Mao and Ma Jiadong, who led the team, after some discussion, arranged for many clever members to visit the locations in advance to clearly understand the situation of the Wild Dog Gang's strongholds!
(End of this chapter)

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