The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 467 Chen Dongji's strategy, Chen Yangji's reaction

Chapter 467 Chen Dongji's strategy, Chen Yangji's reaction

People are selfish, and often the first thing they consider is their own immediate interests. When other people affect their interests, they often distance themselves from the other party immediately.This is true for Chen Xingjun, and it is also true for Chen Yongji and Sun Zhenglai.


It's just that this time, Zheng Youxiang and her cousin Han Jiangzhi who met by accident are undoubtedly the most suitable marriage partners in these years.With the help of being the deputy chief of the Prosecutor's Headquarters, it is much easier to deal with Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong!

After all, what the prosecutors of Bangzi Kingdom are best at is digging up other people's black material, and using this black material to attack certain people and make them notorious!

Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong have been running Shunyang Fire Insurance Company, Shunyang Chemical and Shunyang Department Store for so many years, so there must be some shady activities. When the time comes, let Han Jiangzhi help investigate and dig out the two of them. Then Chen Yongji will beat them both. , Isn't the matter of winning the management right of Shunyang Group a certainty? !
------Dividing line------

"President, according to the feedback from our people. President Chen Yongji's family seems to have made a small move. Sun Zhenglai and the old lady arranged a blind date for Chen Xingjun. The other party is a female prosecutor from the Procuratorate Headquarters!" The collected information was reported to Chen Dongji.

"They introduced a blind date to that prodigal son of Chen Xingjun again? Or a female prosecutor?" Chen Dongji had a mocking look on his face, as if he looked down on their actions.

"But this female prosecutor's background is not small! She has a cousin. According to our investigation, this man is the deputy chief of the prosecutor's headquarters——Han Jiangzhi, who was just transferred from the Busan area two years ago! Mr. Wei Jin has a very good relationship!"

Executive Bai handed over a photo he had taken, which showed Chen Xingjun and Zheng Youxiang eating and talking in a restaurant.

"The deputy chief of the prosecutorial headquarters?!" Chen Dongji was very surprised. How could such a big shot agree to let his relatives be with such a notorious guy like Chen Xingjun?Even if the name of Shunyang Group is resounding, Chen Xingjun has been sent to the bottom by Chen Yangji for 3 years to fend for himself!
After being allocated for so long, other chaebols and powerful people would not think that such an "abandoned son" would have a chance to make a comeback. Therefore, in the past few years, no matter how Sun Zhenglai and Chen Yongji tried to find a way, they were still willing to date Chen Xingjun. There are very few rich ladies.

"This guy, doesn't he think that Chen Xingjun, a prodigal son, is useful, and wants to support him as a puppet, so as to influence Shunyang Group and seek benefits?" Chen Dongji put the photo on the table, and pointed the pen in the photo Han Jiangzhi, with a playful smile on his face.

"According to the analysis of the data obtained from our investigation, it is very possible! This Han Jiangzhi is an ambitious person. When he was working in the Busan area, he had frequent contacts with local chaebols and large companies. Now that he is promoted to the deputy director general of the Procuratorate Headquarters, he will miss it. A behemoth like Shunyang Group is also expected.”

Bai Changwu calmly analyzed that, according to his calculations and analysis, this Han Jiangzhi is not only ambitious, but also has a very good fortune these years. All the way through the promotion, he became the second in command of the current prosecutor team, gaining power for a while!
"This is interesting. I don't know if my elder brother is really stupid or just pretending to be stupid, but he actually colluded with such an ambitious person. Hmph! If those outsiders take advantage of the wolf in the house, I'll see how he will explain to his father !" Chen Dongji had a gloomy expression on his face, as if he was very disdainful of Chen Yongji's plan.

"Executive Bai, spread this news to Shunyang Department Store! I want to see, if this woman Chen Huarong knows what Chen Yongji has done, will she join forces with her to entrap my second brother!" Chen Dongji will soon have Decided, exhorted to Standing Bai.

"Yes, Vice President!" Bai Changwu said respectfully.


Although he has tried many times over the years, wanting to get in touch with Wu Shixian, the vice president of the Miracle Group, but the other party seems to be unimpressed with him, the vice president of the Shunyang Group, and instead maintains a relationship with Chen Huarong and his wife A good relationship, which made him both envious and resentful!
What did the Miracle Group think?He, the vice president of the Shunyang Group, is shrewd and capable, and they are too lazy to talk to him. Instead, it is Chen Huarong, an arrogant and brainless woman, that Wu Shixian helped her solve many troubles, and even brought her to participate in the establishment of the e-buy department store. , earning a lot of profits from Yanxia Kingdom in the next year.

Cui Changji, the useless son-in-law of the Chen family in Shunyang, was able to survive. With the support of the Miracle Group, he firmly took the throne of the mayor of Seoul and became one of the few frontier officials in the Bangzi Kingdom!

However, the fact that Miracle Group is unwilling to cooperate with him does not mean that he cannot use the power of Miracle Group.He only needs to pass certain information to Chen Huarong, and with her help, he can still get Miracle Group involved and achieve his goal!
And neither Chen Huarong nor Wu Shixian would have thought that the mastermind behind using them was him, Chen Dongji, who was in the opposite camp!

Don't look at him being often criticized by Chen Yangji for his great achievements and cleverness, that's probably what he showed!At the critical moment, he pushed wittyly!


The actions of Sun Zhenglai, Chen Xingjun and even Li Biyu naturally failed to hide the old man in his seventies from Zhengxinzhai's study.

Director Li immediately reported to Chen Yangji about the blind date meeting between Chen Xingjun and Zheng Youxiang, and also pointed out the relationship between Zheng Youxiang and Han Jiangzhi.

However, Chen Yangji, who was very strict in the past, didn't seem to care about this matter, and said flatly, "So, Mr. Li, how do you think I should handle this matter?"

"This... I'm not in a position to comment on the president's family affairs. However, the secretary's office has also sorted out the information about Han Jiangzhi in detail. He is indeed a ruthless person. He was transferred from Busan to Seoul in just a few years. The resume of the Procuratorate Headquarters can be seen." Director Li said while handing over the documents in his hand.

Compared with the Shunyang Fire Insurance Company, the secretarial office of the Shunyang Group has more detailed information, and even the secrets of Han Jiangzhi's relationship with the boss of the Wild Dog Gang, Jin Yingxiu, have been investigated clearly.

Chen Yangji flipped through the information in his hand, and a sneer appeared on his calm face, "He is indeed a character, and his methods are quite good~! No wonder he was able to make a big splash in the Busan area!"

"By the way, Han Jiangzhi met with Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group, not long ago. It seemed that he wanted to discuss something with him. However, Han Jiangzhi later left Miracle Group in anger. It seemed that he failed to achieve his goal!" Director Li remembered. A piece of information obtained by the secretary's office last week was reported to Chen Yangjihui.

(End of this chapter)

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