Chapter 469 Angry Han Jiangzhi

Prosecutor's Headquarters, Deputy Chief Han Jiangzhi's office.

Han Jiangzhi, who was still feeling proud that his plan was about to succeed, suddenly felt terrible after his subordinate Yang Dongzhe came in to report!

"...Are you saying that Jin Yingxiu from Busan has disappeared? And the high-level members of the Wild Dog Gang have not been found? What about the other members of the Wild Dog Gang? It is impossible for hundreds of people to disappear?!" Han Jiangzhi pulled the tie under his neck, and then said in a low tone.

These guys from the Wild Dog Gang know that Han Jiangzhi has done a lot of dirty things over the years. If any guy is not strict with his mouth and says something that shouldn't be said, he, the vice president, will inevitably be affected!

"The horsemen of the Wild Dog Gang are still there, but they mentioned that in the middle of the night two days ago, a group of people suddenly attacked all the Wild Dog Gang's locations in the Busan area, and even their headquarters was taken away!"

"...They speculated that those high-level officials, including the boss, might have been captured by the attackers!" Yang Dongzhe hesitated for a while and replied bravely.

"Axiba! What kind of international joke are you making?! Don't the wild dog gang have thousands of younger brothers? How could they be attacked by a group of people who suddenly appeared, and the whole army was wiped out?!" Han Jiangzhi laughed angrily, so The outrageous result is really unbelievable!

That's a large club with thousands of people!If you say no, it will be gone?Is the fighting power of the wild dog gang so bad?

Yang Dongzhe said with some embarrassment, "Deputy Chief, according to the memories of those younger brothers, the weapons that attacked them were too advanced! Electric batons, tear gas, anesthetic bombs... They almost thought some army came to arrest them! "

"And the next day they gathered their scattered brothers to take revenge on these sneak attacks. As a result, they searched the entire Busan area and found those people, as if they disappeared out of thin air..." Yang Dongzhe's voice became lower and lower as he spoke. His understanding of Han Jiangzhi, this kind of thing...

"..." Hearing such a nonsense explanation, Han Jiangzhi stopped talking nonsense, and directly smashed the ashtray on the side towards Yang Dongzhe!

"Axiba! It's fine that these bastards were wiped out by the gang, and they made up such an outrageous story, do you think I look like a fool?" Han Jiangzhi roared angrily.

"Where's the local public security bureau? Where's the prosecutor's office?! To be able to annihilate so many people from the Wild Dog Gang, there must be a lot of people on the other side. How could they all disappear overnight?!"

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the office building in the inspection headquarters is good, otherwise the two of them talking loudly may be overheard by others!


Seeing that his senior Yang Dongzhe's head had been smashed to pieces, Park Tae-soo on the side hurriedly stepped forward to check the injury, and quickly took out his handkerchief to stop the bleeding.

"Deputy Chief, now that things have happened, it will not help if you are angry anymore. Right now, we need to investigate the people who made the move as soon as possible and rescue Jin Yingxiu!" Park Taishu said bravely. If he didn't stop it, God knows, what would happen? Will the furious Han Jiangzhi beat Yang Dongzhe seriously?

At this critical moment, without Yang Dongzhe to help share the pressure, how could he handle so many complicated and troublesome things on his own?Wasn't it Park Tae-soo who was unlucky in the end?

Hearing this, Han Jiangzhi took a deep breath, then suppressed his anger, and turned to Park Tae-soo, "... Now that things have come to this point, what good idea do you have?"

Park Taizhu then quickly turned his brain, thinking about everything that happened before, and then said bravely, "Vice President, Yang Dongzhe has been with you for so long, naturally he will not use this kind of thing to deceive you. !”

"But so many people from the other party came to Busan suddenly, wiped out the wild dog gang, and were able to retreat in such a short period of time, it must not be possible for ordinary forces!"

"There is a festival with the Wild Dog Gang, and the strength is quite strong... Only the White Tiger Club in Seoul!"

"Before, they destroyed all the strongholds of the Wild Dog Gang in the Seoul area and captured Choi Dou-il alive. It makes sense that they would attack the Wild Dog Gang in Busan!"

"...Then how did they disappear out of thin air? It's impossible for so many people to fly away?" Han Jiangzhi quickly considered another problem. Since the White Tiger Club did it, Seoul and Busan are 500 kilometers apart. With so many kilometers and so many people crossing the border, there must be news from these places passing by!
"Sea route, they must have gone there by sea!" Yang Dongzhe, who was covering his head at the side, seemed to have figured out the key point, and quickly answered, "The White Tiger Club and this Miracle Group have always been good, if the other party borrows the sea from Han Jin Shipping Company The boat goes to the Busan area without passing through the cities along the way!"

Hearing what Yang Dongzhe said, Han Jiangzhi and Park Taesu suddenly realized!Isn't it just shipping? !So many people passing on the road will definitely be noticed, and thousands of people flying on the plane will also attract attention.

Only by borrowing a large ship from the shipping company to go by sea, you can detour to Busan without anyone noticing, and give the wild dog gang a blow!

"Vice President, the White Tiger Society and the Miracle Group must have other plans. We can talk to them again. As long as the other party's conditions are not too excessive, we can get those people out first! We will find a way to deal with the White Tiger Society and the Miracle Group later. Miracle Group!"

Park Tae-soo, who was born as a bastard, soon found a solution. Now that the situation is pressing, it is obvious that there will be no good results if you fight against the White Tiger Club and the Miracle Group. It is better to sit down and talk with the other party, and get through the troubles before you. !

When Han Jiangzhi heard this from his confidant subordinate, his already angry face became even more ugly, "Axiba! Can't this guy come up with something better?! Tell me to ask that Wu Shixian for peace? I, Han Jiangzhi, don't want to lose face What?!"

The angry Han Jiangzhi kicked Park Tae-soo directly in the stomach, and the defenseless Park Tae-soo was kicked and hit the cabinet behind him, with a painful expression on his face.

Yang Dongzhe did not expect that his junior could not escape Han Jiangzhi's reprimand by force.This appearance seemed to be more serious than his own injury, but he didn't dare to say anything more, so as not to provoke Han Jiangzhi to continue violence against them!

After more than ten minutes, Han Jiangzhi told the two to get out of his office.Han Jiangzhi, who stayed in the office, recalled the glory days of the busan area before, and then thought of the negotiation with Wu Shixian of the Miracle Group last time.
Not only did I ask my subordinates to meet Wu Shixian, but I also waited for the visit in person, and my attitude was very polite. I wanted to ask the other party to let Chen Xingjun go, but this Wu Shixian refused to give up an inch, and even brought out black materials about the wild dog gang and Cui Douil. Threatening him made him sick!

(End of this chapter)

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