The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 477 Chen Huarong and his wife’s plan

Chapter 477 Chen Huarong and his wife’s plan
Hearing her husband's analysis, Chen Huarong burst out laughing, "Then if they knew, Chen Xingjun offended Chairman Wu of Miracle Group, or was it because he wanted to steal Chairman Wu's fiancée that he was treated like this? In response, the expression must be very exciting, right? Hahaha!"

Chen Huarong was also curious at the beginning. How could Chen Xingjun, who is so good-looking, be so spoofed suddenly? After all, he is also the eldest grandson of the Shunyang Group. If he offends the Shunyang Group, isn't he afraid of causing big trouble?
It was not until Chen Huarong later received the news that Wu Shixian was married to Park Chung Hee, the granddaughter of the old chairman of Doosan Group, that she realized that the person who was causing trouble for Chen Xingjun was none other than Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group!
Because the Chen family wanted to marry Chen Xingjun to the daughter of the Doosan Group!Wu Shixian, who is his fiancé, can swallow this breath, it's a ghost!

Hearing his wife's teasing, Cui Changji smiled and said, "That's what I say, but maybe this Han Jiangzhi has other tricks? He can be promoted from a minister in the Busan area to the deputy chief, he must be very capable~ !"

Cui Changji thought of the bitter experience when the procuratorate in Seoul "suffered" for more than ten years and made no progress, and felt a little emotional.

Fortunately, not only is he now prominent, he has successfully transformed from a small prosecutor to become the mayor of Seoul, with a high position and authority, and he is completely proud of himself in the Chen family in Shunyang, and his status has also been greatly improved.The only regret is that his wife failed to give birth to a son and a half daughter. Who will benefit from the wealth they have saved in the future?
Cui Changji looked at Chen Huarong who was in a good mood and told the latest news, "Recently, the Cheong Wa Dae is revising new laws and regulations related to the cultural industry. Mr. Jin plans to continue to develop our cultural industry and increase the number of The support of related companies!"

Hearing what her husband said, Chen Huarong was a little puzzled, "Is Mr. Jin crazy? Why should we support the cultural industry for no reason? Do we still expect those stars and artists to make money and pay taxes? Even if those stars have filmed a few How much money can you make if your work becomes famous? In the end, don’t you expect us entities to pay most of the taxes?!”

In her view, the cultural industry does not generate much benefit. Rather than being an emerging industry, it is more of a gimmick and a toy like playing house.This understanding is not only hers, many people in power in large companies also have similar views!They are just unattractive "toys" tinkered with by impractical young people and rich young men who are too ashamed of their money!
Do you really want to count on entertainment companies and game companies to make money?I'm afraid it's just an idiot's dream!

Seeing that Chen Huarong hadn't understood the key yet, Cui Changji had to explain patiently, "I met a friend from the Finance Department in the past two days and learned some amazing news from him!"

"The income and taxes paid by our top domestic game companies and entertainment companies are close to those of some listed companies! Especially Nexon Game Entertainment Company and SuperMuseum Company, the taxes paid last year exceeded 100 billion won, based on 25% The tax policy is paid in full!"

This inside information from Cui Changji surprised Chen Huarong!It's just incredible that these two industries that are easily overlooked and even have little status can have companies that pay tens of billions of taxes!
"And the most interesting thing is that the boss behind these two companies is Chen Daojun! I used to think that he was just like his father who worked in game companies and entertainment companies, but he actually made a name for himself. !"

"I have to admit that my father-in-law has a sharp vision! Among the younger generations of the Chen family, Chen Daojun is the one with the most investment vision and management ability!"

"Whether it's Disneyland, a game company, an entertainment company or a law firm, each of them can be the leader in the industry!" Cui Changji said with emotion, "My dear wife, if you have time, you might as well contact this guy Chen Daojun. , maybe we can get unexpected benefits from him!"

"Chen Runji is also very lucky. The film and television company he runs was actually acquired and became the headquarters of CJ Entertainment in Bangzi Country. It is surprising!"

"You want me to have more contact with that boy Chen Daojun? Are you stupid?! I don't have a good relationship with his family to begin with!" Chen Huarong was a little furious. What kind of evil idea did Cui Changji come up with?Don’t you know that she has always looked down on the fourth child, Chen Runji, and his family?Now she is asked to take the initiative to get closer. Isn't this disgusting?

Regarding Chen Huarong's reaction, Cui Changji seemed to have expected it. He smiled and comforted, "No matter what, he is still your nephew, and you two have no deep hatred... I remember that Chen Daojun has frequent business dealings with Miracle Group. Right? If it doesn't work out, we can ask President Wu to help us make peace, and there will definitely be no problem."

"Chen Daojun is not interested in Shunyang Group. If we can win over him, we will have many advantages in the subsequent war for the management rights of Shunyang Group!"

"My dear wife, you have worked hard for so long, are you going to give up the opportunity to fight for the management rights of Shunyang Group just because of some personal emotions?" A gleam flashed in Cui Changji's eyes. These two people who work in the Seoul General Office Over the years, his capacity and mind have grown a lot, and his horizons have also broadened a lot.

In his opinion, small frictions between Chen Huarong and Chen Runji's family are just trivial matters. If he wants to achieve something big (win the management rights of Shunyang Group), Chen Huarong alone will definitely not be able to do it.Only by getting strong foreign aid (Miracle Group), winning over other members of the Chen family, and increasing your own chips can you have the last laugh!
Hearing what Cui Changji said, Chen Huarong fell silent.Although she was still a little reluctant, she knew in her heart that what her husband said was the truth. It would be extremely difficult for a woman to defeat her two brothers and become the leader of the Shunyang Group!
Father Chen Yangji is a man who attaches great importance to tradition, which can be seen from his previous insistence on the primogeniture system.As the daughter of the Shunyang Group, she was at a disadvantage. The most fatal part was that she and Cui Changji had no offspring.Adding the two together, if she wants to buck the trend and win the Shunyang Group, she cannot rely on the strength of one person alone.

(Note: After the financial crisis, Cheong Wa Dae unprecedentedly proposed the strategy of "building a nation through culture". Based on this strategy, Cheong Wa Dae promulgated a number of cultural industry-related regulations such as the "Basic Law for the Promotion of Cultural Industries", and established the "Cultural Industry Promotion Agency" and many other laws. cultural industry-related institutions. The strategic focus of "building a country through culture" is not only the development of the well-known film and television and music industries, but also includes games, e-sports, tourism and other fields.)
(End of this chapter)

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