The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 487 Preparations before the wedding

Chapter 487 Preparations before the wedding
Chen Hengjun looked at Chen Daojun with some resentment, good guy, I just thought of a reason to deal with my father, and my own brother came to tear things down, it's too much~!

Sure enough, before Chen Hengjun could quibble, Chen Runji frowned when he heard what his youngest son said, "Daojun is right, Hengjun, you are not too young. You have to hurry up as a big brother! Now that your mother and I are still young, we can still take care of our children..."

Chen Hengjun is completely speechless, he is not married yet, his father has even considered the issue of the child, should the progress be pushed so fast? !He obviously couldn't keep up!

In the room, Li Hairen and Mou Xianmin, his daughter-in-law, were discussing about the wedding in a few days, such as how many dresses to prepare, which jewelry to prepare... The wedding in Bangziguo does not require a best man and a bridesmaid, and the wedding of the two of them , and other matters that need to be paid attention to are all taken care of by the old lady of Zhengxinzhai.They just need to pay attention to some details and it's OK!
"Xianmin, your wedding to Daojun is a Western-style wedding. Your mother-in-law needs to hold you on stage and hand you over to Daojun!" Li Hairen looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile. Her marriage to Chen Runji was not approved by the Chen family. , the wedding was held relatively crudely, which was a regret she always had in her heart.

Fortunately, my youngest son is very upbeat. Not only did he bring his family back to the Chen family in Shunyang, but he found a very good girlfriend. Even the two elders, Chen Yangji and Li Biyu, were very satisfied. The old lady even offered to help Chen Daojun Zhang Luo's wedding, this treatment is much better than that of Chen Runji, who is a father!
(Western-style wedding process: Waiting for the guests to sit down, the master of ceremonies first asks the mothers of both parties to come to the stage and light candles that symbolize eternal love. The groom’s mother lights red candles, and the bride’s mother lights blue candles. Then, the groom comes to the stage, Give a grand salute to all the guests, bow ninety degrees, and then stand on the right side of the stage, waiting to welcome the bride. In the sound of romantic music, the curtain opens, and the mother leads the bride slowly onto the stage and finally hands the bride to the groom... )

During dinner, Li Hairen looked at Chen Daojun who was working hard to cook, and asked, "Daojun, have you notified all the guests invited to the wedding these two days? Is there anyone missing?"

Chen Daojun paused for a while, and then replied with a smile, "Grandma helped me to get this done. You should have been notified after all, right? As for whether there will be any missing personnel?... I want to make good relations with the law firm again." Yes, and Wu Shixian from the Miracle Group is enough to call over."

"Call President Wu over? Wouldn't this... be a bit inappropriate?" Chen Runji frowned when he heard his son say this, hesitantly asked.

Although Chen Runji and the others knew the true relationship between Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun long ago, the others didn't know it!If Wu Shixian was present, it would definitely cause quite a stir.

And if Wu Shixian showed that he was very close to Chen Daojun, wouldn't his three brothers and sisters be secretly jealous, and what would happen?After all, the ostensible person in charge of the Miracle Group is even more powerful than Chen Yangji, the leader of the Shunyang Group, so it is inevitable to wonder whether Chen Daojun will participate in the battle for the succession of the Shunyang Group.

Facing Chen Runji's worries, Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Dad, grandpa already knows about my relationship with the Miracle Group, and the law firm already has a good relationship with the Miracle Group. In the name of a friend, invite him to the wedding , makes sense!"

"Even if those uncles and aunts have ideas, what can they do? If you have to trouble me, even if you don't use Miracle Group, I have other means to make them suffer the consequences!"

Now, in addition to the Miracle Group, Chen Daojun also controls the largest society in Seoul, hundreds of special operations personnel, the largest law firm in the country, and two senior prosecutors from the prosecution headquarters, who will give him trouble. It is easy for people to create some difficulties!


Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Chen Runji was relieved. After all, they had always been cautious before. Even though their strength had been greatly improved, they still behaved calmly, just because they were afraid of offending the rest of the Chen family by being too high-profile. suspicion and hostility.

Sometimes he doesn't understand that although Shunyang Group is one of the few super-large enterprises in China, it is still burdened with astonishing debts. Even if this kind of enterprise is snatched, it may be a hot potato, right?
Just because you owe so much money doesn’t mean you won’t have to pay it back in the future!And you have to pay high interest and a huge amount of principal every year, which is a stressful situation!
And the Runhai Film and Television Company (now the CJ Entertainment branch of Bangziguo) founded and operated by himself is only about the same size as some subsidiaries of Shunyang Group, but it can make a steady stream of profits every year without any burden. There is not much pressure on assets and running the company.


Shunyang Fire Insurance Company, President's Office.

Listening to Executive Bai's report, Chen Dongji couldn't help laughing loudly, "My eldest nephew is really unlucky! Less than a week after the wedding, my eldest uncle was prosecuted by the prosecutor's office and is now missing. ! The marriage with Daewoo Group three years ago was also the same situation!"

"Not long after we got married, something happened in the woman's family! Tsk, tsk, tsk, I just don't know what choice this boy will make? Will he divorce his new wife like before?!" Chen Dongji said gloatingly.

At the beginning, he thought that Chen Yongji would agree to Chen Xingjun's marriage because he took a fancy to the woman, the relative and contacts of the deputy chief of the prosecutor's office, and wanted to bring in strong support to save him from the disadvantage.This also put a lot of pressure on him. After all, the domestic procuratorate still has considerable authority.

If the two of them join forces to target the companies under his umbrella and look for clues to gain leverage on him, it will be difficult for him to do so without leakage.

It's just that such an "interesting" thing happened in just a few days. The District Prosecutor's Office prosecuted Deputy Chief Han Jiangzhi on multiple charges. The other party received the news and ran away (disappeared) in advance. Such a dramatic scene not only caused Chen Jiangzhi to Yongji's family was dumbfounded, and even his "competitor" was confused!
"Vice President, although Han Jiangzhi, the vice president, is gone, Chen Xingjun's wife is a prosecutor at the Procuratorate Headquarters, and she was not implicated this time. There is still a certain risk for us, so we can't relax our vigilance." Bai Changwu saw Seeing that Chen Dongji was so happy, he couldn't help reminding him.

(End of this chapter)

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