Chapter 490 Wedding Banquet
"You bastard, you are so accurate! President Wu actually came to attend the wedding of this boy Chen Daojun!" Chen Huarong was a little surprised. When Cui Changji told him about it before, she still didn't believe it.

After all, although Shuguang Law Firm's status in the legal industry has been rising steadily in the past two years, and was even once known as the "No. [-] Law Firm in Bangzi Country", their cooperation with Miracle Group is only an ordinary business transaction, and Shuguang also It is not Miracle Group’s exclusive legal team.

Cui Changji smiled and explained, "My dear wife, have you forgotten? The wife of this guy Chen Daojun is the deputy director of SBS TV station. With SBS TV station's core position among the subsidiaries of Miracle Group, it is not a bad idea for Wu Shixian to come to support him. Care about your subordinates.”

Hearing what Cui Changji said, Chen Huarong's originally awkward mood felt much better.


Chen Dongji looked at the middle-aged man who seemed to be the focus of the banquet in the distance, snorted coldly, and stared fixedly at him. If he hadn't been sane, he really wanted to step forward and teach this guy a lesson!
He still remembers that a few years ago he wanted to get close to the Miracle Group, wanted to cooperate with the other party and was even willing to give up part of the benefits, but was ruthlessly rejected by the other party, which made him embarrassing and embarrassing!

As for Chen Yongji, he glanced at it with an indifferent expression, and then quickly shifted his gaze, as if he didn't pay attention to the lively scene over there.

On the other hand, Chen Xingjun's smiling face froze when he saw Wu Shixian. He didn't expect to find this "enemy" at Chen Daojun's wedding that he hadn't recovered from for three years!If it wasn't for Wu Shixian, he wouldn't be disgusted by Chen Yangji, and he wouldn't be sent to a construction site to work hard with a group of lowly construction workers~!

Zheng Youxiang on the side quickly noticed Chen Xingjun's abnormality. Looking at her husband who was about to lose control, Zheng Youxiang quickly grabbed Chen Xingjun's arm, and then whispered in his ear, "Now everyone in the Chen family is even Most of the dignitaries, chaebols, and business representatives from Bangzi Kingdom are all present, if you can’t control your emotions, then our family will have to pay a huge price for your recklessness!”

Hearing what Zheng Youxiang said, Chen Xingjun turned his head and glared at Zheng Youxiang fiercely, but the other party showed no fear at all and looked at him calmly, "Your anger will not have any effect. On the contrary, it will You will become the laughing stock of your second uncle and your aunt. They must be eager for you to get into trouble, right?"

"You... hum! Although I don't hit women, my patience is limited!" Zheng Youxiang's words hit Chen Xingjun's core. Although this made him calm down a lot, it also successfully suppressed his anger. Transferred to this woman who dared to "provoke" him!
Seeing Chen Xingjun divert his attention, Zheng Youxiang breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Chen Xingjun would lose his mind and rush to trouble Wu Shixian!When the time comes, Wu Shixian will not need to take action, there will definitely be a large number of people willing to stop it, or even teach Chen Xingjun a lesson. Even Chen Yangji, the old president of Shunyang Group, may cause trouble for Chen Xingjun!

Seeing more and more people flocking here, Wu Shixian simply smiled and nodded to the many dignitaries, chaebols, and business representatives who greeted him, and then said calmly, "I'm here to attend the wedding this time. , not related to official business, if you have other matters, you can come to Miracle Group to find me!"

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, everyone who was still a little eager to give it a try suppressed their thoughts. They are all human beings. Wu Shixian has said so. If they come forward and pull other things from him, they are ignorant. , Don’t give face to this President Wu!

As time went on, the ceremony of the wedding soon began.Chen Daojun stood on the stage in a white suit, quietly waiting for the master of ceremonies to announce the next steps.

As the lights changed, everyone quickly looked towards the entrance of the hall, and saw an elegant woman slowly walking towards the stage with a woman in a gorgeous wedding dress.The guests who were watching the excitement soon discovered a very interesting place. The woman was very well maintained. The appearance of the bride and the woman were very similar. The two stood together as if they were a pair of sisters!

Mrs. Mou handed Mou Xianmin into Chen Daojun's hands, and then said to Chen Daojun with a smile, "Xianmin will be left to you!"

Chen Daojun smiled and nodded towards Mrs. Mou, and then the two solemnly finished their wedding vows under the auspices of the master of ceremonies, and then put on wedding rings on each other, announcing the end of the wedding ceremony.


After Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin went backstage and changed into casual clothes, they went to the banquet hall to entertain the guests.

"Lawyer Chen, happy wedding! I made a special trip to bring you a "special" gift!" Wu Shixian brought Park Zhengxi to Chen Daojun and greeted him with a smile.

"A special gift?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised, and then said with a smile, "President Wu made a special trip to come over, which is already the biggest gift! It cost you a lot!"


Mou Xianmin on the side saw the two men in front of her as if they were suddenly possessed by drama spirits. Without any greeting, they started "acting" directly, and they "acted" so seriously that she almost laughed.

Park Zhengxi on the side was at a loss at the moment. Aren't these two men on good terms?Why is it a little bit different now?But she was clever and didn't speak, just watched Wu Shixian's "performance" quietly.


The "intimate interaction" between Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun naturally did not escape some "interested people"!In particular, some chaebols and business representatives who have business dealings with Shunyang Group couldn't help but murmur in their hearts. Now that the successor of Daying Group has been determined, it is Zhu Yirong's youngest son Zhu Mengxian who has become the "big winner"!
As for Shunyang Group, which is also a top chaebol, the successor has been undecided.They are all curious about who will be the final winner and take charge of Shunyang Group?

Although the one who currently has the upper hand is Chen Dongji, who serves as the vice chairman of the group, but this third generation Chen Daojun has outstanding abilities and has such a good relationship with Wu Shixian. Will he become a contender for the successor of Shunyang Group?

They have all heard that before Zhu Mengxian was able to turn against the wind, it was largely thanks to the support of Wu Shixian from the Miracle Group and Shuguang Law Firm, which was authorized by foreign capital, that the conspiracy of Zhu Mengjiu and others to seize power was thwarted!
However, not long after Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun's "intimate interaction", Chen Huarong and his wife, who had been waiting for the right moment, took advantage of the opportunity and came over. The husband and wife greeted each other warmly towards Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian.

 Sorry, something delayed me today!
  In the past two days, I have been sorting out the materials for the title review.After working for a long time, it was not easy to tidy up.As a result, the scanned file exceeded 1.5M, and I couldn’t upload it alive or dead. It took a few hours for nothing, and I was going to be cracked~! !There is a sentence of MMP, I really want to say it
(End of this chapter)

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