The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 496: The Dongchuang Incident happened, Chen Dongji was reprimanded

Chapter 496: The Dongchuang Incident happened, Chen Dongji was reprimanded

"Then how much did my second uncle lose?" Chen Daojun said gloatingly. According to his guess, such a "smart" person in power as Chen Dongji would definitely invest a lot of money in NewData Technology, so as to obtain more income.

"About 700 billion Korean won in loans. What's interesting is that this guy borrowed money from the lending company we cooperated with Bai Fuzi. It's just that this guy is also slick, and he used multiple real estate properties and two small companies in Bangziguo as collateral. , The people who come forward to handle business are unfamiliar faces."

"So Bai Fuzi didn't notice it at the time!" Wu Shixian said with some emotion, "I'm a little curious now, where did this Chen Yongji get such black material?"

"...Perhaps it was the help provided by his new daughter-in-law! After all, she is a female prosecutor at the prosecution headquarters, so it is reasonable to be able to obtain some secret information!" Chen Daojun thought for a while and expressed his guess.

"But it doesn't matter. If the three brothers and sisters are harmonious and united as one, then wouldn't we have a lot of fun?" Chen Daojun smirked, being an excellent crowd, setting up a stage for these "protagonists" and letting them enjoy themselves. Tear force, it looks old and enjoyable~!

"If there are any changes in the future, President Wu will let me know in time. I'm curious, who will be the big winner in the end?"

"Okay, boss~!"


After Wu Shixian hung up the phone, he thought for a while and then called Su Canping in, "Please contact Chen Yudong, the chairman of Hanjin Holdings Group, and tell them that I want to discuss the acquisition with them."

"Hanjin Holding Group? Acquisition...? Chairman Wu, is it possible that we have already acquired enough shares of Hanjin Holdings Group?" Su Canping was a little excited when he heard what Wu Shixian said. It has assets of more than 300 billion US dollars. What a beautiful listed company in China!Will they be taken down by their Miracle Group in such a short period of time? !
"It's just as you imagined~! The boss can mobilize a lot of funds, and the Goldman Sachs Group is there to help us solve a lot of troubles!" Wu Shixian said happily. The U.S.-dollar Hanjin Holding Group, then the territory of their Miracle Group will expand rapidly again!

His status as the leader of the Miracle Group will also rise with the tide, and he may become one of the most powerful figures in Bangzi Country or even Asia!

"You girl have been following me for several years, and you have made great progress. After the acquisition of Hanjin Holding Group is successful, I will appoint you to the position of senior executive of Hanjin Holding Group. This can be regarded as a satisfactory explanation to the old lady Bai Fuzi. Already~!" Wu Shixian recalled the consensus reached with Chen Daojun before.

Su Canping was very surprised to hear that he actually had a chance to be promoted and was transferred to a top financial institution such as Hanjin Holdings Group as a senior executive, "President Wu, are you telling the truth? I will be arranged to go to Hanjin in the future." Working in the holding group group?"

"Of course~! In the future, the financial group will be an important part of our Miracle Group. We must arrange trustworthy people to supervise and manage it, so that we can be completely at ease. And you are the most suitable candidate~!" Wu Shixian looked at the front and felt a little embarrassed Su Canping explained with a smile.

"Then... Then Rachel's qualifications are older than mine? According to the order of priority, she should be transferred first to take charge of the new company's project..." Although Su Canping was very happy about being promoted, she There is still hesitation, after all, she is not the only assistant to the president.

"Rachel is not interested in finance, and she is not as persevering as you." Wu Shixian felt a little helpless when it came to Rachel, a not-so-clever "little apprentice".

Ever since I met Chen Daojun, my enthusiasm for work has decreased by [-]%.And after he and Chen Daojun made a lot of profits from investment and financial management, they became more Buddhist.According to this girl, "I have already achieved financial freedom, why do I still have to work so hard?"

"It's really not good, just let the boss support me~!"


Wu Shixian was also very helpless when he heard his "little apprentice" speak so harshly, but he couldn't blame him. After all, in addition to being the assistant to the president of Miracle Group, this girl also had a close relationship with Chen Daojun, the boss behind the scenes.He doesn't want to be "snitched" or "blown into the pillow" by someone!

Hearing Wu Shixian's explanation, Su Canping nodded thoughtfully, agreed, and then quickly left the office to contact Hanjin Holdings Group.

------Dividing line------

Zhengxinzhai, study room on the second floor.

Chen Yangji looked at the materials in front of him with a gloomy expression.He originally thought that his eldest son Chen Yongji was the only one who didn't understand things, but he didn't expect that his second son Chen Dongji and third daughter Chen Huarong were not very economical either!

Misappropriation of public funds to speculate in stocks, can such a thing be done?If someone with a heart takes these materials and reports them to the prosecutor's office, those guys will be sure to catch them!
"Dongji, do you have any explanation?" Chen Yangji looked at Chen Dongji standing in front of him expressionlessly, and asked him.

"Dad, listen to me. Didn't Director Li assign many companies to us for management before? But you also know that the situation of these companies is very bad. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are 'heavy in debt'! I will When I invest in NewData Technology, I also hope to earn a profit from this stock, which can be used to make up for the company's shortfalls!"

"At the beginning, the market of NewData technology was really good, and the money we invested had more than ten times more than that... But we didn't expect it to suddenly crash, and it has been falling for several days. We have no time to deal with it, so talent……"

Chen Dongji bit the bullet and explained that he didn't want to lose so much!Moreover, he had borrowed a loan through a private lending company and settled the misappropriated funds~!

Chen Yangji is naturally quite dissatisfied with this explanation. After all, this obviously wrong stock is still buying and buying, trying to make it soar and get rich overnight?How is this different from gamblers who go to casinos? !When did his Shunyang Chen family produce such a "prodigal" thing?What's more, misappropriating the company's funds to "gamble" is simply unfortunate for the family!
The more he thought about it, the more annoyed Chen Yangji threw the information in his hand on Chen Dongji's face, and then said bitterly, "In the past, your elder brother was the vice president, and was even designated as the heir of the group. Didn't you always refuse to accept it?" Is it?"

"I handed over those companies to you, and also gave you the position of vice president of the group. Is this how you manage the company?!" Chen Yangji stared at his second son fiercely, "Dongji! You disappoint me so much!" Got it!"

"..." Hearing Chen Yangji scolding himself so angrily, Chen Dongji remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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