The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 498 Rockefeller who took the initiative to come over

Chapter 498 Rockefeller who took the initiative to come over

"How can your grandfather's thoughts be guessed so easily?!" Chen Yongji looked a little unhappy. He had similar thoughts before, but the result was not satisfactory.

Hearing what Chen Yongji said, Chen Xingjun was a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that with these black materials, he could get rid of Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong together, and then his father would rise again!
"You stay with the construction company for a while longer. Now that your second uncle has collapsed, the Shunyang Group will be handed over to our father and son sooner or later! I will mention it to Grandpa You in the next two days and let you go. Working at Shunyang Financial Holding Company!"

Seeing that his son was a little disappointed, Chen Yongji immediately spoke to comfort him. Now that Chen Dongji had been moved, he could only win over more senior group executives to support him and strengthen his power.

When he became more powerful, he proposed to Chen Yangji that Chen Xingjun be assigned to Shunyang Financial Holding Company. Chen Yangji had to think about it carefully. No matter how unhappy he was, he had to hold his nose and admit it!

Chen Xingjun nodded reluctantly and left the room.Although he failed to achieve all his goals this time, Chen Dongji, the second uncle, has lost his position as vice president, so he has gained something!
------Dividing line------

Beautiful Country, Office of the CEO of Goldman Sachs Group.

James was dialing the phone, but he was in a bad mood now.

"Bruce, are you really going to let Lindsay Morgan agree to pursue Albert Gore's son?" James confirmed again with a gloomy face towards the other party.

"James, you also know the current situation! Albert Gore's current support rate is very high. If there are no accidents, he is likely to become the next president. He can bring us the benefits of the Morgan family. Far more than Chen. After all, compared with the head of a country, Chen, who is good at investment and financial management, seems a bit unsatisfactory, right? "

Bruce continued, "Sorry, old friend, I broke my promise this time. But don't worry, our cooperation will not have any impact. I will find another suitable girl from the family to give to Chen!"

Hearing what Bruce said, James was silent for a while, and then said disappointedly, "Bruce, I can only tell you that... Chen's strength is much stronger than you imagined! I hope you will not be disappointed by today's choice." regret!"

Then James hung up the phone without waiting for Bruce to speak. He kindly helped Bruce, an old guy, connect him with Chen Daojun, not only to help Chen Daojun obtain a long-term and reliable ally, but also to help "an old friend" "Thoughts.

It's just that Bruce was blinded by the situation in front of him. Between the endless wealth and the power that was about to reach the top, he chose the latter.Although Albert Gore's current approval rating is indeed far ahead, don't forget that his competitor is George W. Bush!

In terms of political resources, George W. Bush's father once served as the president of the United States, and he is not much worse than Albert Gore, the current vice president.And now that President Clinton is infamous because of the "Zippergate" incident, how can his deputy be any better?

If Albert Gore fails to run for president, then Bruce's investment may "lose his wife and lose his troops"!
Chen Daojun, on the other hand, has a huge cash flow of nearly 1000 billion US dollars, and now he wants to enter the financial industry.Once Chen Daojun completely takes over Hanjin Holdings Group, then his Miracle Group, coupled with the assistance of Hanjin Holdings Group, will definitely be regarded as one of the most powerful private companies in Asia!

"Bruce, this short-sighted old guy, is really hopeless~!" James shook his head helplessly. It can be said that he watched Chen Daojun grow up step by step, whether it was the means, investment vision and philosophy, and their These old guys are not inferior in comparison.

Being able to form an ally with Chen Daojun and make friends with him can at least ensure that the family will prosper again for decades. How many years can a mere president help the Morgan family develop?
In their beautiful country, only President Roosevelt during World War II was re-elected for 12 years. As for the others, they only lasted for 8 years.Eight years later, after stepping down from the throne of the President, without the peak power beside him, it is still unknown how many people are willing to give this "former president" some face!


James sat on the sofa and couldn't help thinking.He had asked George to hint to Chen Daojun before, and now Chen Daojun must also know about the changes in the Morgan family.According to Chen Daojun's temper, the Morgan family is the first to dare to "tease" him like this. It is certain that they will break up, and perhaps there will be fierce revenge on the Morgan family in the future!

However, the current situation of his intermediary introducer is a bit embarrassing. James, an old guy, changed his mind temporarily, and he was also cheated!Although Chen Daojun would not fall out with him, the relationship would definitely turn cold because of this incident. If this little guy misunderstood that he was also an insider and participant, the trouble would be even greater.


Just as James was having a headache, the phone in his office suddenly rang.

James answered the phone, and before he could speak, a voice came from the other side, "James, are there any other good investment projects recently?"

The caller was none other than David Rockefeller, the current leader of the Rockefeller family. The fourth generation leader of the Rockefeller family who lived for more than 80 years, called James to ask if Goldman Sachs Group had any new investment projects in the near future.

James sighed, and said with some helplessness, "Old man, you are also very clear about the situation in Nasdaq now. The Internet industry that was hyped before is completely dead. A large number of financial institutions are fleeing, and some have already withdrawn. financial institutions are also watching.”

"We are still on the sidelines, looking for the next investment outlet..." Speaking of this, James suddenly had an idea and came up with another idea, "By the way, I have a young man worth investing in. I don't know you Are you interested?"

"Young people worth investing in?" David Rockefeller was stunned. This was the first time he heard James talk about him for so long, and he said "young people worth investing in"!

"He just joined our beautiful country not long ago. He was a native of Bangzi on the east coast of the ocean. He is only in his early 20s now, but his investment talent is unparalleled and his profits have exceeded tens of billions of dollars~!"

James told Chen Daojun's situation one by one, but he still reserved the real assets that Chen Daojun currently has. If he told the truth, Chen Daojun would not be a genius but a monster~!Talents that are too outstanding can easily arouse the jealousy of some people and be hacked. This is not what he wants to see.

(End of this chapter)

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