I loaded the farm game

Chapter 205 Feng Tianlin’s thoughts about illness

Chapter 205 Feng Tianlin’s thoughts about illness
Regarding this issue, Feng Tianlin thought of the thoughts that flashed in his mind before.

In other words, is Lin Zhou an expert outside the world?
If so, then maybe——

Therefore, at this moment, he was looking at Feng Jiajia nervously and expectantly.

"What kind of person? Grandpa, are you talking about Brother Linzhou?" Feng Jiajia asked in response.

"Yes." Feng Tianlin responded.

"Brother Lin Zhou, what kind of person is he? He is a very easy-going person!"

"easy going?"

"That's right! He doesn't have any airs, and he's also very nice to his employees."

"Um - apart from this, have you found anything else unique about him?" Feng Tianlin continued to ask.

What he wants is naturally not this.

"What's unique? What does grandpa mean?" Feng Jiajia asked in confusion.

When Feng Tianlin heard this, he explained directly: "Did you feel anything particularly magical about him, anything different from ordinary people?"

"It's like the qualities of an outsider in a novel."

"Extraordinary master? Grandpa, do you want to say that Brother Lin Zhou is the kind of person with magical abilities?" Feng Jiajia's eyes widened.

"Well, that's pretty much what it means. Those set meals you told me before, and the huge wild yellow croaker, don't they all show that he is a very magical person?" Feng Tianlin pondered for a moment, nodded in response.

"Well -" Feng Jiajia pouted and her eyes flashed: "It seems so!"

After carefully recalling his experiences these days in his mind, he shook his head and said, "Having said that, I haven't found Brother Lin Zhou to be anything like an outsider these days."

"Then do you think he is such a person?" Feng Tianlin asked in another way.


"After all, the things here are very magical." Feng Jiajia thought for a moment and then said.

After saying that, she looked at her grandfather in confusion, "Grandpa, why are you asking this? Are you trying to confirm the authenticity of the information I told you before?"

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, she reacted and denied it: "That's not right! If you want to confirm it, you just need to experience it."

So, after muttering to herself, she looked at Feng Tianlin again: "Grandpa, why do you care about whether Brother Lin Zhou is an outsider? Didn't you tell me before? What about eggs and chickens."

"..." Listening to her words, Feng Tianlin trembled, feeling that his previous education was a bit in vain: "That's what Qian Lao said: If you eat an egg and think it's delicious, then there's no need to know how to lay eggs. Where’s the chicken?”

"Yes, that's what it said!" Feng Jiajia nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "Grandpa, that's what it means. Isn't that how you taught me before?"

"Why am I asking about the chicken that laid the eggs now?"

Feng Tianlin twitched his beard and sighed: "Of course I have a reason for asking."

"What's the reason?" Feng Jiajia felt a little embarrassed by his disappointed look.

"Did I tell you in a message before? About Alice's grandmother?" Feng Tianlin explained.

"Brother Linzhou is related to Alice's grandmother?" Feng Jiajia's mouth opened wide, making an "O" shape.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of big eyes opened as wide as possible, staring at his grandfather with great curiosity.

"You girl, do you want to be beaten?" When Feng Tianlin heard her words, his blood pressure soared when he heard her expression of eating melon.

"Hiss!" Upon seeing this, Feng Jiajia hurriedly took his hand, put away her attitude of eating melons and watching a show, stuck out her little tongue and explained: "Grandpa, it's not that I didn't understand it for a while, it was not intentional."

"Don't you understand?" Feng Tianlin rolled his eyes at her.

"Wrong understanding, wrong understanding!" Feng Jiajia changed her words decisively.


"You girl!" Feng Tianlin glanced at her and didn't know what to say to her.

My granddaughter will never make mistakes in big things, but she can be a little weird in normal times.

Sometimes it makes people angry, sometimes it adds some laughter.


"Tell me, what's going on? How can Brother Linzhou be related to Alice and the others?" Feng Jiajia was really curious at this time, so she didn't continue to joke.

"You! You! Don't you know how to use your brain?" Feng Tianlin said in a tone of hatred that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

When Feng Jiajia heard this, she kept thinking in her mind, but in the end it was still difficult to connect the two: "Well, grandpa, I really can't think of how they can be connected."

"Forget it!" Feng Tianlin looked at her like this with a look of helplessness on his face: "Did I tell you before that old Mrs. Catherine suffers from Alzheimer's disease?"

Feng Jiajia nodded her chin, but still couldn't understand: "But does this have anything to do with Brother Linzhou?"

"It doesn't look like it on the surface!" Feng Tianlin said in a deep voice: "But Alice told me when she came here that she hoped I could help her find a doctor and show it to Mrs. Catherine."

"Doctor? Grandpa, considering the situation of Alice's family, do they still need our help to find a doctor?" Feng Jiajia looked confused.

"Do you think Alice can think of that?"


"Then why do you think she still wants us to help? Although this may be just a casual comment without any hope."


Facing her grandfather's inquiry, Feng Jiajia was a little undecided. After thinking for a moment, she could only look at him with pleading eyes.

"Alice told me before that her grandma Catherine, when she lived in China, felt that there were many magical places in this land, and she herself also felt that our place is very magical and has many incredible places." Feng Tianlin added inspiringly.

"Uh-" Feng Jiajia rolled her eyes: "Grandpa, what do you mean is that Alice doesn't want to find an ordinary doctor, but that kind of 'miraculous doctor'? I want to see if there is any way they can treat her grandma Can your condition be helped?”

"You've got some cleverness in your head!" Feng Tianlin commented with a childish tone after listening to her analysis.

"..." Feng Jiajia rolled her eyes helplessly: "Grandpa, if you don't understand what you said, it has nothing to do with my brain, okay?"


"It's because you don't want to use your brain."

"Such a simple truth, it takes me so long to understand it!" Feng Tianlin curled his lips.

"..." Feng Jiajia just wants to say one thing now: "The Riddler, get out of Gotham!"

But I just think about it in my heart.

Then, he looked at him again and said, "Grandpa, I admit that Brother Linzhou is very magical here, but he has not shown the characteristics of a doctor at all, and he has not treated anyone in the villa."

"These days, no one comes to see him for medical treatment either."


Hearing her words, Feng Tianlin touched his beard, shook his head, and sighed with eyes: "My good granddaughter, I really don't know what to say to you!"


Feng Jiajia was offended by his look and frowned: "Grandpa, what do you mean? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

What she didn't expect was that after the words fell, Feng Tianlin said sternly:

"It's totally wrong!!!" "Grandpa, what's wrong with me? What I said is true." Feng Jiajia was naturally dissatisfied.

But after hearing this, Feng Tianlin asked calmly: "My good granddaughter, did you really not see it?"

When he asked, Feng Jiajia fell into silence and began to think carefully about it in her mind.

"I really didn't seem to see it - huh?!! -" she thought unconsciously in her mind as she recalled it.

But just when she was about to come to a conclusion again, an idea suddenly flashed in her mind——


"It seems, it's not like nothing!" Feng Jiajia thought of something, and the fog in her eyes began to dissipate.

"My dear granddaughter, have you thought of this? If you haven't thought of this, then your brain is really—"

"Grandpa, what are you doing in such a hurry? I've already thought about it. Didn't you always tell me to stay calm when things happen?"

Hearing Feng Tianlin's words, Feng Jiajia hurriedly interrupted.

But at the same time, she also discovered that she was indeed a little less resourceful than she had thought before.

Therefore, her pretty face also showed a bit of shyness of a little daughter.

"Ha ha!"

"Then tell me!" Feng Tianlin wanted to tease her.

"Grandpa, what you want to say is, those magical packages, right? Strengthening yang and kidneys, beautifying the skin, and so on, can also be regarded as medical treatment to a certain extent, right?" Feng Jiajia said what she had just thought of.

"Not too stupid!" Feng Tianlin nodded slightly.

"..." Feng Jiajia was speechless for a while after hearing this, but did not refute.

After all, she did not have an advantage in this matter.

After thinking about it, it's really simple.

But she didn't think of it immediately.

"Is it because I have eaten too much these days and haven't used my brain much, so my brain is a little sluggish?"

With this thought in mind, Feng Jiajia spoke again: "Grandpa, although this statement has some truth, do you think it is possible?"

"In Chinese medicine, there is such a thing as dietary supplement therapy." Feng Tianlin touched his chin.

"Yes, but grandpa, do you think that eating alone can cure Alzheimer's disease?" Feng Jiajia felt that she had not thought of this reason.

Because the set meal I had at the villa was amazing.

But those effects are vastly different from treating Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, she did not think about it.


After Feng Jiajia asked, Feng Tianlin's hand movements stopped.

To be honest, he has no confidence.

The reason why I ask this is because a sudden thought occurred in my mind.

Do you want to say you are confident?That's nonsense.

"My dear granddaughter, grandpa is asking you, do you think there is anything particularly magical about Lin Zhou?"

"Grandpa, you may be disappointed. I really didn't see Brother Lin Zhou showing anything magical or special."

Feng Jiajia shook her head and said to her grandfather.

She understood what Feng Tianlin meant. If Lin Zhou showed something different from ordinary people, and if he was really that kind of worldly expert, he might be able to find a way to help Mrs. Catherine's condition.

And if this thing can be done, then there is no need for them to find ways to establish a good relationship with the other party elsewhere.

This matter alone, even if it is just the friendship of being a guide, is enough to strengthen the relationship between them to the extent that Feng Tianlin wants.

Therefore, Feng Jiajia can also understand why her grandfather, even though he knew there was little or no hope, still asked himself and tried.


"Grandpa, I just want to ask." Feng Tianlin sighed softly, knowing that he was having a whim, and then asked about something else:
"How are things going at the racecourse? Do you go there every day to supervise and check?"

"The racecourse is fine. The construction is going smoothly. I'll go visit it every day." Feng Jiajia replied.

"That's fine, there can't be any trouble in this matter!" Feng Tianlin nodded: "I'll go and see for myself tomorrow."

This was the first step for them to make good friends with Lin Zhou. If something went wrong with the project, it would be a damn good relationship.

Therefore, this is why he listens to reports every day, but at this time he still asks Feng Jiajia.

"Grandpa, don't worry, it'll be okay. Don't you know the quality of our engineering team?" Feng Jiajia said in relief.

"What about what I asked you to ask?" Feng Tianlin nodded lightly.

"Brother Linzhou has plans to buy a horse, but he said that after the racecourse is built, he wants to buy a white foal, not a mature horse." Feng Jiajia replied after hearing this.


"White pony, no problem. I will arrange for someone to do it later. When the racecourse is built, I will bring it over. It will just be used as a gift." Feng Tianlin showed a smile on his face.

For this kind of thing, it is naturally better to take the initiative.

"Let's go! Let's go see how Alice and the others are doing? We were on the plane at noon and didn't eat very well. I'm afraid we're all hungry now!"



In the hall, Feng Jiajia and the others came back here again.

However, there were only three of her, her grandfather, and Alice.

Alice and her grandmother were a little tired and were resting in the room, while the domestic servant had to take care of her.

When I came back, I naturally saw Lin Zhou and the others chewing sweet sticks in the hall.

At this moment, he was no longer alone, because he was about to eat, and almost everyone in the villa gathered here, chewing the sweet stick.

Originally they wanted to kill time, but everyone found that this sweet stick tasted so good, and the more they chewed it, the more delicious it became, and they couldn't stop eating it.

"Brother Linzhou, what are you eating? Is it sugar cane?" Feng Jiajia's eyes lit up as soon as she saw the food, and she came to the side and asked.

"Sweet stalk! It's almost the same as sugar cane. Do you want to eat it? Just take it yourself." Lin Zhou responded with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Linzhou!" Feng Jiajia picked up one from the basket and prepared to bite it.

But at this moment, she heard a cough in her ears: "Cough cough cough!"

When Xun Sheng took a look, he saw his grandfather's somewhat darkened face, and he looked at Alice next to him suggestively.

 Thanks to book friends Yitian Emperor and 147571 for their monthly votes, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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