I loaded the farm game

Chapter 232 Eating grapefruit, tavern

"Lao Qiu, are you saying that hawthorn is a particularly good appetizer? Your granddaughter, who has been unable to eat for several days, ate several bowls at once?!!"

"Yes! When I came out of your house, didn't I go to the hospital to see my granddaughter? She couldn't eat before. Unexpectedly, after eating those persimmons and hawthorns, her appetite suddenly improved!"

On the phone, Qiu Wenjing was talking to Yan Zhongshu about his granddaughter.

"What a good guy! This hawthorn seems to be on the same level as a persimmon!" Yan Zhongshu suddenly came to his senses.

He is similar to Qiu Wenjing in that he focuses most of his attention on persimmons.

After putting everything away later, I didn't take out the hawthorns to taste.

That is, when Qiu Wenjing left, he grabbed a lot of persimmons for him.

But at that time, he had never tasted it!
A lot!

Thinking of these three words, Yan Zhongshu suddenly took a breath of air and felt heartbroken——


"Let's put it this way! I grabbed such a big handful at that time, so I was at a huge loss!!!"

"Madam, I'm so smart, why didn't I notice it?"

Just as he was conducting self-examination, Qiu Wenjing on the other side of the phone spoke again: "Lao Yan, that's why I'm calling you -"

"Don't think about it! Don't think about anything! I've already grabbed such a big handful for you!"

"Besides, you have always had a good appetite, so don't even think about it!"

Before Qiu Wenjing could finish speaking, Yan Zhongshu interrupted him.

"..." Qiu Wenjing's eyelids twitched and the corners of his mouth twitched. He knew that his old friend had such a protective character.

But this is not the fault of the other party, if it were him, the same thing would happen.

After all, this rare thing is just like the treasures in his collection room.

Of course, when faced with this answer, he still couldn't help but want to joke with the other party:

"Old face!"

"You have such a big bag? Can you finish it? It would be such a pity if it gets broken and rotten!"

"Besides, if you eat too much at one time, I will have to worry about you if you have a bad stomach, so for your own good, let me help you share the burden."

"Go, go, go! I told you not to think about it, don't think about it. If I can't finish it, don't you know how to make dried fruits and persimmons? Then you can still feel the different deliciousness." Yan Zhongshu laughed.

It seems to be the result of thinking of these two fruits, that wonderful taste!
"Lao Yan, you win! I won't joke with you anymore, I really need your help now!" Qiu Wenjing blinked his mouth and swallowed the saliva he secreted.

As soon as the other party mentioned persimmons, he immediately imagined the appearance of red persimmons made into persimmons, as well as the fragrance and taste——

I can't think about it, I won't be able to sleep tonight if I think about it anymore!

"Are you talking about your granddaughter? Didn't you say how many big bowls she had eaten today? Wouldn't that be great?" Yan Zhongshu heard his serious tone and stopped joking.

"Lao Yan, how can this be so easy!" Qiu Wenjing sighed and said: "This is just a meal. Do you think this situation can be changed with just a meal?"

"I didn't just give you one, right? I grabbed such a big handful!" Yan Zhongshu frowned.

"There are nine in total, and I only ate three in the afternoon!" Qiu Wenjing said with a hint of resentment.

Obviously, this number is a bit shabby compared with the large number Yan Zhongshu said.

"Only nine? No way! I caught such a big handful, Lao Qiu, are you trying to confuse me?" Yan Zhongshu said tentatively.

"What a fool! Would I do that kind of thing?" Qiu Wenjing thought that if he counted them at that time, he might feel ashamed and get two more for himself.

"Maybe!" Yan Zhongshu muttered, and then said: "Lao Qiu, do you want this kind of hawthorn to continue treating your granddaughter?"

"Yes!" Qiu Wenjing responded: "Lao Yan, you don't have to worry about it, I don't want it from you!"

"You don't want mine?" Yan Zhongshu was surprised, but immediately retorted in the next second: "Painful? What's heartbreaking? Lao Qiu, let me tell you, if I can really cure your granddaughter, I won't be reluctant to give it up, let alone I don’t feel bad, you are looking down on others!”

"Ha ha!"

"Then you will give me all your hawthorns now?" Qiu Wenjing smiled happily.


"What are I doing for you? Didn't you say you don't want mine?" Yan Zhongshu's mouth froze.

"Well, I don't want you, but I want your help!" Qiu Wenjing did not argue with him about this issue.

"Help? Are you looking for my son-in-law?" Yan Zhongshu naturally thought of Lin Zhou.

"That's right!"

"Please go and ask Lin Zhou for me first. If possible, I would like to talk to him." Qiu Wenjing confirmed his guess.

"Let me ask my son-in-law for you, okay! I'll ask you later!" Yan Zhongshu agreed.

"..." Qiu Wenjing was speechless when he heard him keep saying these two words: "You guys, do you need to emphasize this issue repeatedly? I won't compete with you!"

"What are you emphasizing? Emphasizing my son-in-law? What are you trying to rob? Lao Qiu, you want to rob my son-in-law?" Yan Zhongshu pretended not to understand, but he kept repeating the words.

"You win! Lao Yan, you are really unlucky. If you get a message back to me, hang up!"

"No! Let's talk for a little longer! My son-in-law—"

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

When Qiu Wenjing heard the two words on the phone, he gritted his teeth and hurriedly hung up the phone.


In Yan Qing's room, Lin Zhou was holding a big red pomelo in his hand and weighing it.

Speaking of which, autumn and winter are also the seasons when grapefruits are ripe.

At this time, the grapefruit has plump pulp, full of juice, and tastes particularly refreshing and sweet.

In their hometown, almost every house has grapefruit trees.

Moreover, when the grapefruit tree grows up, the grapefruits it produces are all over the treetops. Some of them can be broken without being supported by branches. If there are no young people in the family, they will not be able to eat them all.

Many of them are hanging on trees and no one cares about them.

However, what Lin Zhou didn't expect was that before he could taste the pomelo from his hometown, he tasted the pomelo from Yan Qing's place first.

"Are you coming back tonight?" Yan Qing asked through gritted teeth.

"I really don't know this!" Lin Zhou thought for a moment before answering.

"What do you mean you don't know? You can't control it yourself?" Yan Qing wanted to press his head and hit him twice with a hammer.

"Ahem! Under normal circumstances, it can be controlled, but as you know, my wife, this person is in the world and can't help himself!"

"Brother Zhou and the others are hosting tonight. Please invite me over. If they have any planned activities, it would be hard for me as a guest to leave first!" Lin Zhou raised his head and looked at her seriously.

"What activities are there?" Yan Qing narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly.

"They kept it secretive and didn't say anything, and I didn't know."

"But it's probably just some eating, drinking and having fun activities for their class!"

"Speaking of which, I haven't experienced the luxurious life of the second generation yet!" Lin Zhou said with a smile, as if he didn't notice Yan Qing's "concern". "What? Do you really want to experience a luxurious life? Cars with beauties? Picking up girls in bars? Hunting beauties in nightclubs? Do you yearn for these?" Yan Qing showed her white teeth and smiled.

"Longing for... ah! No, not longing for it!" Lin Zhou deliberately teased her, pretending to reveal his true feelings.

Sure enough, the next second, Yan Qing reached out and pinched his arm hard: "Huh! Man!"

"I'm telling you, if you dare to associate with those unclean women, don't even think about touching me again in the future!"

"Is the clean one enough?" Lin Zhou blinked and asked with a smile.

Yan Qing was stunned when he heard this, and seemed to be stopped by his question, but he quickly realized it and pinched his waist again: "Bah! You can't do that either!"

"My wife looks so good when she's jealous!" Lin Zhou kissed her on the cheek.

"..." Yan Qing wiped his face and pushed his face away: "Hurry and get ready, they will be here soon!"

"it is good!"

Not long after, Lin Zhou and Yan Qing walked out of the room. Yan Zhongshu in the living room saw them and said, "What? Are you going out?"


"Lin Zhou's friend came to see him and wanted to go out." Yan Qing explained aloud.

Yan Zhongshu nodded: "Linzhou, did your Uncle Qiu call me just now? He asked you if you still had those kind of persimmons and hawthorn fruits, and he wanted to buy some from you!"

"Because his granddaughter suffers from anorexia. After tasting your hawthorn fruit today, she has an appetite for food!"

"There are some more. Did Uncle Qiu say when he would like them?" Lin Zhou nodded and replied.

"It's good to have it. He didn't say when he wanted it, but I gave him some when I left today. He should still be able to eat two or three meals!"

"If you have something to do, just go and do your business first! I'll write him a reply first. How about chatting with him tomorrow when you have time?" Yan Zhongshu asked for his opinion.

"Well, okay uncle, I'll leave first!" Lin Zhou waved his hand.

"Pay attention to safety!" Yan Zhongshu said in concern.


After the door closed, Yan Zhongshu looked at his daughter who returned to the living room and asked, "Did you forget something?"

"No! I'm not going out!" Yan Qing shook his head.

"Why don't you go with Lin Zhou? Is there a conflict?" Yan Zhongshu looked at her in surprise.


"Dad, what are you thinking? I just think it would be inconvenient for them if they go out with a group of grown men!" Yan Qing showed a helpless look.

"Uh - is that so? None of his friends have female companions!" Yan Zhongshu touched his chin and looked at her with a puzzled look on his face: "Girl Qing, are you relieved about this?"

"Dad, what are you worried about? I believe in Lin Zhou!" Yan Qing said with a smile.

"Okay, as long as you have an idea!" Yan Zhongshu nodded slightly.

Immediately, he changed the subject again and said in a persuasive way: "Girl, actually, it's normal for this man to be a little flirtatious!"

"And Lin Zhou is so good, and he doesn't smoke, gamble, or touch those harmful things!"

"It would be understandable if you were just a little more considerate!"

"So, if he makes a mistake in this regard in the future, as long as it is not a mistake of principle, you don't have to be too harsh on him, but try to be as understanding as possible."

"Of course, you can't wrong yourself. Do you understand what dad said?"

When it comes to this point, Yan Zhongshu can’t help but talk a little deeply.

As a man, he naturally understands men best.

Although he made no mistakes, he understood that the colorful world is fascinating to the eye.

Even though Lin Zhou was doing very well so far, he still felt the need to remind his daughter.

"Uh-" Yan Qing looked at his father with a confused look on his face, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong? Does Lin Zhou have this problem?" Yan Zhongshu frowned slightly when he saw her expression.

"Dad! No, there is no such thing!" Yan Qing shook his head repeatedly.

The next second, she showed a helpless expression: "Dad! I understand what you mean, but I believe he won't. I'm going back to the room first."


What's the situation, girl?
Yan Zhongshu looked at her leaving figure and always felt something strange, something was wrong.

But where exactly it is, I can’t tell.

But at this moment, a faint voice came from the direction of the kitchen behind him: "Husband! Is it normal for this man to be a little more carefree?"


Hearing this sound, Yan Zhongshu reacted suddenly, and at the same time he felt a chill running from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai.

"Ma Tam! It turns out something is wrong here!!!"

"No wonder that girl has such a strange expression!"

For a moment, he felt numb all over!

He didn't expect that his words of persuasion just now were actually heard by his wife.

At this time, Yuan Ziyi came behind him with a spatula.


"Why don't you answer me? Did you not hear me? Do you want me to repeat it again?"

"Uh - Wife, listen to me explain to you!" Yan Zhongshu slowly turned his slightly stiff head and said coquettishly.

"Well, tell me, I'm listening!" Yuan Ziyi smiled, with a calm expression on his face.

"Honey, in fact, what I just said was just to enlighten you girl, as a metaphor. There is no other meaning!" Yan Zhongshu rolled his eyes, thinking about the way out.

"Metaphor? I thought it was what you said from the bottom of your heart?" Yuan Ziyi chuckled.

"Or maybe it's the experience of people who have been there!"

Hearing this, Yan Zhongshu couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up straight and said with a righteous face: "Slander, my wife, this is purely slander!"

"How can this be my words from the bottom of my heart and my experience? Wife, you know me, I am very dedicated. I have no experience at all in this area!"

"I solemnly declare that these are based on analysis of some cases in society and have nothing to do with me!"

"Why are you reacting like this? I didn't say you must have something!" Yuan Ziyi tapped the handle of the spatula in his hand twice.

"Aren't you afraid of my wife? You misunderstood me?" Two words were written in capital letters on Yan Zhongshu's face - "Loyalty"!
After saying that, he quickly changed the subject: "Honey, let me go to the kitchen and help you take a look! Don't let the vegetables in the pot get burnt!"

the other side.

Lin Zhou followed Zhang Tianyu to a tavern. (End of chapter)

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