I loaded the farm game

Chapter 281 The academicians and the big guys have something to ask for

Mr. Cheng's embarrassing situation was also resolved by this wave of changes.

He followed the sound and saw two old men with gray hair walking in front, followed by several middle-aged people, both men and women.

"Mr. Ye!"

"We've been shopping for so long now, it's time for you to take us to find someone!" A middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses walked up to Mr. Ye and looked at him longingly.

As soon as he moved, the people behind him immediately followed him and started talking.

"Yes, yes! Why don't you stop asking and see if he's finished? If so, you can just take us to see him!"

"That's right! We've been here at the Villa for so long, it would be rude not to pay a visit!"

"Yes, yes! After all, we are also intellectuals who have read a few books, so we can't be rude!"

When they were talking, each of them stared at Mr. Ye with fiery eyes and expectantly.

"..." When Mr. Ye heard what they said, his beard and eyebrows couldn't help but tremble.

These guys, don’t be too outrageous!

What kind of visit, what kind of rudeness?

Is that really what you have in mind? The abacus was so accurate that the beads almost jumped into my face, old man!

An intellectual who has only read a few books?

If you have only read a few books, then I am afraid that most of the world will be illiterate who have never read a book!

At the same time, being stared directly at by so many fiery eyes, his old face also felt a little tense.

Especially these days, he has been pestered by these guys like "dog skin plaster", and his head is really big!

While he was worrying about how to resolve this wave of offensive, he suddenly saw Lin Zhou who was sitting with Mr. Cheng and the others, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The whole person seemed to be refreshed and happy, and the depression and irritability in his heart disappeared in an instant!

Looking at the people who were about to surround him, he reached out and pointed far away:


"The people you want to visit are right there. If you want to go, go by yourself! Remember, the people you are talking about are intellectuals who have read a few books. Don't be rude!"

After saying that, Mr. Ye felt refreshed, and he was able to return the favor in their own words.

However, the few people who heard his words didn't care at all about what he said. There was only one thought left in their minds -

The person you are looking for is over there!

Therefore, in the next second, all of them ignored Mr. Ye and rushed directly in the direction of his finger.

"..." Mr. Ye looked at this scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

Damn it, it’s really reality!

Once you find the rightful owner, you will immediately throw yourself aside as the leader!


"Old man Ye, you have fallen out of favor! Judging from your expression, you seem to be a little sad!" Mr. Zhou next to him also laughed happily.

"Screw you!"

"It's so sad for ghosts. I just wish they wouldn't bother me again!"

"You don't know, I was so entangled today that my head was about to explode. Now that I'm free, I feel so relaxed!"

Mr. Ye quickly brushed away the trace of emotion in his heart, and his expression looked very comfortable.

"Relieved? I'm afraid you said it a little too early!"

"When I came here, I heard Lin Zhou say that the water should be diverted away. When the time comes, it might flow back to you!" Mr. Zhou smiled, as if he was waiting for a good show.

When Mr. Ye heard the news, his expression suddenly froze and he felt very uncomfortable: "..."

"Hahahaha!" Seeing that the eye drops were successfully applied, Mr. Zhou laughed again and walked straight to the seat next to him.

"I'm really convinced by this old Zhoutou!" Mr. Ye looked at him with speechless eyes and muttered secretly in his heart:

"No, I can't let him stand and watch the fun. If I really want to turn around, I have to pull him along!"

Thinking this way, he suddenly felt a lot more comfortable, and then followed him with a kind smile.

Lin Zhou didn't know much about the bickering between the two old men, and he had no intention of paying attention or guessing.

Because several people who were instructed by Mr. Ye have already come to him.

"Hello! Are you Mr. Lin Zhou?"

One of them clasped his hands and asked with a smile first.

"I am." After Lin Zhou responded with a smile, he also looked at them with his eyes.

"Mr. Lin is really young and promising, a talented person!" The person who just spoke immediately praised him.


"Good guy, just start licking now, right!!!"

The other people behind him had a look of astonishment on their faces when they heard this.

"Mr. Lin! Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Xu Jiancheng. I am an academician of the Academy of Sciences. I am currently engaged in research on agricultural product seeds. Specifically, I am mainly working on corn."

At this moment, the person who spoke first introduced himself again.

When the people behind him saw this situation, they couldn't bear it anymore and stepped forward to speak.

"Hello, Mr. Lin! My name is Xu Zhiyuan. Like Lao Xu, I am an academician of the Academy of Sciences and is engaged in agriculture... I have heard your statement, Mr. Lin, before. When I saw you today, I was really like a jade tree standing in the wind. You are so graceful." , fully worthy of the reputation as a young talent!”

"Hello, Mr. Lin, my name is Zhang Chengguo, and I am also an academician of the Academy of Sciences. I am currently focusing on wheat... Mr. Lin, there is a saying that fame is not as good as meeting. It is really appropriate to describe the meeting at this moment!"

"I had only heard about it before, but when I saw it today, I was shocked to realize that words like "talented, young and promising, graceful and graceful" are not enough to describe your excellence. You are like the sun in the night. …”

However, before the academician finished speaking in this chapter, he was interrupted by Academician Lin:

"I'll screw you, just say whatever you want, belittle me for anything!"

"That's right! Lao Zhang, you are so unreasonable. You just say what you say and step on us!" Academician Xu also echoed.

It's a compliment, but it steps on the two of them. This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"You two, do you need to worry about this little thing? I'm just describing how outstanding Mr. Lin is!" Academician Zhang blushed and defended himself.

He had just seen two of his old friends speaking in a coherent manner, finishing some of their usual words, leaving him with no words to say, so he made this move!

"Then there's no need for you to say that we're not good at it!" Academician Xu stared at her with bulging eyes.


"Lao Zhang, why are you stepping on us? Didn't you agree to fair competition? This hasn't even started yet, why are you using dirty tricks?" Academician Xu assisted from the side.

"Who asked you to keep talking so much that I have no words? You don't know how to leave two words for me?" Lao Zhang muttered in his heart.

He didn't want to say this in front of the other two people. After all, it was too embarrassing!

If you say it, you will definitely be laughed at by both of them!

"If I had known that these two guys would do this, I would have memorized two more idioms on the road!" At this moment, Academician Zhang felt the annoyance of having to use the book.

But the argument between the three of them made everyone around them dumbfounded!

"Old Yetou, didn't you say that these guys who are engaged in scientific research don't give any face to anyone? What is this situation?" Mr. Zhou babbled to the side.

Who knows, when Mr. Ye heard this, he immediately became furious: "How the hell do I know! These guys, when they pester me, they are really careless, wallowing, and don't make sense at all. You’ve never said such kind words to me!!!”

As he said this, he was also blowing his beard and staring, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

If this group of people had praised me and said nice things like they did now, I might have softened my ears and brought them over long ago.

But they didn't!

Absolutely not! ! !

He was just stunned, as if a dog-skin plaster was sticking, as if he was out of common sense and ignorant of the ways of the world!

Therefore, being asked this question by Mr. Zhou and seeing this scene, how could I bear it!

Although the people in front of me seemed very stiff and young with their complimentary words and skills!

But that’s still a compliment!

I have never enjoyed such treatment at all!

"Hahahaha!" Mr. Zhou couldn't help laughing: "It seems that these comrades engaged in scientific research still know how to adapt!"

"It's just that their flexibility may only be used on the right person!"

"Like Old Yetou, you are not the right person!"

"..." The corner of Mr. Ye's mouth twitched, "If these guys come to pester me again, and if I am still soft-hearted, I will slap myself in the face!"

"Okay, if you can't do it then, you can ask me to help you, free of charge!"

"Go, go, you just know how to watch the fun. How do you think you can be any better if it were you? You're still not like me!"

Having said this, Mr. Ye suddenly felt that it was necessary to implement his previous idea. He must drag Lao Zhoutou into the water and let him test the depth of the water!

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"We are going to settle this matter with Lao Zhang later, and now we are doing it in front of Mr. Lin! Don't be rude!" At this time, Academician Xu also thought that the business had not been done yet, so he hurriedly stopped the condemnation.

"Yes, yes!" Academician Zhang nodded quickly and looked at Lin Zhou: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, we are rude!"

"Uh - do the academicians have something to discuss with me?" Lin Zhou waved his hand and asked.

When the three of them heard this, they all nodded sheepishly.

After all, when they met, they started to praise Linzhou in various ways, and their intentions were already very obvious. It would be too hypocritical to say that they didn't.

They are not people of that kind of character either.

So, admit it all.

"Then let's go and talk!" Lin Zhou didn't say much about this. After standing up, he gave Mr. Cheng and the others an apologetic smile: "You continue, I will be absent for the time being."

"It's okay, you go, you go!"

When everyone heard this, they waved their hands and told him to go quickly.

Then, Lin Zhou and several academicians left here.

Everyone looked at their backs until they disappeared from the end of the field of vision, then slowly looked back and looked at each other.

Everyone was stunned, and no one spoke.

The shock on his face and in his eyes was clearly visible.

After a while, He Shaojun finally said: "Is that really an academician of the Academy of Sciences?!!"

"Of course it's true! Can the people brought by the old man be fake? Do you think they are fake and shoddy products on the Internet?" Zhang Tianyu replied without thinking.

Hearing this, Mr. Cheng choked up his breath: "Uh - didn't they say that most of the academicians in the Academy of Sciences are immersed in research and have no understanding of the world? This just now -"

He wanted to say that the words that came out of the mouths of those academicians just now to praise and please Lin Zhou had a bit of a breakthrough in his outlook.

He couldn't believe that their identities were really academicians!

It feels like those fake experts and fake people on the Internet who follow the trend!

Of course, he definitely couldn't say this clearly.

However, even though he had not finished speaking, the other people understood what he meant.

In fact, just now, they all had some broken views in their hearts.

After all, this scene is happening right before our eyes. It is hard to accept, but we have to accept it!

"Indeed! At that moment, I even doubted their identity!" Feng Tianlin also covered his face. His mouth was open for a long time just now, and now it's a little stiff.

"Alas! This person's identity must be impossible to fake!"

"When this happens, it can only mean one thing -" Zhang Tianyu shook his head and said with emotion.

When Mr. Cheng and the others heard this, they all turned their attention to him, looking forward to his answer.

Under their gaze, Zhang Tianyu also said the unfinished words: "Brother Lin is awesome!!!"


Guagua guagua!

Upon hearing these four words, Mr. Cheng and the other three twitched their mouths in unison, and black lines seemed to appear on their foreheads.

They thought Zhang Tianyu would have something to say!

Unexpectedly, such a sentence came out!

"Ahem!" Zhang Tianyu saw their strange looks and coughed twice: "Don't you think what I said makes sense and is very high-level? Isn't that the truth?"


The three of them were silent again.

Because, they had to admit that Zhang Tianyu's words were rough and unreasonable! This is really what you say, there is nothing wrong with it at all! ! !

Linzhou! It’s indeed awesome!

But when I think about it carefully, I feel like I am listening to you, just like listening to your words!

It feels like it doesn’t make any difference whether it’s said or not!

So the three of them were all silenced!

Of course, among the three, Mr. Cheng is the better one.

Because he didn't know before that Linzhou was so proud that even academicians of the Academy of Sciences were willing to make such a gesture.

This brought his understanding of Linzhou to a higher level!

Seeing that the three of them were silent, Zhang Tianyu probably realized that his words were a bit literary nonsense, so he spoke again:

"This matter is actually not difficult to guess. If you think about it carefully, you will know that it is just these academicians who want to ask Brother Lin for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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