Full Time Master: Reaper Returns

Chapter 5 How to Find Chapter Status

Chapter 5 Methods to get back to the status quo
"Xingluo! Ascension Formation!"

The scythe turned into a stream of light and fell on the head. At the same time, a golden magic circle opened under the feet, and a repulsive force rose from the ground, sending Lord Grim flying.

The combination of the ascending force of the Ascension Array and the force of the falling stars doubles the power.



The moment the scythe hit, the colorful Lord Grim turned into a green-skinned dwarf.

Goblin, this is a ninja substitute technique!

When he realized that it was a substitute technique, Karthus' perspective had changed to a floating perspective.

"Tsk... my heart is really dirty." Su Yan frowned.

He had already been extremely careful, and activated the hypnotism technique while the cooldown of the shadow clone was not over, but he forgot that the substitute technique is also a low-level skill that unattended people can use.

While floating in the air, Karsus already had a stiff effect on his body.

It should have been the Battle Technique Sky Strike that was floating in the air just now, and then the Battle Technique Dragon Fang was connected, causing a freezing effect for a second.

Ye Xiu's hand speed is one of the best in the alliance. In addition, the attack speed of the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella in Lord Grim's hand is 5, which has surpassed all spears. The one-second stiffness brought by Longya is enough for him to use several skills that's it.

After the dragon tooth, there is a continuous burst of tactics, and then a straight stab is a four-stroke combo in the air.

With Ye Xiu's operation, once the floating four-hit combo is completed, then it will be the shadow step plus floating infinite combo.

The kind that can last until death!
If it was a battle method, Su Yan could still find a chance to break through the air. After all, there were still a lot of skills.

But this thing about Sanren...

Putting his 120 skills one by one until the mana is exhausted will not stop at all!
Even the sacred fire can seal skills.

But no matter what, Holy Fire is a skill that requires chanting to be activated. In the past, he might have been able to seize the opportunity to chant, but now his hand speed simply cannot support such high-end operations.

So, in 1 minute, the battle is over.

Karsus was defeated as expected.

"You're too radical, you put the hypnotism too early, if I were you, I would first use the immobilization charm to trick out the body substitute." Ye Xiu shook his head and said.

"Ah, I discovered it too." Su Yan nodded and sighed, "How good do you think I am now at the level I was back then?"

"Less than half." Ye Xiu said unceremoniously in terms of glory, "You's hand speed is already comparable to Yu Wenzhou's."

"Really?" Su Yan smiled bitterly.

After all, it was a four-year gap. His familiarity with Glory was far less than it was back then, and his hand speed had also declined seriously due to the negative impact of the neglect and training of useless hands in the past few years.

Technology, hand speed, experience, and awareness are all far behind those of the past, and the only thing that has not declined but has increased is the ability to respond.

"If you take into account the renewal of Glory and the emergence of talented newcomers in the current league, if you play in the league with your current strength, the results you can achieve may not be as good as three points back then." Ye Xiu took out a cigarette, "Do you want it?" ?”

"Yeah." Su Yan nodded and took it, "That is to say, my current level is roughly... the level of the bottom-line players?"

"Almost." Ye Xiu took out the lighter to light it for him, and lit it for himself at the same time, "However, it's not difficult to recover, you know that too, right?"

Su Yan nodded.

Experience can be retrieved by further understanding the glory of the present, and the same goes for consciousness.

If the technique relies on further training, it should also be able to recover.

The key is speed.

It will take a long time of training to be able to recover. However, this is not a big problem, and it can even be said that it is the easiest one for him to recover.

Su Yan's hand speed peaked at around 450 four years ago.

However, Karthus' mobility is poor, so the hand speed requirements for operation are not high.

Su Yan's hand speed never exceeded 300 in the entire season.

So there is absolutely no need to revert to the previous peak.

His career can be compared with Yu Wenzhou's.

Yu Wenzhou's hand speed really has no room to drop, but his style of play requires an outrageously low opponent's speed.

And his current serious decline in hand speed is not due to age. Although he is considered a veteran in the league at 24 years old, he is still at his peak.

Moreover, Su Yan's own family knows his own affairs. The maintenance of his opponents in the past few years is still reasonable. The main reason is the lack of proficiency in keyboard caused by the blank period. It is a bit of a stretch to return to 400, but 300 is more than enough.

"Lao Ye, in terms of glory, you are at the textbook level after all, how do you think I should recover?" Su Yan asked.

"No...although I'm a textbook, but your question seems to be beyond the standard?" Ye Xiu couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's right, you probably haven't encountered someone with a blank period like me." Su Yan also shook his head and laughed.

"If you want me to say, what you need now is to start from scratch like a newcomer, find your own skills and consciousness a little bit, and get back the original experience through retraining, and speed up your hands. Can you reproduce the past? It's hard to say the demeanor of the god of death, but it should be possible to recover to a good state." Ye Xiu said.

"Then let's practice again." Su Yan nodded, "Start from the beginning."

"It's just right, the server is newly opened in the tenth district, and there is still time to register an account." Ye Xiu said, "Get you an account card? It's time to help me brush up the dungeon together."

"Well, I said you don't just want to find a tool man as a helper, do you?"

"Look at what you said, am I like that person?" Ye Xiu said that he was not that bad.

"You don't look like that, but you do." Su Yan was speechless.

However, what Ye Xiu said is also reasonable, starting from the beginning and practicing again is the best way to get back to the beginning.

"You should think about what profession you can practice with your new account." Ye Xiu found a blank tenth area account card from the front desk and threw it to him, "You are different from a normal exorcist, and it will be disadvantageous for you to practice exorcism. You recover, after all, you can never rebuild a set of Silver equipment, so it is best to have a career that is relevant and fits your style."

"For example?" Su Yan looked at him.

He is right, Su Yan's Karthus is not so much an exorcist, but more like a disciplinary knight. Compared with the orthodox skills of an exorcist, his style of play relies more on low-level shared skills and combat skills. Controlling skills brought acceleration effects and strong control effects. For Su Yan, most of the skills of the exorcist are used to output and consume the opponent's blood volume instead of fighting in the true sense.

"The painting style of the combat method is similar to exorcism, or punishing knights with battle axes and knight spears." Ye Xiu said, "Battle guardian angels or explosive priests are also fine."

To put it bluntly, Su Yan's style of play is completely an evil development that does not follow the routine in the current Glory.

Among the jobs Ye Xiu proposed, apart from the fact that their tactics are similar to those of an exorcist, knights are mostly used as MT jobs.

Guardian Angel, a profession that has more interception and defense skills besides treatment, is more used to assist teammates, a middle-of-the-road choice between priests and MTs.

Not to mention the pastor, pure wet nurse.

Punishment knights, output-type Explosive Priests, and combat-type guardian angels, these three schools were not absent in the first glory area, and Ye Xiu had also studied them.

However, these genres place too high demands on operators and have too many flaws compared to so-called normal usage.

If you really want to use these occupations for output, it is better to practice a real output or attack occupation.

Over time, these schools were also eliminated, and there was basically no need to talk about them. Except for the former glory veterans, there were even very few people who had heard of these schools.

But if it is Su Yan, maybe these schools are more suitable for him than normal professions.

Moreover, he just needs to get back to his original state, and he is not going to use these professions in the future, so there is no harm in practicing.

However, Ye Xiu was worried about another thing.

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(End of this chapter)

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