Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 103 Keisha and Karl's Evaluation of Luo Fan

Chapter 103 Keisha and Karl's Evaluation of Luo Fan

Kesha sat on the throne on Tianren No. [-], Yan, Zhixin, and Leng waited for more than a dozen high-ranking angels to flap their wings and stand in the surrounding air, surrounding Kaisa.

Kesha's deep eyes stared at the God of Death, Karl, her red lips parted lightly and said:

"Are you still insisting on studying the so-called void theory?"

Carl heard the words and knew that Kesha was doubting himself, and it was Kesha who was reasonable, otherwise he would have attacked him directly.

Therefore, Karl replied calmly:

"I believe that in the distant Styx galaxy, the justice and order of the angels will not be violated."

"Yeah!" Kesha hummed. She also felt surprised that Karl, a pervert, had not touched the order of justice for so long, so she nodded:

"That's right, Karl. To this day, you have still not violated the righteous order of angels. But... if you lie to me, it will be another result."

Carl quickly bowed his head and said:
"Everything Karl said is true, and I would never dare to lie to Queen Keisha."

Carl is an old scumbag who doesn't blush or even blink when he tells a lie.

Keisha stared closely at the eyes of Karl, the god of death, as if she was judging whether Karl's words were lying.

It's a pity that Karl, this old Yinbi, is not only powerful, but also has first-class acting skills.

Kesha observed for a while, then stopped talking, but suddenly thought of what Yan said about Luo Fan, so she asked:
"You just said that your Taotie Army was defeated in China. Do you know Luo Fan?"

Karl was overjoyed when he saw that Kesha transferred her doubts to Luo Fan, so he said:
"Luo Fan? I know. And not only do I know it, I also understand it very well."

"Oh, let's talk about it." Keisha also became interested, crossing her legs and listening with her chin resting on her left hand.

Karl, the god of death, did not sit down, but still stood there out of fear of Keisha, thought for a while and said:

"Queen Keisha, I wonder if you have heard of the Extreme Fury Kamikawa Gene?"

"I know, 3 years ago, the Space Principal Kieran led the Super Seminary and you, the mentor, to our Angel City of Angels. At that time, you and the Space Principal were studying a special kind of Kamikawa gene...Extreme Fury .”

"Well, it seems that Queen Kesa still remembers it." Death God Karl nodded, seeming to be lost in memories, with a rare trace of fascination on his face:

"That was my happiest time, when I participated in research with Liangbing."

"As for Extreme Fury, it is the Kamikawa gene that I, the space principal, and Liang Bing have studied for thousands of years."

"It's just that the research ended in failure, because Extreme Fury has been researched, and it can instantly bring ten times the strength of all attributes to the Extreme Fury Kamigawa gene carrier."

"However, the failure is that the extremely violent Kamigawa gene cannot be fused with any kind of Kamikawa gene. For example, if it is fused with the Nuoxing War God Kamigawa gene, it will be too terrifying."

"Unfortunately, even after thousands of years of research, Ultimate Violence can only be integrated into the bodies of ordinary people. If it is fused with any other Kamigawa gene owner, the gene will collapse and the body will explode and die instantly."

Speaking of this, Carl said with a look of madness on his face:

"Queen Kesha, do you know that what Luo Fan has in his body is the Ultimate Violent Kamigawa gene, but he has such a powerful strength. What does this mean? It shows that he also has another or multiple Kamigawa genes in his body. Genes are perfectly integrated with extreme violence, what a miraculous thing it is."

"The appearance of Luo Fan has overcome the problem of extreme rage that we have been studying for thousands of years, Principal Space, and Liang Bing, that is to say..."

At this time, Keisha spoke.

"In other words, since Luo Fan now has Ultimate Fury and another or multiple Kamigawa genes in his body, Luo Fan can even integrate more other Kamigawa genes in the future."

"Crack...crack...yes...yes...that's right!"

Karl, the god of death, clapped his hands quickly, and said excitedly:
"The power of the galaxy claims to be the supreme god of the known universe after it grows to its peak, even comparable to Queen Kaisha, but if Luo Fan has the power of the galaxy and extreme rage in his body."

"Then, Luo Fan, who has grown to the peak, will be at least ten times stronger than the power of the Galaxy. At that time, it may even surpass you, Queen Keisha..."

Hearing this, Kesha raised her eyebrows.

She originally came here to ask Karl about Morgana. After all, Karl, a pervert, owned a big clock. She wanted to give Karl a beating to make him more honest. Otherwise, she would kill him with a knife.

However, she did not expect to hear such explosive news.

It turned out that Luo Fan himself was able to fuse extreme rage and various Kamigawa genes, which proved that he himself was the strongest carrier, and when he grew up in the future, he would become the strongest god in the known universe.

Thinking of this, Keisha looked at Yan, and said intellectually and elegantly:

"Yan, now you have also heard that Luo Fan can accommodate Ultimate Fury and other Kamikawa genes at the same time, which proves that his potential is much higher than Ge Xiaolun, and now he is much stronger than Ge Xiaolun."

"Then, I take back the words that I matched you with Ge Xiaolun, and let you choose whose guardian angel to be."

"No, Queen Keisha."

However, Yan shook his head and said quickly:

"Queen Keisha, Luo Fan is so good, and you are so good, Queen Keisha. After being single for 3 years, it's time to find a good male god."

"I think Luo Fan is the most suitable for you, Queen Kesha. First, he has high potential and strong strength. Second, he is handsome, so handsome. I have never seen a man as handsome as him."

"Cough cough..."

Queen Keisha coughed twice and said:
"Yan, you said these words again, if you want Luo Fan, I might not be able to grab it from you."

"Could it be, you don't like Luo Fan?"

When Yan heard this, he waved his hands quickly and said:
"No, no, Queen Kaisa, I didn't say I don't like Luo Fan, but I just think that if Luo Fan is really that good, then he can be worthy of you, Queen Kaisa."

"After all, for 3 years, there has been no man worthy of you, Queen Keisha. What a pity."

Hearing this, Leng, who was always at odds with Yan, knew that she agreed:

"Queen Keisha, I think what Yan said makes sense."

Keisha heard Yan Heleng's words, and said simply:

"Zhi Xin, you stay in the Styx Galaxy to monitor Karl. Yan and I will go to China to ask if China needs our help to drive away and kill Taotie."

When Yan heard this, he looked worried and said:

"Queen Keisha, Zhi Xin is only five hundred years old, can she monitor Karl? After all, this guy is very scheming.

Keisha heard the words, her face was still noble and elegant, and said lightly:

"If it burns the heart"

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(End of this chapter)

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