Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 105 Kesha comes to Earth (please order first)

Chapter 105 Kesha comes to Earth (please order first)

Kesha replied:
"If even the right-wing guards can't suppress Karl, the Angel Legion will be in jeopardy."

"Let's go to Earth!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kesha didn't see any movement. The Heavenly Blade No. [-] under her seat shot directly into the distance. When Yan and others saw this, the wings of space and time behind them flapped, flying with Kesha in the middle.

Among the colorful insect bridge.

Keisha sat on Tianren [-] with her eyes closed and fell asleep, while a dozen beautiful high-ranking angels flapped their white wings and flew quickly through the wormhole to the earth in the Chiwu star system.

And Yan was thinking about the justice of the angel while flying.

Angels are the most perfect life forms in the known universe. We use our best bodies to do the most dangerous things.

We enjoy the feeling of being admired and loved by all people, and the excitement of fighting evil. We are all women, but we can do without a man's company for a long time.

Hold the flaming sword in your hand, dance in the evil wind, or die in a tragic battle, or die in a tragic way, the universe is full of angel legends.

Twenty days later, after a long flight through the wormhole, the angel came out of the wormhole and flew near the earth.

At this time, the angels reported to Kesha in the middle one by one:

"Queen Keisha is about to arrive on Earth!"

"The location of the Xiongbing Company has been found!"

"The position of the power of the galaxy has been located!"

"The location of Nuoxing God of War has been located!"

"The position of the sun's light has been located!"

The angels reported the news about the Kamigawa genes of the three major god-making projects one by one, but Angel Cooling suddenly said in surprise:
"Queen Keisha, can't find the location of Luo Fan, the god of the world. He doesn't seem to exist at this time."

"Interesting!" Keisha opened her wise eyes, with strong interest in them, and said with seductive red lips:

"I've heard it said a long time ago that it was impossible to locate Luo Fan, the God of the World, but now, not only you can't locate it, but even I can't locate Luo Fan. Interesting, interesting, really interesting."

Yan looked at Keisha's interested smile, and smiled himself.

Because she has followed Queen Kesha for 7000 years, and it has been a long time since she saw Kesha showing such an interested look. It seemed that there was nothing in the world that Queen Kesha was interested in.

In fact, Yan feels that Queen Kesha is obviously invincible in this state of not being interested in anything. She has been in the known universe for 3 years and cannot find anything of interest. It is very likely that she will find an opportunity sometimes and take the initiative. Die.

And now, Yan smiled, because she found that Queen Keisha finally showed some interested expression on her face.

While this expression of interest isn't much, it's better than nothing.

Thinking of this, Yan said again:
"That's right, Queen Keisha, I couldn't locate Luo Fan's location before, and only when I saw him did I know he existed."

"Moreover, only the extremely violent Kamikawa gene in his body can be detected, and the other mysterious Kamikawa genes cannot be detected at all. He is very mysterious."

"Yeah!" Keisha hummed, and looked at the earth below with a pair of deep eyes, as if she had read the information of the entire earth in an instant.

At this time, the angel shouted excitedly with a cold face:

"Prepare to enter the atmosphere and let the clouds roll... Queen Keisha is here!"

On board the Great Gorge!

Luo Fan, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, and Ge Xiaolun sat together angrily, chatting with each other.

Xin Zhao combed his hair and said vigorously:
"Really...Really, the Hateful Alliance has been assassinated one after another."


Ge Xiaolun exclaimed, he had also heard of the Hate Alliance, which is composed of a group of super fighters with extraordinary abilities.

However, the alliance of haters with extraordinary abilities were all assassinated one by one, so I asked curiously:

"Who did it? There is such a big skill?"

Xin Zhao clapped his hands and continued:

"I have read the information, and one survivor said that a dark warrior suddenly appeared behind the room that was supposed to be absolutely safe and closed, and then killed him with a single blow."

"Also, a bullet suddenly flew out of nowhere, and the headshot was gone. Moreover, after some research by experts, the bullet was the God-killing No. [-], the one in Qilin's gun, and it also opened a hole in Yaowen's head. That kind of bullet."

Hearing this, Ge Xiaolun asked:

"Then... what's going on with the Hateful League now?"

"So what, of course it collapsed in an instant. No one dared to organize it, no one dared to take the lead, because as long as they dared to take the lead, a God-killing No. [-] bomb would fly from nowhere and hit their head instantly."

"Damn, it's so dangerous. I almost want to go home." Ge Xiaolun said with a panicked look.


Suddenly, Ge Xiaolun received a slap on the head. Ge Xiaolun suddenly became angry and said:

"I rely on..."

However, when he saw that it was Luo Fan who gave him the first slap, his angry face instantly smiled: " turned out to be Brother Luo."

Luo Fan glared at Ge Xiaolun and warned:
"If you dare to say that you want to go home again, I will have all your legs broken."

When Ge Xiaolun heard this, his eyes slowly moved down, and he felt a coldness coming over him, and his whole body was wrapped in cold air, and he quickly said:

"Brother Luo, Brother Luo, I won't say anything in the future. Don't break all my legs. Our family has been passed down for three generations, and I'm the only one, and I don't have a girlfriend yet."

"What, you don't even have a girlfriend yet. You've been living with a dog for more than [-] years?" Liu Chuang stood up straight away, staring at Ge Xiaolun with contempt.

Luo Fan also had a dark silver blade in his hand, and stretched it towards Ge Xiaolun, jokingly said:
"Xiao Lun, what's the use of this leg, I might as well just cut off your leg."

"Ah... ah... Brother Luo, don't... Brother Luo, stop!" Ge Xiaolun instantly retreated back behind the wall like a cat whose hair has exploded.

He had seen the sharpness of Luo Fan's dark silver blade in the Battle of Tianhe. No warship or armor could resist this sharp blade.

Even though his defensive power is very high, Ge Xiaolun knows that he will definitely not be able to resist the sharp blade of An Su Yin.

"Haha... forget it, look at how scared you are."

Luo Fan spat, and then put away the dark silver blade, but suddenly said:

"Xiao Lun, you can still be resurrected with full health after death. Otherwise, I'll cut off all your legs and see if they can be fully restored. Just in time, I'll give you a memory so that you don't have to go home frequently."

"Don't, don't, Brother Luo, I, Ge Xiaolun, swear, I will never dare again."

In order to protect his future happy life, Ge Xiaolun directly swore.

Seeing this, Luo Fan didn't bother to joke with him anymore, and then looked at the sky.

When Liu Chuang and others saw this, they also looked at him, and their expressions suddenly changed.

In the sky, the clouds suddenly rolled violently, like huge waves beating, and at the same time, thunder and lightning flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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