Chapter 107 Kesha leaves the choice to Luo Fan


Kesha looked at Ge Xiaolun who was rude and cute, and felt a little funny, so she smiled and said:
"This is the power of the Galaxy, for such a little kid?"

"Hey!" At this time, Dukao shouted coldly and shouted:
"Holy Keisha, negotiate like a negotiator."

When Keisha heard the words, she felt a funny feeling, and she could easily solve the power possessed by Dukao.

However, Luo Fan was quite interesting to her.

Kesha answered directly:
"Dukao, I have nothing to negotiate with you. I'm done talking to you."

"Reporting to the Queen, we have captured the specific location of Morgana, but we are not sure whether she has upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body. If we execute the full-power Heavenly Blade Trial now, it is possible to defeat Morgana again, but it will hurt the residents of Blue Star." .”

Hearing this, Kesha interrupted Yan and said directly:

"Our angels are righteous and cannot trample on life at will. Since the execution of the full-power Heavenly Blade Trial will hurt the residents of Blue Star, then we must ask human beings, let them make their own choices, and respect their choices."

"Yes, Queen Keisha!"

Yan replied, and quickly flew to the outer space of the blue star, holding the flame sword high in his hand, and endless energy gathered on the sword.

As long as Kesha gives the order, Yan will wave the flaming sword in his hand and kill hundreds of thousands of demons and Morgana.

It's just that Morgana has now been upgraded to a fourth-generation god body. The Heavenly Blade Trial cannot defeat her, but it can defeat all the demons and Demon One under her command.

Dukao naturally noticed all this and shouted eagerly:
"Stop, stop, stop quickly."

Kesha ignored Dukao because Dukao was not qualified enough for her to take him seriously, not even remotely qualified.

Then, Kesha set her sights on Luo Fan and Ge Xiaolun, saying:

"You can't stop the angel's judgment on the devil, and you shouldn't."

"Ge Xiaolun, you are the heir to the power of the galaxy. I should have asked for your opinion. However, now Luo Fan has more potential than you, his strength is far higher than you, and he has become a god, so..."

Having said this, Kesha set her sights on Luo Fan and asked with a smile:

"God on earth, Luo Fan, should you make your choice from the perspective of a god?"

Luo Fan looked at the affectionate, indifferent and elegant Kesha sitting lazily on the sofa above, but felt that Little Naisha was pretty good.

Because as Keisha said, with her ability, as long as she acts as a strong person and completely ignores human thoughts, no one can stop her, including the current Luo Fan herself.

But now, Kesha is sitting here, smiling and negotiating with humans nicely, which proves that Kesha is indeed righteous.

This is very rare, and it is very difficult for anyone to do it.

After all, if Morgana and her demons are not defeated now, more angels will be sacrificed in the future.

Kesha, on the other hand, has thought of this a long time ago, but still insists on asking the weak for their opinions, which is so rare.

Luo Fan asked himself, if he were himself, he would not be able to do it.

Therefore, when Luo Fan saw Kesha asking him with a smile, he responded with a smile out of politeness:
"Although I have become a god now, just like what you are doing now, you know that launching the Heavenly Blade Trial directly will only cause a few hundred thousand deaths, but it can prevent hundreds of millions of deaths in the future."

"But you still sit here and patiently ask for my opinion, the human opinion."

"So, my answer is that I am just like you. I cannot control other people's life or death. Therefore, the choice is left to the officials and let them decide."

After Luo Fan finished speaking, he fell into silence and stopped talking.

The reason why Luo Fan said this was not simply as he said.

Because if he said to directly use the Heavenly Blade to judge, although it could completely avoid the survival of hundreds of millions of people in the future, it would cause the death of millions of people now.

However, people will only resent his current decision, which resulted in the deaths of millions of people. As for Luo Fan, he does not take the blame. Instead, he takes the blame for doing good things.

And if he directly chooses not to use the full-power Sky Blade Judgment to defeat Morgana, hundreds of millions of people will die in the future, and he will still be blamed, and he will be the sinner.

Luo Fan is not that great, he just wants to gain great strength, the strongest strength, within his ability, without life safety, to protect irrelevant people.

He is such a person.

"Very good, very good, very good!"

Kesha was so beautiful that she stared at Luo Fan and said three times in a row that they were very good.

Luo Fan's answer was exactly what she thought. Angels are righteous, otherwise they would not establish a righteous order. They would help weak civilizations to resist the invasion of demons and evil civilizations for free.

In that way, they will not gain much, but will lose some angel sisters, which is not worth the loss.

However, it is precisely because their angels are righteous that they take great pleasure in doing righteous things.

Devil One, in the hall!
Morgana stood in the hall, her little hands in white were touching her stomach, her eyes were looking into the distance, with a sad expression on her face.

She had already felt Kesha's arrival, so her face was heavy.

In the past, she only worried about the safety of the demons under her command, but now, she has another sustenance, which is the child in her stomach.

She, Morgana, must ensure that her child is born safely.

At this moment, a demon in black armor walked in and reported anxiously:

"Queen, your divine Kesha is chasing us again, and has descended on the Chinese South China Sea Fleet."


Morgana snorted coldly, walked a few steps and said coldly:
"These Bichi, Bichi, seem to have their spies in every corner of the known universe. Wherever they go, they will eventually be found."

Sword Demon Atuo also came here at this time, and said with a serious face:

"Queen, Holy Kesha's Heavenly Blade Judgment has been aimed at us and is ready to attack at any time."

"With the full power of the Heavenly Blade Judgment, it is enough to directly defeat all the demons and Demon One. Of course, the queen has been upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body, so you are safe."

As Ato spoke, he looked dotingly at the queen's slightly swollen belly, where a new life was being conceived.

For him, Sword Demon Atuo, even though this child probably belongs to that scumbag Luo Fan, he still loves this child.

Because he loves the queen.

Atuo has two famous sayings.

What the queen loves is how she loves.

If the queen loves me, she is not my queen.

It can be said that the essence of dog licking has been brought to the extreme.

"Damn, so fast, this Bichi!"

Morgana cursed angrily and then said:
"Hurry up and drive the Demon One to the sky above Juxia City and keep it close to the ground. Chinese civilization will stop them."

"After that, you can calculate a safe position."

(End of this chapter)

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