Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 109 Kesha: Liang Bing, whose child is in your belly?

Chapter 109 Kesha: Liang Bing, whose child is in your belly?
The ordinary soldiers and Xiongbing Company on the Juxia looked at Kesha and Liang Bing arguing with each other, with confused expressions on their faces.

However, when it comes to quarreling, Morgana is mostly scolding excitedly, while Keisha has been calm and answers with reason.

Keisha also saw the bewildered expressions of the crowd, she didn't want to be watched, so she kept silent and asked Morgana to continue.

Otherwise, Morgana really can't beat her, both in terms of logic and mentality.

Liang Bing couldn't say no to Kaisha, and even the huge evil trembled violently with an angry face.

At this time, Liang Bing saw Kesha suddenly silent, and continued:

"The earth is beautiful, I like it here, and you Keisha..."

Speaking of this, Liang Bing glared at Keisha, and said coldly:

"Get out of here!"

"I will fight to the end for the freedom of the earth."

"'s crazy!" Keisha shook her head and patiently explained to everyone:
"This is an extremely evil devil. The whole universe can punish him. Why do I say that gods should not communicate with mortals?"

"Because once there is communication, mortals will see the emotional side of God, and will think about right and wrong, so that even beliefs such as justice can be doubted, and this... is Morgana's evil idea... similar to brainwashing !”

"Also, if I want to destroy Morgana, I can send a thunderbolt directly from the sky right now. This is God's will."

"Now that I respect you so much for sitting here, asking you to agree or not is becoming a dictatorship."

"Haha...haha..." Morgana couldn't say it anymore, she covered her belly with one hand, and shouted:

"You are reasonable, you are noble, you are amazing... But in my eyes, you are just a bitch, not a sky, and you have no intentions."

After Kesha heard it, she didn't have a chance to Morgana, and she didn't scold her back. From this, it can be seen that Kesha's self-cultivation is indeed very good.

Kesha thought for a while, looked at the people below and said:

"Then, I will leave it to you people on Earth to choose."

After speaking, Kesha waved her hand and was about to erase Morgana's projection, but suddenly stopped, staring at Morgana with a pair of eyes full of wisdom.

To be precise, staring at Morgana's stomach.

There, why is it slightly raised.

Looking down, she looks like she is pregnant.

No way, this damn sister of mine is not pregnant, right?
Kesha looked at it, her eyes flashed with white light again, and she used her eyes of insight to observe.

Liang Bing naturally felt Kesha's gaze, and quickly covered her stomach with her hands.

She didn't want Kesha to know that she was pregnant, and then the bitch would laugh at her again.

Luo Fan, who was sitting below, also saw Kesha looking at Liang Bing's stomach at this time, and stopped sitting, and slowly stood up.

Luo Fan knew that the child in Liangbing's belly was his. After all, he had stayed with Liangbing for ten days, and the system had indicated that Liangbing was pregnant.

"Morgana, are you pregnant?"

The white light in Kesha's eyes disappeared, staring at Morgana's stomach full of surprise.

" you bitch is only pregnant!" Morgana replied subconsciously.

However, Kesha still kept staring at Liang Bing, which made Liang Bing hairy for a while.

Finally, Keisha sighed and said:
"Because you are pregnant, as long as you dispel all the demons and come back to the City of Angels with me, I will spare your life today."

"Spare me? Go back to the City of Angels? Haha...haha..."

Morgana laughed a few times and said:
"You Bichi, I finally left the City of Angels and will never go back. As for the child, it's mine. What does it have to do with you?"

Kaisha frowned, and said coldly:
"With your evil and depraved appearance, can you take care of her? You should give her birth and let me teach her well in the future. She will definitely be a beautiful angel when she grows up."

Morgana was furious when she heard this, pointing at Kesha and said angrily:

"With your righteous order, you still want my children to be restricted in the future. Life is inherently selfish, depraved, doing whatever you want, and pursuing your inner desires. And your righteous order actually has the power to help weak civilizations and fight against evil throughout the universe. , so hypocritical.”

Kesha heard the words and said:

"If the universe is full of demons like you, and is full of killings, invasions, and wars everywhere, then life in the entire universe will be in pain."

"Even if you can kill someone today, after a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, or 10 years, there will always be someone better than you, and your family members will end up like those who were invaded and killed by your demons."

When Morgana heard this, she was speechless and could only rebuke angrily:
"Bichi, you are a bitch!"

"That's right!" Keisha suddenly stared closely at Morgana's eyes and asked:
"With your haughty personality, for 3 years, no man has been in your eyes, and even that pervert Karl, the god of death, has been chasing you and licking you for so long, but he hasn't gained any of your love."

"I'm curious, who is so outstanding, who can win your heart and make you pregnant with a child?"

Morgana was silent for a while after hearing this, but she did not look at Luo Fan below.

She had actually noticed Luo Fan for a long time, but she knew how smart Kesha was. As long as she showed a little bit of her horns, Kesha would definitely guess that the child was Luo Fan's.

She didn't want Kesha to know that the child belonged to Luo Fan, because she hadn't forgiven Luo Fan, she wanted to punish him by destroying the Great Strait, destroying the Troop Company, and making Luo Fan pay the price.

No one can bully her Demon King Morgana, the incomparable Queen.

Morgana didn't know what kind of relationship she had with Luo Fan. On the one hand, she hated Luo Fan and wanted him to know the price of getting her demon king Morgana pregnant, but on the other hand, she didn't want to kill Luo Fan.

Otherwise, with their demonic abilities, although they have not been able to locate Luo Fan's trace, they have been observing the Xiongbing Company, so they naturally know that Luo Fan belongs to the Xiongbing Company.

If she wanted to kill Luo Fan, she would have secretly attacked Luo Fan countless times with her time-space ability and Shenshenwu.

Even her most sincere subordinate, the sword demon Atuo, had mentioned that he would kill Luo Fan as long as the queen gave the order.

It's just that she didn't order it all the time.

Morgana didn't dare to look at Luo Fan, but Luo Fan looked at Morgana in the air, at her delicate body with bumps and convexities, her beautiful face, and her slightly protruding abdomen.

In the final analysis, Luo Fan was in the wrong in this matter. Although she was Morgana, the Demon King, she ran away immediately after getting an advantage. What a scumbag.

At this moment, Kesha noticed Luo Fan's eyes looking at Morgana, and from that gaze, Kesha felt a trace of unusual eyes.

Could it, could it,
At this moment, Kesha had a bold idea in her mind. Could it be that the child in Liang Bing’s belly was...

(End of this chapter)

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