Chapter 115
Open the properties panel!
Luo Fan gave a low shout in his heart, and the attribute panel appeared in his mind.

【Version 2.0 of Multi-child Duofu System】

[Name: Luo Fan]

【Age: 22】

[Shenhe Gene: Extreme Fury (All Attributes Enhanced Ten Times)
Level [-] extreme rage (based on level [-] extreme rage, enhanced again by a hundred times)]

[Galaxy power enhancement value 86, Nuoxing God of War enhancement value 5, Fast as Lightning (German Star Spear) enhancement value 5]

[Descendants: Qilin, Qiangwei Liangbing]

[Skills: clairvoyance, angel brain, micro-wormhole transportation technology, void engine (God's punishment), super mental power]

[Elixir: None]

[Weapons: eighteen kinds of martial arts, god-killing stick, dark silver blade]

[God point: 0 point]

Luo Fan looked at Nuoxing God of War and Dexing Spear in the attribute panel. It used to be a fusion rate of %, but now it does have a strengthening value of +5.

This shows what?
It shows that Nuoxing God of War has reached the level of three generations of gods.

The genes of the God of War, Kamigawa, reached the level of the third-generation god body. It has powerful attack power. It was equipped with a god-killing giant ax more than 1 years ago, and even split the Lieyang Star where Reina was in in half.

So, if Luo Fan had a god-killing giant axe now, he could also split a planet in half with one axe.

What a terrifying attack power this is.

As for the German Star Gun, it is far inferior to the Nuoxing God of War, one of the three major god-making projects. It is only a second-generation super soldier.

However, although the German Star Gun is only a second-generation super soldier, its advantage is that it is very fast.

It's just that his physique is not very strong, and his dark plane is not very strong either, so he is a second-generation super soldier.

However, after such a fast speed, combined with the powerful attack power of Nuoxing God of War, the super defense power of the Galaxy Force, and the anti-void ability, it will be very terrifying.

Moreover, Luo Fan's German Star Gun can also be strengthened through pile-driving games. Now its only strengthening value has reached +5.

Luo Fan felt that the speed of the German Star Gun was much faster than the speed that had just reached the second-generation super soldier level.

In short, Luo Fan feels that the years are peaceful and the future is bright.

However, although he is currently very strong in all aspects, his defense, speed, attack power, and even micro-wormhole handling technology have reached the peak.

However, in the dark plane, although there is a void engine and punishment, the resources of the dark plane are currently very few.

Heavenly Punishment is the Void Engine. As the representative of the most powerful series of dark plane engines in the super-god world, the Void Engine can be imagined how powerful it is.

However, no matter how powerful the void engine is, it still needs the resources of the dark plane.

For example, Holy Kesha is the most powerful person in the known universe today.

The reason why she is the strongest is because of her treasure trove of knowledge and weapons.

The arsenal has almost the strongest various god-killing weapons and void weapons in the known universe.

The most important thing is the knowledge treasure house of the dark plane.

The treasure house of knowledge contains the dark plane resources of the entire angelic civilization for 3 years.

Moreover, the angels still use networked dark plane resources.

Except for Tianji Wang Hexi's space-based system, almost all the dark plane resources of the entire Angel civilization for 3 years are in Kaisha's knowledge treasure house.

As the strongest civilization in the known universe, the angel civilization is not one of them, precisely because of the existence of Kaisha.

With 3 years of search accumulation in the known universe, one can imagine how terrifying the resources in the treasure house of knowledge are.

Therefore, after Kesha went offline, Angel's combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

In Fraser, before Kesha went offline, Yan and Ge Xiaolun came to Fraser.

At this time, the sword demon Atuo has been upgraded to the third generation of divine body.

However, even after upgrading to the third-generation god body, the sword demon Ato did not dare to come out and kill Yan, because Kaisha hadn't gone offline yet.

After Kaisha went offline, she lost the networking blessing of Kaisha's knowledge treasure house, and her strength dropped drastically.

At this time, the sword demon Atuo dared to come out and kill the powerful Yan.

It's just that Yan's strength is too strong. Even if Atuo has upgraded to the third-generation divine body, he is not Yan's opponent. He was suppressed and beaten by Yan at the beginning.

Only later, Morgana discovered the Great Void Sword in Ge Xiaolun's hand, and after breaking the restriction, Ato killed Yan with the Great Void Sword in his hand.

Therefore, in the super god world, the fight is whether the gene sequence is strong or not, and the fight is the resources of the dark plane.

For example, Luo Fan's Nuoxing God of War has reached the third-generation god body, but his body has reached the third-generation god body, and he still has not reached the peak. He still needs the accumulation of dark plane resources.

If you have Kaisha's treasure house of knowledge, let alone one planet, even if you have ten planets, you can kill one with one axe.

However, although Luo Fan's Heavenly Punishment is not as terrifying as Kesha's Treasure House of Knowledge or as powerful as Liang Bing's Demon No. [-], it has some scale.

Luo Fan shook his head, stopped thinking about it, patted Qilin's butt, and told her to get up and come to the deck to bask in the sun.

On the deck, Luo Fan set up a grand chair and lay leisurely on it to bask in the sun.

Qilin set up a stool and sat next to Luo Fan, massaging his shoulders and arms.

In fact, Luo Fan considered that Qilin was pregnant and he should not give him a massage, but Qilin said that she was a third-generation god, so Luo Fan had to enjoy it under Qilin's insistence.

As for the angel Ah Zhui, standing beside Luo Fan at this moment, looking at his expression of enjoyment, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Luo Fan didn't have any thoughts about her yesterday, which greatly changed Ah Zhui's impression of Luo Fan and greatly increased his favorability.

Ge Xiaolun was standing on the edge of the deck, leaning against the iron railing and looking into the distance.

At this moment, his strength has reached the level of the third generation of super fighters, and his body hardness is even comparable to that of the third generation of gods. The general tank bombing has no help in improving his strength, so Ge ​​Xiaolun does not need to be beaten for training.

In addition, now that his angel wings have been banned by Keisha, and he has lost the ability to fly, Ge Xiaolun has nothing to do right now.

Liu Chuang was still jumping around on the deck, practicing his jumping ability while holding the God-killing axe.

He is not fast, so he wants to practice his jumping ability.

Luo Fan looked at Liu Chuang's hard training, so he got up and came to Liu Chuang's side.


Seeing Luo Fan approaching, Liu Chuang wiped the sweat off his face and said hello.

Luo Fan smiled and then said:

"Chuangzi, didn't I say it before, your god-killing ax is not used like this, it's just thrown out."

"Besides, your speed is short, and you run too slowly like a turtle among super fighters, so the God Killing Ax thrown out is not only powerful, but also can attack from a long distance, and the enemy can't escape even if they want to."

Liu Chuang thought for a while and expressed his opinion:

"Brother Luo, I have tested it, and the power of the ax thrown every time is far less than that of me holding the ax directly to chop."

"That's because you haven't found a way to really use Shenshen Wu."

(End of this chapter)

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