Chapter 122 The Crisis of the Grand Canyon

Chiwu star system, in space!
A thousand gluttonous space warships like giant steel dragons straddle the space, surrounded by five thousand small warships, large and small.

In the lobby of a space battleship, thousands of gluttonous warriors in black armor stood.

Their gazes were all on the high platform ahead at this moment.

There, a Taotie wearing a huge white battle armor stood there.

The gluttonous king is addicted to howling.

Next to Gluttonous Howl, stood a dozen or so Gluttonous warriors also wearing huge white battle armor.

The howling king glanced at the thousand gluttonous warriors below, and then looked at the dozen white-armored gluttons around him. His face was expressionless without a body.

Howl has long been like the god of death, Karl, who gave up his body, leaving only his soul.

However, he does not have a mysterious phantom like Karl, and his soul still needs a physical body, so he created this white armor on his body.

Although it is only a white battle armor, the strength of Howl is basically in the third generation of gods.

In particular, the god of death, Carl, implanted an angel gene concept striker into him. Generally, third-generation guardian angels or angels below are completely crushed when they encounter Howler.

At this time, a white-armored warrior next to Howl said:
"Morgana is about to attack the Grand Canyon. Once we succeed, we will immediately enter the Blue Star battlefield from above Grand Canyon City and fight at high altitude. The important thing is to pay attention to nuclear protection."

Howl glanced at the gluttonous fighters, and said:
"Blue Star has more than enough firepower to destroy their planet ten times in a day."

"And the population is billions, and the combined army of all the states exceeds 1000 million. Even if we can defeat their main defense force within 100 hours, we may still have to entangle with their rebel army for at least half a year."

"Also, we have an agreement with Morgana, we help her clean the floor, but we can't damage their furniture... Hehe... They take the earth as their home, so what should we do? We worked so hard to lay down the blue star, just to give it to them ?”

When the thousands of Taotie warriors in the hall heard this, they all remained silent and did not dare to say anything.

A white armored warrior said:
"King Howl, although we didn't get any benefits, my god Karl likes death. If we create death on Blue Star, we can please my god Karl. At that time, my god Karl may give us more blessings."


Xishou patted the white-armored warrior on the shoulder and said with murderous intent:

"Pass down the order, the army of millions will be rectified, ready to attack Blue Star at any time, causing death, and pleasing my god Karl!"


Devil One!
In the dim hall, hundreds of high-level demons stood in the hall, looking in awe at the demon king Morgana on the high throne.

Morgana sat on the throne, looked at the high-ranking demon below, and said:
"We have already formulated a battle plan with Karl, the God of Death. We will attack the Grand Canyon and destroy the Grand Canyon in three days."

Speaking of this, Morgana looked at a demon standing in front and said:
"Heifeng, we will seriously injure Reina then, and then you will take the opportunity to enter Rena's body and control Reina, and then Demon One will directly open the dark plane authority in Reina's body and destroy the Grand Canyon."

"Yes, Queen."

Heifeng replied with one arm on his chest, bowing and saluting.

However, Heifeng moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

Morgana saw Hei Feng's hesitant to speak, so she asked:

"Heifeng, just say what you have to say, the queen will not eat you."

Heifeng heard the words, still put one hand on his chest, and said:
"It's too late for the queen to love us, so of course she won't eat me."

"It's just that, although Sun Wukong is in Huaguo Mountain and not on the Juxia in the Xiongbing Company, Qiangwei and Qilin should not be able to stop our demon's wormhole sneak attack, but there is Luo Fan, the god of the world in the Xiongbing Company, and we are seriously injured to control Lena. , it must be a bit difficult.”

Morgana rubbed her forehead when she heard the words, thought for a while and said:
"What you said makes sense. With Luo Fan in the Xiongbing Company, he is also a wormhole master. In addition, his speed is extremely fast. There is a slight possibility that we will not be able to seriously injure and control Leina."

"However, these queens have thought of it, and there is a plan B, and you will know when the time comes."

"Yes, Queen!"

Heifeng bowed again and replied, but there was still some worry in his expression.

On the other hand, Crocodile God Suo said at this time:

"Hei Feng, don't worry, what... What is the world... Luo Fan, the god of the world, if he dares to stop you, I, Thornton, will be the first to spare her."

"At that time, I will go to the Great Strait with you, and I will definitely let him taste the two big axes of my Thornton."

Hei Feng heard the words and glanced at the two sharp axes in Thornton's hand.

He knew that Thornton's big ax could easily cut through the bodies of four generations of gods.

And Na Luofan is only three generations of gods, so Thorton will go with him, it will be absolutely safe.

"Okay! Haha...haha..."

Morgana slapped her thigh, laughed and said:

"Order down, let the demons rest well, we will destroy the Great Strait in three days."

After speaking, Morgana touched her slightly swollen belly.

With the touch, she could feel that a little life was being conceived inside.

This is her child, the first time she has conceived a child in 3 years, and Morgana loves this child very much.

Thinking of that day when Luo Fan kept her in a secret room for ten days, and then let her try eighteen kinds of martial arts, she was tortured by Luo Fan, pain and happiness coexisted.

Thinking of these, Morgana's heart was filled with anger, she was so angry that she was so angry that her chest almost exploded.

Morgana snorted coldly, there is no reason why Luo Fan's eighteen martial arts are hers, only her eighteen martial arts Luo Fan has the reason.

She will definitely destroy the Great Gorge, capture Luo Fan back to Devil One, then imprison Luo Fan in the secret room of Devil One, and then bully him every day, let Luo Fan know how deep her Morgana's charm is.

Moreover, Luo Fan can also accompany the child in her womb.

In case that guy has a big heart and a big heart, he only knows how to pick up girls all day.


Great Gorge!
Luo Fan built a Taishi chair and lay on it to bask in the sun.

Beside him, Qilin stretched out a pair of slender fingers to massage his head.

Luo Fan enjoyed the soft fingers and tempting fragrance.

And the red-haired Qiangwei pouted her buttocks, stretched out her hands, and massaged Luo Fan's hands with her slender fingers.

Angel Ah Zhui, at this moment, set up a stool and sat beside Luo Fan.

But don't think that Ah Zhui has nothing to do just because he is sitting. Ah Zhui's sitting is mainly for the convenience of massaging Luo Fan.

With pure white onion fingers, he carefully massaged Luo Fan's thighs.

The strength is moderate, and it is more comfortable than the best masseuse Luo Fan has ever experienced.

After all, Ah Zhui has lived for thousands of years and sometimes massages Queen Keisha?
In addition, Angel's brain is highly developed, and he can learn everything quickly and skillfully. After thousands of years, he has become extremely proficient in massage techniques.

On the deck, Liu Chuang, who was trying hard to throw an ax with his sleeves rolled up, saw this scene and said bitterly:
"Brother Luo, you are truly a winner in life!"

(End of this chapter)

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