Chapter 125


Everyone in the Xiongbing Company stood on the deck, and Luo Fan suddenly appeared among them with Lena.

However, just after he appeared, Xin Zhao suddenly appeared out of thin air with a spear in his hand, and then stabbed towards Leina's back.

The spear in Xin Zhao's hand is also a god-killing weapon. In the original work, Xin Zhao seriously injured Lena with a shot and was then controlled by Nightmare.

However, just as the spear was about to stab Leina, Luo Fan stretched out his hand and held the spear directly.

"Xin Zhao, didn't I tell you not to jump around?"

Luo Fan looked at Xin Zhao and asked.

"I... I just saw a demon warrior appearing in front of me, and I planned to use my speed to jump over and stab him to death, but unexpectedly, I suddenly stabbed Rena."

Speaking of this, Xin Zhao looked frightened.

If Luo Fan hadn't held onto his spear, with the attack he had already jumped to launch, at that extremely fast speed, Lena would never have been able to dodge or defend in time, and he himself had no time to stop.

Luo Fan explained: "That's the devil's wormhole technology, the same principle as Qiangwei carried the South China Sea Fleet's firepower bombing Taotie in the Battle of Tianhe."

"The devil has Devil One, and the wormhole technology is many times more powerful than the rose, so it can solve you, a super soldier, in an instant, and then open the wormhole to teleport you behind Lena. So, from now on, you Don't jump around."

"Okay, Brother Luo." Xin Zhao nodded, holding the spear and observing the surroundings.

Devil One!
Morgana stood in the control room next to the Demon Palace, looking at multiple images of the Juxia on the light curtain in front of her.

Beside them, Crocodile God Thornton, Big Burun, Black Wind, No. 1 and other powerful subordinates stood around.

Crocodile Thornton opened his huge crocodile mouth and said:

"Morgana, let me kill them, seriously injure that Reina, and then Black Wind will control Reina."

Morgana thought for a while and said:
"it is good."

Then, he said to the demon sitting in front of the control panel:

"Open the wormhole and send Thornton there first."

"Yes, Queen!"

The demon responded in awe, and then controlled the Demon One to open the wormhole and send Thornton and some demons through.

Immediately afterwards, Morgana ordered again:

"Use Devil One to destroy all the communication equipment on Blue Star, so that they cannot communicate with each other and form a mess."


Soon, there were many ripples in the space on the Juxia, and thousands of demons suddenly appeared on the Juxia.

The Howl King Taotie got the news, and at the same time ordered a hundred space warships to attack from all parts of the Blue Star.

In the sky above the Juxia, there are also five space battleships that appeared in the Battle of Tianhe.

In an instant, [-] gluttonous warriors and giant wolf civilization warriors rushed towards the Juxia on flying ships.

While charging, they directly fired laser cannons one after another.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Tens of thousands of laser cannons were fired at the Juxia and dozens of surrounding battleships at the same time.

In an instant, except for the Deno III defensive barrier of the Grand Canyon, the remaining dozens of battleships were instantly destroyed by artillery fire.

This is a war between an aerospace-grade civilization and a pre-nuclear civilization, and the surrounding battleships were destroyed without the slightest resistance.


There was a white defensive barrier around the Juxia, countless laser cannons, and the fireship bombarded the defensive barrier, making a deafening noise.

Dukao looked at the countless gluttonous warriors, giant wolf warriors, and demons in the sky, and his face was ashen.

It's not that their fighters are too weak, but that their technology has been crushed.

Space-level civilization is at least 1 years ahead of pre-nuclear civilization.

"Fight back, fight back!"

Dukao ordered in a stern voice, and the cannons on the Grand Canyon spewed out streams of fiery snakes, bombarding the gluttons, giant wolves, and demons in the sky to death.

However, there are too many enemies around.

Fortunately, Deno No. [-] still has defensive barriers, which can withstand all attacks.

However, Ducao knew that he would definitely not be able to withstand the nuclear strike and antimatter laser cannon launched by the gluttonous space battleship.

That kind of power was too terrifying, and it couldn't be stopped by De Nuo No. [-]'s defensive barrier.

Moreover, there is also the devil's demon one celestial body engine, the demon one can even solve the defense barrier of the angel blade seven, and the defense barrier of the deno three can be broken easily.

Liu Chuang and Zhao Xin looked at the scene around them and their expressions changed.

There was nothing they could do in this kind of battle. The enemy attacked in the air just to destroy the Great Strait. The two of them couldn't fly, so they were completely useless.

Ari, Wei En, Wei Ying, Zhao, Li Feifei, He Weilan and other new super fighters who joined the Xiongbing Company even changed their faces and looked flustered.

Before they joined the Xiongbing Company, they had only heard that the Xiongbing Company was a group of super soldiers with extraordinary abilities. Their title was that a Xiongbing Company could be worth millions of soldiers.

I also heard that during the Battle of Tianhe, when Taotie attacked Tianhe City, tens of thousands of soldiers had no choice but to kill all the Taotie in the end.

But at this moment, these newly joined super soldiers panicked at the moment. There are too many alien fighters around, the firepower is too fierce, and most of the soldiers seem to be useless.

"Brother Luo, Reina, what should we do now?"

Rui Mengmeng looked at the continuous artillery fire around her in panic and asked.

Reina looked around, thought for a while and said:

"At present, I have nothing to do. The enemy's firepower is too fierce. Even if I get out of the Juxia, I will be submerged in the countless artillery fire, and finally be seriously injured by the Shenshenwu mixed in the artillery fire."

"Leina is right." Angel Ah Zhui nodded and said:

"I have thousands of years of combat experience. Judging from the firepower possessed by Taotie, if there are no super fighters, the Juxia will definitely not be able to defend."

"What's more, there are still demons intervening in front of me, so it's hard to resist. Lena is right. With such a dense and terrifying attack outside, anyone who goes out will die, even me, the third-generation guardian angel."

"Except for one person, of course."

Having said this, Ah Zhui and everyone looked at Luo Fan.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Luo Fan asked rhetorically.

He didn't go out of the defensive barrier now because he knew that the target of the demon was Reina.

The main purpose is to use Reina to destroy the holy Kesha, as for destroying the Great Strait, it is just a matter of convenience.

After all, in the original work, both Taotie and demons could directly destroy the Juxia during that time period.

The Devil One can directly locate the location of the Juxia, and can solve the defense barrier of the Juxia.

Not to mention, there are countless powerful demons.

Moreover, the task given to him by the system is also to protect the Juxia.

However, it is not a good idea to stay like this all the time, so Luo Fan warned:

"Liu Chuang, Xin Zhao, Qiangwei, protect the Juxia."

"Especially Xin Zhao, don't let me jump around."

Saying that, Luo Fan took Xin Zhao's spear directly to prevent him from seriously injuring Leina.

After saying this, black wings suddenly appeared on Luo Fan's back and rushed towards the sky.

"Taotie, you devil scum, welcome the coming of death!"

(End of this chapter)

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