Chapter 131
In the sky above the Juxia, when Luo Fan and the main guns of the five space battleships clashed, five huge ripples appeared in the sky.

Then, five gluttonous space warships quickly appeared from inside the Chongmen.

As soon as Fang appeared, the main guns of the five space battleships glowed red, charging quickly.


Following five deafening bangs, five space battleships fired five nuclear strike antimatter laser cannons at the same time, blasting towards Luo Fan in an instant.


"A total of ten antimatter laser cannons blasted at Luo Fan, causing Luo Fan's body to retreat quickly in the air."

Seeing this scene, the howl in the space suddenly burst into laughter excitedly.

Sure enough, Luo Fan couldn't bear the five nuclear strikes and anti-matter laser cannons.

Morgana of Devil One stared closely at the light curtain with her beautiful eyes, and ordered again:
"Attention, you must not let Luo Fan die.

It's just that just now, Morgana's face is full of disbelief. "

Luo Fan, who was retreating quickly, suddenly stepped on the void, creating cracks in the space.

The body that retreated quickly also stopped at this moment.

"Jie haha...haha..."

Looking at the tens of thousands of gluttons in the sky, Luo Fan smiled coldly:
"Hunting time!"

Then, Luo Fan pulled away with his left hand, and continued to use his right hand to maintain the confrontation with the self-created Kameba Qigong.

Relying on one hand tightly, the black qi wave released also withstood the attacks of ten nuclear strikes and antimatter laser cannons.

"Liu Chuang, it's like borrowing your god-killing axe!"

"Ah?" Liu Chuang groaned, and before he could react and agree, the god-killing ax in his hand shot towards the sky out of his control.

Liu Chuang spread his hands and said in a daze:

"Brother Luo, what are you doing borrowing? It's clearly stealing!"

When the God-killing Ax flew high into the sky, many demons were not fools. Seeing Luo Fan's intentions, they grabbed the God-killing Axe with their hands.

But at this moment, the God Slaughter Ax seemed to be covered with killing weapons. As soon as the demon's hand caught it, the divine power erupted from the God Slaughter Ax shattered their palms, and even their entire arm was shattered.

Seeing this, some demons hurriedly slashed away with the weapons in their hands, but the sharp weapons fell on the God Killing Axe and were instantly shattered.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Tens of thousands of demons under the defensive barrier surrounded this space, and the God-killing Ax was summoned by Luo Fan, shattering all the demons blocking the way, and directly shot out into an open area. The demon's corpse shot towards the giant from the air. Smashed on the gorge.

"Tut tsk... tsk tsk..."

Leina looked at the scene caused by the God Killing Axe, her pretty face was full of horror, she, Ah Zhui, and Qilin wanted to break through, but they were still blocked by tens of thousands of demons, unable to break through.

And this god-killing axe, before it was held by Luo Fan, the burst of divine power savagely smashed all the demons blocking the way, easily smashing a bloody path.


Luo Fan held the blood-stained God-killing ax in his left hand, which was full of demon blood. It collided with it all the way, and at least five or six hundred demons' lives were harvested.

In fact, Luo Fan can also transport it directly through the wormhole, but he thinks that this way can kill some demons, and it won't be much slower.


The moment Luo Fan held the God Slaughter Axe, the God Slaughter Ax made a buzzing sound, as if returning to Luo Fan's hand excitedly, at the same time the golden glow on the God Slaughter Ax erupted, shaking all the blood on the axe.


The divine power in Luo Fan's body poured into the God Killing Ax like a swarm, and then slashed towards a space battleship above.

"Hmph!" Seeing this scene, the howl in space snorted coldly with disdain, and said to the white-armored gluttons beside him:

"This Luo Fan really lost his mind. Doesn't he know that the defensive barriers of our space battleships can't even explode nuclear weapons?"

"It's a joke to want to split with just an ax... haha... haha..."

Inside Devil One, Morgana saw that Luo Fan was fine, and felt angry and happy for some reason.

So angry that Luo Fan was not seriously injured by the ten nuclear strikes and antimatter laser cannons.

Fortunately, Luo Fan was not seriously injured.

However, seeing Luo Fan slashing towards the gluttonous space battleship with his ax at this moment, a thought different from Howl's came up in his heart.

Perhaps, it is really possible for this girl to split open the defense barrier outside the gluttonous space battleship with an axe, and then let Qiangwei mobilize firepower to bomb the space battleship.

Thinking of this, Morgana possessed herself, staring closely at the light curtain, and the deep evil was undoubtedly revealed.


When Luo Fan struck down with the axe, a huge golden light ax immediately slashed towards the sky in the distance.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Some gluttons in the middle stood in the middle, and were instantly crushed into powder by the huge golden light axe, not even a trace of dust could be seen.


The golden light ax slashed on the defensive barrier of the gluttonous space battleship, making a deafening bang.


With a click, the defensive barrier that even nuclear weapons could not blow up was split open by Luo Fan with an axe, and the space battleship inside was immediately exposed.

At this time, there was no need for Qiangwei to mobilize firepower, and the firepower of the Juxia was blasted towards the space battleship.

However, Luo Fan's speed was even faster. The moment he split the defensive barrier, he swung out again, and the huge golden ax full of destructive aura directly split the space battleship in half.

The shattered wreckage of the space battleship smashed towards the sea below.

" is this possible?" Howler, who was far away in space, looked at this scene in horror, and murmured:
"How is it possible, how is it possible to split the defensive barrier with one person's strength, can this be done by God?"

"With such a terrifying attack, what is our gluttonous aerospace-grade civilization? After discovering it for ten thousand years, it was destroyed by a human in his early 20s?"

Seeing this scene, Tatie was terrified, perhaps, they shouldn't provoke Huaxia.

They have hundreds of space battleships attacking all over the Blue Star at the moment, like the League of Haters, they have already been easily broken by their gluttons.

But only Huaxia made them encounter obstacles and suffered heavy losses here.

"No, retreat, you must retreat immediately, otherwise the remaining nine space battleships will be destroyed by Luo Fan."

Thinking of this, Howl quickly connected Morgana:

"Morgana, hurry up and send away the remaining nine space battleships of our gluttonous, hurry up."

"What are you, you dare to order Morgana, the demon king?"

Only Morgana's cold voice responded to the howl.

At this moment, Howl was desperate, looking at Luo Fan on the light screen who was like a demon god descending into the world, his heart was full of panic.

For the current plan, there is only one space battleship that can escape, so he hurriedly ordered:
"Retreat, retreat quickly, and retreat to other places in Huaxia or other places in Blue Star."

(End of this chapter)

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