Chapter 135 Angel Moy
"Then, you prepared the third plan, contact Karl, the god of death, and control Pan Zhen together with Karl... Hehe... It seems that it is still not enough?"

Keisha's beautiful eyes glowed white, and she quickly checked all the information about Morgana.

"Hmph, Bitch!" Morgana glared at Kesha angrily, and said coldly:

"Just keep reading all my messages. I know that every time I meet you, you always laugh at my incompetence and ignorance."

"Eh?" Kesha suddenly interrupted and said:
"I don't seem to have seen any movement from Karl. He is still staying in the Palace of Death in the Styx Galaxy, and Zhi Xin has been monitoring him."

"Or, is it still that I can't read Karl's so-called ultimate fear? Or is that pervert Karl not planning to help you deal with me at all?"

Morgana breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, she was afraid that Kesha would read all her information, but fortunately, Karl's study of the so-called ultimate fear prevented Kesha from even reading the information.

"Hehe!" Keisha smiled lightly, the white light in her eyes disappeared, she looked at Morgana and said coldly:

"Okay, I'm done teasing with you, we don't have any sisterhood to reminisce about, so get ready to die!"

As soon as the words fell, more than 1000 angels around Kaisha rushed towards the demon in the sky.

They all held flaming swords in their hands, ready to kill all the demons.

Morgana also waved her hand forward, and the demon behind her was killing the angel.

Angels have wings of time and space and can fly, while the demons Morgana brought this time also have demon wings, and the legions of both sides are fighting in the air.

There are fewer angels, but they are all elite compared to demons.And each of them has experienced many battles and has rich combat experience. The angel itself is a weapon, and the flaming sword in his hand is second to none.

There are so many demons that 10 to [-] demons were dispatched this time. Although most of them are only one generation in strength, and each generation of angels is a generation of gods, with a lifespan of at least more than [-] years.

The devil's generation of super fighters is much weaker than the angels. They often fight alone. One generation of angels can deal with ten generations of demons alone, and the lifespan of a generation of demons is only 1000 years.

However, there are a large number of demons. Although they do not have a God-killing flaming sword like angels, they do possess various weapons, such as God-killing No. [-] bombs. Moreover, the demons also have some powerful warriors, even comparable to the three generations of guardian angels.

Soon the two sides were fighting together.

The number of angels was small, and some were hiding behind the boulders floating in the sky. When the demons flew here, they immediately appeared in their hands and threw the god-killing spears at the demons, one spear at a time.

Some angels flew directly into the sky, waving the flaming sword in their hands and seizing the opportunity to kill the demons one by one. However, at this time, a God-killing No. [-] projectile shot from behind, hitting the angel directly and falling downwards. go.

When the surrounding demons saw this, they immediately stepped forward to strike, tearing the angel's beautiful body into pieces. Some even opened their bloody mouths and swallowed part of the angel, shouting that it tasted delicious.

For a time, the two sides were fighting in the air with blood dripping and fierce. If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

At this time, an angel of the first generation raised his sword and slashed several demons around him with the sword, but soon a sniper pulled the trigger and shot the angel in the chest.


The angel was seriously injured instantly, lost his balance and fell downwards.

And a beautiful angel with long hair and shawl suddenly came behind the sniper. With a slash of the flaming sword in his hand, he cut off the demon's head directly.

Then, the angel looked at the sky with a slight frown, scanning the entire battlefield in the sky.

Suddenly, she saw a huge red demon with a height of more than ten meters, Da Bo Lun.

Surrounding Dabron, seven or eight angels of a generation that were only a few hundred years old surrounded him, and the sword of the blazing sun slashed at his body.

"Ding, ding, ding..."

There was a series of clashes of iron and steel, and the flaming sword splashed bursts of sparks on Big Boron's body, but it couldn't break through Big Boron's defense?


Dabolun roared, and with a quick grab of his huge palm, he held an angel in his hand.

The angel only felt that he was tightly clamped by the heavy iron tongs, and his bones all over his body were crackling. He quickly swung the flaming sword in his hand and slashed at the palm of his hand, unable to break through the opponent's defense.

At this moment, the other angels rushed to attack Big Bolun upon seeing this, and Big Bolun had no choice but to smash out the angel in his hand, directly hitting a huge pumice stone.

With a sound of "Bang!", the boulder exploded instantly.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Big Burun used both fists and kicks, and knocked out all the 700-year-old angels around him.

"Roar!" Big Bolun roared angrily, looking unrivaled and invincible in the world.

When Angel Lingxi saw this, the wings of time and space behind him shook and flew towards Dabolun.

She saw that Big Bolun was very powerful in melee combat. Before he was approaching, the flaming sword in his hand slashed three times towards Big Bolun?
Three golden sharp blades cut across a distance of [-] meters in an instant, and slashed on Da Bolun, and three deep wounds appeared on his back.

Then, Big Burun was huge, and the wound was not a problem, but it was very painful, and he let out a painful roar.


Lingxi was still not approaching, and once again swung a dozen golden blades from a long distance to slash towards Da Bolun.

Boil the greens in warm water, intending to kill the opponent with a sword.

However, a dozen demons immediately appeared behind Dabolun and blocked all attacks for him.


The sound of sharp blades slicing across the body was heard, and a dozen demons died immediately under a dozen golden blades.

Just as Lingxi was about to use this trick again, more than a dozen demons gathered around Da Bolun.

Seeing this, Lingxi knew that it wouldn't work, so he flew towards Dabolun, and his body turned into a golden light that shuttled back and forth around Dabolun's huge body.


The sword struck various parts of Dabolun's body, and then he quickly stopped fighting to avoid being caught by Dabolun.

As for Da Bo Lun's body, the skin was ripped apart, and there were huge three-foot long sword wounds, the flesh was opened, and the blood flowed.

Seeing this, Lingxi knew that he only needed to do a few more consecutive slashes.Big Bolun was sure to die, so his body turned into a golden light again and shot towards Big Bolun.

However, a black shadow held two blades in front of Dabolun, and directly blocked Moi's flaming sword head-on.

Demon Abang, only 1.7 meters tall, but short and slender, is a three-generation super soldier. He was once killed by Luo Fan in the duel field, but the dark plane information was stored in Devil One, and Morgana spent a lot of resources to revive him again.

As soon as the two sides touched, Lingxi retreated more than ten meters, the demon Abang retreated in front of Da Bo Lun, and turned his head towards him, Da Bo Lun flew towards the distance and continued to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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