Chapter 137 Cool Bing: No way
Kesha waved her hand lightly, and silver wings suddenly appeared from the sky and shot towards Morgana quickly.

Morgana blocked with her left hand, and the dark silver armguard on her arm blocked the attack. However, the huge force shocked the entire arm to severe pain, and some of the bones inside were directly broken.

Feeling the power of this attack, Morgana played the emotional card and said angrily:

"We are sisters, do you really want to split me in two and die so ugly?"

"Oh?" Kesha said softly, her expression finally changed, her eyebrows were slightly clustered, her expression was slightly angry and she said:

"When you rebelled against the City of Angels back then, you didn't think of sisterly love for me. You really... broke my heart..."

3 years ago, when the Super Seminary came to the City of Angels, the Super Seminary and the angels cooperated, communicated, studied, and created gods.

Kaisha and Hexi researched the treasury of knowledge belonging to Angel himself, while Liangbing, the apocalypse king at that time, also known as Morgana, chose to study the so-called ultimate fear, depravity, freedom, and create killing in the universe.

Liang Bing's research was contrary to the righteous order of angels. After Kesha found out, she locked Liang Bing in confinement and set up a ban to make Liang Bing reflect.

At this time, a large number of demons, that is, the demon civilization under Liang Bing's command at that time, under Liang Bing's instruction, took advantage of the defensive weaknesses Liang Bing gave them and attacked the City of Angels.

Kaisha asked Hexi to take care of Liangbing, and deal with all the demons by herself.

However, after Kaisha left, Liangbing played the emotional card of hundreds of years, saying that he and Kaisha were sisters, and asked Hexi to let her go so that he could go out and help Kaisha deal with the devil.

He Xi thought that the two were indeed sisters, but didn't know that the devil was instructed by Morgana, and that the devil was able to break into the city of angels, which shows that it is still very powerful.

One is worried about Kaisha's safety, and the other is that Hexi feels that as Liangbing said, the two are sisters, and they will not harm Kaisha, so he opens the restriction and releases Liangbing to help Kaisha resist the devil.

At this time, the demons had already entered the hall of angels. When Kaisha appeared, she only used a few silver-wing attacks to kill all the demons who entered the hall of angels, leaving only the last leading demon , come to ask if the demon queen they are talking about is cold ice.

Keisha was ready to kill the leading demon if he didn't say anything.

However, at this moment, a sword pierced through his back, and a large blade protruded from his abdomen.

Kesha was so sad that she couldn't believe that her own sister had given her a sword after they left her, trying to kill her.

Afterwards, Liang Bing declared herself the Demon Queen and walked away.

Kesha sat on the stone chair and touched her abdomen. Even though 3 years had passed, she still felt that her abdomen was very... painful!

This wayward, careless sister!

With a wave of Kesha's hand, a silver wing shot towards Morgana. With a wave of Morgana's hand, the devil's claw appeared to block the silver wing, but a silver wing appeared out of thin air from behind, directly pushing Morgana between the two. Between the silver wings.

However, he didn't kill her, and he didn't want to kill her, so he used the gap between the silver wings to insert her inside.

Moreover, Silver Wing can't analyze Morgana's fourth-generation divine body, but she has enough Void Weapon to analyze the fourth-generation divine body, and other weapons,

The other demons naturally saw this scene, and suddenly thousands of demons flew towards Kaisha.

However, Kesha took a look.

Thousands of demons suddenly stopped in the air, and then a dozen dark silver spikes pierced out of each demon's body instantly, beheading thousands of demons one by one.

A second-generation demon flying in the sky saw this scene and quickly shouted:
"This is Kaisha's sacred domain, don't get close, and quickly calculate the radius of Kaisha's sacred domain."

"Report, the solution is 1.34 kilometers."

"Retreat quickly, retreat quickly!" a little demon commander just shouted.

However, the demons did not retreat, looking at Morgana who was restrained by the silver wings, and said: "But, the queen is still in Kaisha's hands, and we will not retreat even if we die."

The little devil commander explained eagerly:

"The Silver Wing that Kaisha is using now can't settle the queen's fourth-generation divine body. Let's withdraw first and kill other angels."

At this time, Morgana temporarily got rid of the silver wing through the calculation of Devil One and the help of Devil's Claw, and then a burst of purple mist erupted from her body, and the Devil's Claw instantly grew to the size of a hundred feet, and she used all her strength to move towards the target below. Kesha slapped hard.

"Go to hell, Bichi!"

The hundred-foot-long black devil's claw struck Kesha's head with invincible power, kicking up a huge cloud of flying dust.

When the smoke cleared, a silver wing blocked the devil's claw.

Just a single silver wing blocked Morgana's attack.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's too shameful!"

Kesha shook her head with a look of hatred, and just sat on the stone chair. With a wave of her slender fingers, a silver wing shot towards Morgana again, directly killing Morgana who was caught off guard. It went down high into the sky and hit the ground hard.

Morgana rubbed her painful chest cut by the silver wings, flew into the air again, and said with an angry face:

"Try this again, shoot the green pool into a hornet's nest!"

Morgana pushed Morgana hard from the air with both hands, and a dozen dark silver chains appeared in the air in front of her, shooting towards Kesha.

Kaisha's eyes moved, and a silver wing appeared to directly block all the dark silver chains.

Seeing this, Morgana gritted her teeth and clasped her hands together. A large purple mist suddenly appeared above Kesha, and then hundreds of dark silver chains shot towards Kesha below.

Each dark silver chain is as thick as a bucket, one can imagine how powerful it is.

However, a silver arc wave suddenly erupted around Kesha's body, directly shattering hundreds of bucket-thick dark silver chains.

"That's all you have to do?" Keisha stared at Morgana and mocked lightly.

"You've been attacking me for so long, now it's my turn."

Let's talk, there was a sudden ripple in the air above between Kesha and Morgana, accompanied by a huge buzzing sound.

Then, a huge figure a hundred feet tall and made entirely of An Suyin appeared in the air. In the hands of the An Suyin giant, he held a huge divine sword.

The dark silver giant held the giant sword in both hands, and slashed towards Morgana.

Morgana wanted to escape, but a single dark silver blade suddenly appeared around her body and imprisoned her.

At this time, the demon Abang in the distance saw this scene, and instantly came to Morgana and pushed her away, but he had no time to escape, and was cut by the Ansu Yin giant sword, and his whole body was destroyed by the giant sword into nothingness .

After killing the demon Abang, Kesha waved her hand, and two silver wings appeared behind the dark silver giant, and then quickly enlarged into a pair of huge wings.

Seeing this scene, Morgana fled quickly, but the Ansu silver giant directly grabbed her with a big hand, swung her hard, and smashed Morgana to the ground.

Immediately, the dark silver giant held the divine sword in his hand. The divine sword turned red for an instant and stabbed towards Morgana below.

(End of this chapter)

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