Chapter 147 Burning Heart: Don't Say It...

Luo Fan supported Zhi Xin, who had difficulty walking, and walked out of the room toward the deck outside.

However, along the way, Zhi Xin walked very carefully, because if he didn't pay attention, his body would feel severe pain like tearing.

However, even if he walked slowly and carefully, Zhi Xin could still feel a very painful feeling.

However, there was no pain on her face but an expression of happiness.

Because she thinks this is an expression of love.

Love the right person, no matter what, it is full of happiness.

By the way, how could I forget this.

Just open the insect door and take Zhi Xin to the deck. This will stop Zhi Xin from walking.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan directly used the power of time and space, disappeared from the spot instantly with burning heart, and then appeared on the deck.

The power of time and space is a more advanced existence than micro-wormhole transportation technology.

The power of time and space includes micro-wormhole transportation technology, but micro-wormhole transportation technology cannot include the power of time and space.

The power of time and space has reached a certain strengthening value, and even the time and space corridor can be opened to travel through time and space.

on deck!
Luo Fan and Zhi Xin suddenly appeared here, Qiangwei, Qilin, Leina, and Ah Zhui all focused on Zhi Xin at the same time, staring straight at her.

And, looking up and down, accompanied by bad laughter.

Zhi Xin: “…”

Being stared straight at by the women, Zhi Xin felt hairy for a while, and said hello awkwardly:

"Everyone... Hello everyone, I got up really early... Haha..."

Ah Zhui crossed his arms, his alluring evil clearly revealed, he looked at Zhi Xin and teased:
"Zhi Xin, look at the sun in the sky, it's already eleven o'clock, how can it be early?"

Qilin answered:
"Ah Zhui, Zhi Xin was a busy person last night, that's why I feel it's early, maybe she just woke up now."

"You only wake up when you are burning?" Qiangwei looked surprised, and said to herself:

"Perhaps, Zhi Xin was too tired last night, so she just woke up now."

"Ahem!" Reina coughed lightly and said like a big sister:

"Zhixin, listen to Qiangwei, Qilin, and Ah Zhui, Luo Fan's combat power is very powerful, and he can even be extremely violent. His whole body soars to a height of more than five meters. Such a huge Luo Fan, why are you still alive? ?”

Zhi Xin listened to the ridicule of several people. Even though she had been prepared for it, she experienced this kind of thing for the first time last night. At this moment, she couldn't help but feel flushed. She whispered:

"Almost...almost died!"

"Humph!" After saying this, Zhi Xin glared at Ah Zhui complainingly:
"Sister Chasing, you are really mean. You asked you to stay and fight with me yesterday, but you left me alone and almost died."

"Oh, little sister Zhi Xin, come and give sister Zhui a hug to comfort her." As Ah Zhui said, he stretched out his hands to give Zhi Xin a hug.

However, a bad smile suddenly appeared on his face and said:

"Zhi Xin, if you die, you will die. If you die under the peony flower, you can be a ghost. What's more, you still have a biological engine. Even if Luo Fan beats you to death, can't you still be resurrected?"

"It's okay, sister Chase supports you, continue to fight tonight, don't be afraid."

"Screw you!"


Hearing this, Zhi Xin slapped Ah Zhui's plump buttocks, and the sound of the slap was extremely loud.

However, Ah Zhui was not angry, but instead said with a thick smile:

"Zhi Xin, don't be angry, and don't waste so much energy on beating someone's butt. You should save more energy to fight Luo Fan."

"Ah...Sister Zhui, even you want to tease me. I want to file a complaint and tell Sister Yan to punish you as a right-wing guard." Zhi Xin stared at Ah Zhui threateningly.

However, Ah Zhui didn't take it to heart at all and said:
"You can file a complaint. Anyway, Sister Yan and I, no, we should be called the queen now. The queen and I have a deep relationship for thousands of years, and she is reluctant to punish me."

"Well, it seems to be true!" Zhi Xin admitted with a sigh, and she also knew that the best way to fight back at this moment was to keep silent.

After all, she is only one person and has one mouth. How can she speak louder than the other person's four mouths?
Therefore, Zhi Xin brought out a grand master's chair and sat on it.

He just experienced the peak battle yesterday, and it hurts even when he stood up. Now Zhi Xin just wants to lie down properly.


However, there was a sound of pain, and Zhi Xin quickly reached out to cover her cherry mouth.

I moved too much when I lay down just now, and there was another tearing feeling in my body.


Qilin, Qiangwei, Ah Zhui, and Reina couldn't stop laughing when they saw this today.

Zhi Xin lay down on the teacher's chair, and then said with a little worry:
"Morgana used Devil One to destroy the wireless communication and most of the limited communication of the entire Blue Star. At this moment, soldiers in various places can't corner their eyes and wipe the darkness."

"Even Angel Leng, Lingxi and the others, I don't know where they are?"

"En!" Ah Zhui nodded, and said with a serious face:
"After Queen Kesha went offline, the strength of me, Leng, and many angel sisters dropped drastically. Facing the 10,000+ demons led by Morgana, we are no longer opponents."

"So, when we fled separately, some of the sisters flew into space, possibly going to the Heavenly Court of Melo, and some died at the hands of the devil, while Leng and his sisters were sent to China to help China resist the Taotie. "

"However, Morgana's Devil One celestial engine is really powerful, and I haven't contacted Leng for a long time."

"En!" Zhi Xin nodded, then looked at Qi Lin, and said:
"It's a pity, Qilin, although you have the three generations of the power of the galaxy, but you don't have the unique anti-void ability like Ge Xiaolun in your body."

"If we have that kind of anti-void ability, we can create a void engine that breaks away from the law of conservation of mass, so that the entire Chinese legion can use this void engine."

"At that time, not only communication can be restored, but many other things can also be done."

"Well, Qilin doesn't have the anti-void ability, but I do!" At this moment, Luo Fan interrupted directly.

"You have?" Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan in surprise, unable to believe it.

After all, the anti-void ability of the galaxy power in Ge Xiaolun's body is the only one, even if copied, he can only obtain the galaxy power, but cannot obtain the unique anti-void ability.

Reina also looked at Luo Fan, the light of the sun, one of the three major god-making projects.She clearly knows how powerful the anti-void ability is.

Ah Zhui was also staring at Luo Fan. Luo Fan had not come into Kesha's sight before, but Kesha was planning to match Yan to Ge Xiaolun because he has the power of the Galaxy and has the unique anti-void ability in his body. Otherwise, With Ge Xiaolun's cowardly character, Angel doesn't like him at all.

"Hey!" Luo Fan looked at her when he saw the girls, but there was obvious disbelief on his face.

So, Luo Fan wiped his hair and said handsomely:
"Could it be that I have the full version of the power of the galaxy, and I also want to tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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