Chapter 149 You Have a Void Engine?

"Fuck off!"

Luo Fan spat directly, and Xin Zhao stopped talking in despair.

"Luo Fan, since you have the unique anti-void ability of the Galaxy Force, we can create an engine that breaks away from the law of energy conservation, a void engine."

"In this way, global communications can be restored, and your void engine can also be used as an engine for the entire world in the future. This is very good for the entire China at present."

Of course, Zhi Xin still had something he didn't say clearly.

That is, if the whole world uses Luo Fan's void engine, it proves that the whole world is under Luo Fan's control.

Just like the holy Kesha of the angel civilization, Kesha has a treasure trove of knowledge. In the dark plane where the entire angel network is connected, Kesha alone is the strongest.

Thinking of this, Zhi Xin quickly said:
"Come on, Luo Fan, let's make the Void Engine now!"

Luo Fan touched his nose and said: "Well, I think there is no need to make it. You can just pass me some of the angel's sacred codes."

Zhixin didn't understand why and said:

"I can pass it on to you, but you must have a void engine or an engine below the void engine to use it. Otherwise, what's the use of passing it to you?"

"Actually, I already have a void engine!" Luo Fan said.

Zhixin said complacently: "So, let's build the void engine together first, and then...then..."

Suddenly, Zhi Xin stared straight at Luo Fan with his eyes wide open, and asked:
"You already have a void engine?"

"Ang!" Luo Fan nodded.

" is this possible?" Zhi Xin's face was full of horror and disbelief:
"Our angel civilization has been researching for 3 years before we developed the void engine sub-biological engine."

"Karl, the god of death, is also a god who is more than 3 years old. He has a phantom body and is also studying the void. I don't know if the void engine has been researched now, but in my estimation, although that guy is an old yinbi, it is undeniable that he is indeed very capable. , the void engine must have been developed.”

"There is also Morgana, a god over 3 years old, who has a void engine like time and space."

"But, they are all gods who are more than 3 years old, and they have the void engine. It has only been a few months since you activated the Kamigawa gene. How come you have the void engine?"

Not only Zhi Xin had a look of disbelief, but the rest of them had expressions of unbelievable expressions on their faces.

After all, the Void Engine involves the void and is definitely the top engine in the known universe.

"Hey!" Luo Fan sighed, looking at everyone's disbelieving expressions, he spread his hands and said:

"No one believes the truth!"

Lena heard the words and said: "It's not that we don't believe you, but on the contrary, based on what we know about you, you never lie, but... but the void engine is too wild to talk about, how can we believe it?"

Ah Zhui also looked at Luo Fan. She also has a secondary biological engine in her body. Even if she is killed, she can choose a time to resurrect. It can be said that she has N more lives.

It is because she owns the Void Engine that she knows how precious and rare the Void Engine is.

Only the top civilizations in the entire known universe can research it after spending tens of thousands of years and investing massive resources. No matter how evil Luo Fan is, how could he research it in just a few months?
"It seems that I, Luo, must show my hand now to prove my innocence!" Luo Fan pretended to stroke his beard with one hand on his back, and said with a deep expression.

"Puff...Puff..." Seeing this, Qi Lin and the others burst out laughing, and then said:

"Since you want to use the Void Engine, start using it. Don't be unable to use it."

"Ahem! Look out, it's time to witness the miracle!" Luo Fan said solemnly, then gave a loud shout and said:

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Fan's body slowly rose into the air, and then a heavenly punishment platform made of mysterious dark plane resources appeared around his body.

Luo Fan stood on the Heavenly Punishment Platform and shouted:
"God's punishment, thunder comes to the world!"

[Receive the order and execute Thunder Coming to the World! 】

The next moment, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky, covering the entire sky. For a moment, everything visible was dark, and only the Heavenly Punishment Platform and Luo Fan above looked like the God of Thunder coming to the world.

"Boom... boom..."

Then, the dark clouds in the sky rolled violently, as if there were giant dragons tumbling in them.


Suddenly, countless thunderbolts shot down from high altitude and blasted directly towards the sea below.

The terrifying thunder exploded into deep pits a hundred feet in size in the sea water.

Zhi Xin watched countless thunderbolts bombard the sea, but only the Juxia was not bombarded.

She could see that this was the void engine, the absolute void engine.

Moreover, the Void Engine also has strengths and weaknesses. According to Zhi Xin's estimation, the Galaxy Power has the only ability to counter the Void. Is it the Void?

The secondary biological engine in her body is void.

No plus yes!
The void engine produced will definitely be the void engine with the highest potential currently, because it escapes from the law of conservation of energy.

However, Zhi Xin was originally a knowledgeable scholar, otherwise he would not have been able to become a direct disciple of Tianji Wang Hexi.

The reason why Holy Kesha is so powerful is largely due to the research of Tianji King Hexi.

Therefore, with Zhixin's eyes, he could see the horror of Luo Fan, the Sky Punishment Void Engine, at a glance.

Its potential level is absolutely terrifying compared to the Void Engine that I made together with Galaxy Power.

Thinking of this, Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan with disbelief in her eyes. She couldn't imagine how Luo Fan could research such a terrifying void engine in just a few months, and even bless her in the dark. plane.

"Luo Fan!" Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan and said suddenly.

"Yeah!" Luo Fan hummed.

Zhi Xin thought for a while and said:

"I think we don't need to research a new void engine, because I don't think no matter how we research, we can't create a void engine that is more terrifying than your Heavenly Punishment Void Engine."

"Even if it takes the entire universe and takes tens of thousands of years, it won't work. It has surpassed many of my knowledge and understanding."

"All I need to do now is to pass on all the sacred codes of the angels to you. After you understand and digest them yourself, it's hard for me to imagine how strong you will be."

"No!" Luo Fan suddenly shook his head and said:

"The new void engine still needs to be researched."

"Why? You don't have such a terrifying potential of Heavenly Punishment now, why do you still need to research and create a new void engine?" Zhi Xin asked in confusion.

Luo Fan looked at Qiangwei, Qilin, and Reina and said:
"Because it's a secret."

(End of this chapter)

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