Chapter 151 Angel Noning
Angel Leng has one hand on his hips, with white wings hanging down naturally on his back, and the tight silver-white battle armor reveals his perfect delicate body, the evil is huge, and the willow waist is slender.

Leng pointed to Yitian and Lingxidao:

"You guys, the queen keeps screaming all day long."

Hearing this, Lingxi retorted:

"But, Keyan is our queen now!"

Hearing this, Leng corrected him: "Huh, I'm just a temporary queen of angels. In the end, I will have to be the angel queen of Fraser."

Yitian frowned, and said coldly:
"Then Anisid has never seen anything before, and she is just a mortal now. Sister Yan's ability is obvious to all. Why will Anisid come to be the Queen of Angels in the future?"

"That was calculated by Queen Kaisha's knowledge treasure house, which spent a lot of resources." Angel Lingxi said.

"Check!" Leng Che said, patted their shoulders, and said appreciatively:

"You have a good point of view on this point. Although I have been bickering with Yan for thousands of years, Yan's abilities in all aspects are quite good. There is no doubt about this."

"And Anicid is the future best angel queen calculated by Queen Keisha using the treasure trove of knowledge, but the treasure trove of knowledge is dead, and people are alive."

"For example, the Treasure House of Knowledge once calculated that Yan's best male match is Ge Xiaolun, the Power of the Galaxy. The Power of the Galaxy is Yan's future, but it turns out that Luo Fan is now far stronger than Ge Xiaolun. Yan also chose Luo Fan, and Luo Fan is Yan. s future."

"But now, because of Luo Fan's appearance, a series of changes have taken place, and Yan has also become Luo Fan's guardian angel. In the future, with Luo Fan's help, coupled with Yan's ability, what else can Anishid do? Can it compare to Yan?"

"Sister Leng is right!" Lingxi agreed, and then said with a smile:
"It seems that Sister Leng is speaking for Sister Yan, don't you hate Sister Yan?"

"Huh!" Leng Leng snorted, with a cold face, and said arrogantly: "Who can speak for her? I am just talking about the matter. My angel Leng is a righteous angel."

"Puff...Puff... Sister Leng is really sharp..." Lingxi and Yitian covered their mouths and laughed lightly.

"Be alert!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and Lingxi and Yitian followed their cold eyes to look at the sky.

There, a transparent ripple appeared in the space, and then the body of an old lady and angel appeared out of thin air.

Tight-fitting black armor with gold lining, black lips, and black wings.

Holy Kaisa's former left-wing guard, Kaisa's contemporary angel, an old-fashioned angel over 3 years old, the angel Nuoning?
A third-generation divine body, a wormhole master, and full of tricks!

As soon as Nuoning appeared, he slowly flew to the front of the three angels, rubbing his fingers, not looking at the three women at all, as if the three women did not exist.

Feeling that the visitor was not kind, Lingxi frowned slightly and said:

"This angel looks like an older generation?"

Lingxi is only a 1000-year-old young angel, a second-generation guardian angel, so it is not like Yan, who is more than 5000 years old, knows Nuoning.

Nuoning ignored Lingxi, stared at Leng with cold eyes, and said displeasedly:

"Leng, why don't you tell your minions to put away their weapons?"

At this moment, Leng didn't know that Nuoning had betrayed the angel and joined the male angel, the enemy of the female angel, Hua Ye, the king of heaven.

Moreover, Nuo Ning has been played by Hua Ye for thousands of years, her former beauty is gone, and now she looks like an old lady.

Therefore, the first moment Leng saw Nuoning, he was overjoyed and said hello:

"Master, it turns out to be master. I wonder who is so sharp and so oppressive."

Nuoning did not answer, but looked at Yitian and Lingxi with an unkind expression, and a cold threatening voice came out:

"Put your weapons away, I don't want to say it again."

Lingxi and Leng still stared at Nuo Ning vigilantly. After all, this guy didn't look like a good bird, and the golden glow of the flaming sword emerged in his hand.

Seeing this, Leng was afraid that Lingxi and Yitian would suffer.He quickly said:
"Put it away quickly, my master has a bad temper."

Lingxi and Yitian looked at each other, then put away the flame sword, but still stared at Nuo Ning vigilantly.

Nuoning is here to recruit Leng to betray the angel and join Hua Ye, because she knows Leng's strength.

So, he asked lightly:

"Are you convinced that that yellow-haired girl from Angel Yan will be the King of Angels?"

When Angel Leng heard this, a look of dissatisfaction appeared on her beautiful face, and she said:
"To be honest, I don't accept it at all. Yan is hundreds of years younger than me, and Yan is not the city of the King of Angels. She is a pure angel warrior, and her strength is far stronger than mine."

Angel Yitian heard that Nuoning questioned Queen Keisha's decision, so he said with a bad face:
"Where did you come from? Sister Yan is the heir to the Angel Queen appointed by Queen Kesha. You have no qualifications and cannot oppose Queen Kesha's decision."

Nuo Ning's evil spirit was very heavy. Hearing this, his heart was moved to kill, but his face remained indifferent. Looking at Leng, he asked:
"What's your relationship with this idiot? How about I kill her?"

Leng Wenyan walked back and forth, stared at Nuoning closely and said:

"Although she is my ordinary comrade-in-arms, she has never cooperated before, but this time she was sent by Yan to guard the North Star together."

"But a comrade is a comrade, and there is no way I will let you kill her in front of me!"

"Sister Leng, who is she?" Lingxi asked at this time.

Leng introduced:

"She is my master, the sacred left wing of the former Queen Kaisha, and later made some meritorious deeds, and Queen Kaisha became the sacred left wing.

But the old master was upset, so he left Queen Kaisha directly, and went to some other planet to become a king and become a god! "

Leng said it very bluntly and did not give Nuoning any face at all. Hearing this, the corner of Nuoning's mouth twitched.

"Leng, is this how you understand your master?"

Nuoning first gave a cold warning, and then said:

"Until now, I still respect Queen Keisha, she will always be the king of angels in my heart, there is no one."

What Nuoning said was enough to show how revered Kesha was.

Even evil, fallen angels like Nooning have always respected Kesha immensely.

Noon went on to say:

"However, Queen Kesha made the only mistake of judgment in her life, which was to let Yan, a yellow-haired girl, become her heir and the King of Angels."

"And I, Nooning, the former Holy Left Wing, want to correct this mistake for Queen Kesa."

When Leng heard this, he thought Nuoning was trying to steal the position of King of Angels, so he corrected him:
"Even if you don't obey, you can't take the position of King of Angels. After all, it's Queen Keisha's order. We angels must obey completely. No one can correct us. We must obey absolutely."

"Because we are angels of justice."

(End of this chapter)

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