Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 172 Angel Leng: Luo Fan, I'm here to repay my favor

Chapter 172 Angel Leng: Luo Fan, I'm here to repay my favor...

Luo Fan was lying in his own room on the Great Strait.

However, for some reason, Zhixin, Ah Zhui, Qilin, and Qiangwei were not in his room today, and it was said that the four went to make a mahjong set.

Luo Fan felt a burst of nostalgia, and suspected that these four girls had premeditated plans.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Luo Fan did not use perspective to see who it was or use dark plane perception, but asked directly:

"who is it?"

A second or two later, a cold and shy answer sounded from outside the door:
"It's me, cold!"

Luo Fan was a little puzzled, what was Leng doing in his room now?
Moreover, Qilin, Qiangwei, Zhixin, and Ah Zhui are not here at the moment.

Is it...

Could it be that he saved Leng a few days ago, Leng has deep feelings for him and wants to throw himself into his arms.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan became distracted for a while.

After all, Angel Leng is very beautiful, with her tall yet small and slender body, huge evil face, and cold face.

For an old man like him, he had long thought of taking her down.

Not only can you enjoy a happy life, but you can also get systematic rewards, killing two birds with one stone.

However, Leng was an angel and the sister of Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui. Luo Fan was a principled person and did not take the initiative to touch her.

However, Luo Fan felt that what if he took the initiative?

Well, don't blame him, it doesn't touch the principle.

Outside the door, Leng is wearing a pink tulle pajamas today, looming, revealing infinite temptation, people can't help but think of her.

The dim light outside the door shone on Leng's body, and his skin was fair.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Luo Fan didn't answer, he asked again:
"Luo Fan, can I come in?"


Luo Fan replied.

Ma De, of course, there are beautiful and righteous beauties in his arms, if he refuses to let him in, Luo Fan feels that it is simply madness.

Leng Wenyan outside the door smiled slightly on his cold face, and then quickly put away the smile.

Girls have been reserved for more than 7000 years. It is rare for them to be wild, but they must be more reserved.

In fact, the cold did not dare to come.

After all, it was too embarrassing.

But Zhixin, Ah Zhui, Qilin and Qiangwei froze for a while, and then invited her here.

In fact, Qilin and the other four originally wanted to bring Reina over.

It turned out that Reina ran too fast, so I had to get her here.

"Then I'm in?"

Leng felt a little uneasy and said again.

"Come in, the door is open!"

Luo Fan's voice sounded from behind the door.

Hearing this, Leng stretched out his slender and white hand, grasped the door handle, and then... gently twisted it. After twisting it in a circle, the door opened gently.

Then, Leng stepped out of her white, slender, white and tender long legs, and stepped on the floor with her jade feet without shoes.

Luo Fan looked around and saw a long leg as white as mutton-fat jade stepping in under the moonlight from the window.

So white, so tender, so tempting.

Luo Fan felt that if he didn't have the Superman gene, his physical fitness would be many times stronger than that of ordinary people, otherwise, he would have a nosebleed at this moment.

However, Luo Fan found that after Leng stepped in with a snow-white jade leg, he stood there motionless.

It seems that although this girl is usually outspoken, has more than 7000 years of experience, and looks fearless, but when she meets an angel for the first time in her life, she is also so nervous and apprehensive.

So, Luo Fan smiled evilly and urged:
"Leng, aren't you shy?"

"Shy? What's the matter? I'm not shy even if I'm cold."

Hearing this, Leng quickly retorted.

Her angel is cold and arrogant, how could she be shy, impossible, absolutely impossible.

Luo Fan heard the words and asked back:

"If you're not shy, why don't you dare come in?"


Leng's character is not to admit defeat, especially when he is provoked by the person he loves, he immediately said:
"Hmph, whoever said I dare not, come in immediately."

After Leng finished speaking, he pushed the door again with his little hand and opened the door completely, exposing his whole body to Luo Fan.

The moonlight from the window shone on the cold body, and on the delicate body with bumps and convexities, a pink tulle pajamas was draped over her body, and her fair skin could be broken by blows.

The slender jade legs and the cold face were flushed a little at the moment.

Looking at Luo Fan coldly, he saw that Luo Fan's eyes were staring at him with fiery eyes.

Immediately, Leng felt as if he was being shocked by an electric shock, his whole delicate body trembled, and there was an evil tremor.

Leng felt something strange in his body. It turned out that this was the feeling of a phone call.

I have heard of this feeling a long time ago, but it is the first time I have this feeling in more than 7000 years.

Biting her rosy lips with cold white teeth, she stepped on the floor with her jade feet, and walked slowly towards Luo Fan.

As Leng came in, the entire room was filled with Leng's unique fragrance of angels.

As the most perfect life form in the known universe, an angel not only has a highly developed brain and a beautiful body, but also has a charming fragrance on the body.

So is cold!
Luo Fan lay on the bed and sniffed slightly. An alluring fragrance shot straight up to the sky. Under the special environment, his whole body became hot.

Can't wait, get up directly, and hug the angel in front of you coldly...

However, Luo Fan is a person who often walks among the flowers, and his concentration is still very strong.

He was lying on the bed, staring at Leng so hotly and slowly walked in.

If the enemy does not move, he does not move!
Hmph, looking coldly at Luo Fan who was still standing still, the old god was lying on the bed, and snorted coldly in his heart.

Humph, Luo Fan is such a bad guy!
My old lady sent it to the door on her own initiative, but you are still lying there, and you don't know how to get up?
Do I have to take the initiative all the time?

Sighing coldly, when he walked to Luo Fan's bed, he stopped.

Just standing by the bed, a pair of beautiful big eyes stared straight at Luo Fan.

She was about to try, she couldn't believe that Luo Fan could hold back a peerless beauty like herself standing here.

Seeing that he couldn't get over the cold, Luo Fan got up straight away.

However, he didn't go towards the cold, but leaned directly on the back of the bed, staring at the cold with his arms crossed.

Looking coldly at the indifferent Luo Fan, although his face remained unchanged, he stared at Luo Fan thousands of times in his heart.

Hmph, my old lady has come over, you are lucky, not only can't come, but just sit still.

Also, what are you looking at me for?
Although my mother is more than 7000 years old, she has never been in a relationship, and she is also shy.

If it weren't for my strong willpower, I would have lowered my proud head by now.

In this way, the two stared at each other for about 10 minutes.

Finally, Leng couldn't hold on any longer, so she gently lifted the skirt of her pajamas with her white hands, raised it slightly, then moved her feet and stepped directly on the bed.

Then, the other long, snow-white leg also stepped on the bed, and then his feet softened and he knelt down directly.

When Luo Fan saw this, his eyes almost popped out.

What is this for?

(End of this chapter)

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