Chapter 174 Space War
In space!
A Sky Blade Seven stops here.

Tianren No. [-], in the open hall!
At this moment, a hundred angel warriors stood in the hall.

Each goddess-level angel is wearing silver-white battle armor. Under the red short skirt are pairs of alluring long snow-white legs, revealing infinite temptation.

Behind, white wings

"The queen is here!"

An angel's voice came out, and the angels stood aside to separate a passage.

Angel Yan wears a crown on her head, and she is still wearing the same silver-white armor as before, and a red short skirt, which clearly reveals her curvy and delicate body.

However, she wore an iconic red royal robe on the back, which set off her royal temperament.

Yan walked through the hall with long legs and came to the throne above the hall.

However, at this moment, Yan did not sit on it, but stood in front of the throne, glanced at the more than 100 angels below, and said:
"The new era that Queen Keisha said is slowly coming, and it is worth all our angels to pursue."

"It may require great sacrifices, even our lives. We have no way to defeat all enemies in just one battle. We can only make the final judgment through an unstoppable new era."

"Masters, please draw your sword!"

When Yan said this, he held the hilt of the King's Sword with his white hand, pulled it up and raised it towards the sky, the tip of the sword pierced straight into the sky!
When the hundred angels below heard this, they all drew out the flaming swords at their waists, full of fighting spirit!
With Hiko drawing his sword, the start of this operation was announced.

Soon, Tianren No. [-] no longer hid its tracks, and appeared in the dark space from the hidden space.

On Tianren No. [-], a system notification sounded.

"Start a large-scale space jump, the destination, the Milky Way Chiwu star system!"

Then a huge blue energy gem above Tianren No. [-] emitted a bright golden light, and there were waves of fluctuations on the two wings of Tian Ren No. [-].

"Activate the energy of the wormhole and open the connection channel. Since large wormholes cannot perform stable calculations in the atmospheric environment, the landing point will be placed at the optimal location in the Chiwu star system."

"It's about to pass through the worm gate, everyone get ready!"

Suddenly, a huge wormhole ripple appeared in front of Tianren No. [-].

As the worm gate wrapped Tianren No. [-], the huge Tianren No. [-] disappeared into this dark space in an instant.

Chiwu star system, inside Devil One!

"Queen, captured the position data of a large Sky Blade series combat celestial body!"

In the control room next to the Demon Hall, a gluttonous scientific research officer looked at Morgana next to him and said.

Hearing this, Morgana touched her bulging belly and said:
"Angel Yan sent Tianren No. [-] here at this time. Once it succeeds, it can suppress us in communication, and then it can capture the opponent of Devil No. [-], and then carry out a devastating blow to Devil No. [-]."

"Quick, quick, pinpoint their movements for me, and then pass the location data of Tianren No. [-] to Taotie."

"Yes, Queen!"

The two scientific research officers replied in awe, and then operated on the virtual panel in front of them for a while.

"Queen, why don't we launch the scourge bombing ourselves?"

Sword Demon Atuo asked, standing behind Morgana.

Morgana heard the words and explained:

"Once the scourge bombing is launched, our position will be exposed and discovered by the angels. Moreover, Tianren No. [-] is indestructible. Once it fails to explode, it will most likely be destroyed by Tianren No. [-]."

"The only way to deal with Tianren No. [-] is to pile up corpses."

Sword Demon Atuo heard this, thought for a while and said:

"Queen, you pass the data of Tianren No. 100 to Taotie, and Taotie has [-] million lives, so it can be piled up."

And in a space in the Milky Way!

More than 100 Taotie space battleships span the space.

Around, there are thousands of fireships and small warships, large and small.

In addition, there is also the flagship of the giant wolf civilization, which is also around the Taotie battleship at this moment.

A few days ago, Luo Fan made a move, and the Taotie and giant wolf civilizations escaped from the earth one after another, and then tied the fleet to the Milky Way.

And, this space was blocked.

At this moment, a communication sound rang out from all the battleships of Taotie.

"News came from Devil One, and it was found that a large combat celestial body of an angel entered our blockade area. All units are ready to fight and are ready to fight at any time."

"Near the angel battle celestial body, 277 other civilization auxiliary ships were also found."

"All captains are at your command, and all units await the same command from the flagship."

"The location of the Angel's large combat celestial body has been positioned and is ready to attack."

"For the glory of the Howler King, my god Karl bless us."

Soon, all of Taotie's warships had arrived at the location of Tianren No. [-], directly surrounding Tianren No. [-].

"Fire. Attack. Destroy Tianren Seven!"

More than 200 space battleships and thousands of fireships fired purple laser cannons and blasted towards the Tianren No. [-] in the middle.

However, a golden protective barrier suddenly appeared around Tianren No. [-].

And this barrier of protection blocked all of Taotie's attacks.

Even if the nuclear strike and antimatter laser cannon are used, it cannot break through the protective barrier of Tianren No. [-].

In the main fleet of the Taotie Center, the Howl King in a huge white armor sat on a chair, looked at the protective barrier of Tianren Seven and asked:
"What type of barrier is this, and its defense is so high?"

A white-armored pseudo-void warrior next to the Howling King quickly explained:
"This protective barrier is not a conventional energy protective barrier, but a space-time shield. All attacks directed at it will be distorted by time and space."

Inside Tianren No. [-]!
Angel Yan is sitting on the throne, and the angel Keira in the front left below asks:

"The space-time shield absorbs so many attacks from Taotie, how does the energy converter work?"

"The transformation work is continuing steadily, without any problems!" said one of the eight scientific research angels.

"Yeah!" Angel Keira nodded.

At this time, Hiko on the throne said:

"Hurry up and connect to the Milky Way Galaxy Data System to calculate all jump positions!"

Yan took so much trouble to send the Skyblade [-] to Earth this time. Apart from resisting Morgana, the most important thing was to send the Skyblade [-] to Luo Fan.

As long as Luo Fan obtains the Tianren No. [-], the most powerful combat celestial body in the known universe, the earth's civilization will rise rapidly and quickly enter the aerospace-level civilization.

The previous large wormhole jump arrived from near Merlot Heaven to the Milky Way.

And the galaxy we are in now is blocked by Taotie.

Therefore, it is necessary to jump again to reach the outer space of the earth.

"The data connection is completed and the transmission location is ready, ready for transmission at any time."

"it is good!"

Yan nodded and said:
"Prepare potential, but many of us angels may be captured by Morgana and receive sniping, everyone pay attention!"

After finishing speaking, the white wings on Yan's back trembled, he left Tianren No. [-], and flew towards a planet with several angels.

Because, she discovered, this time it's not just the gluttonous and giant wolf civilizations.

The biggest threat comes from the ancient king of Tiangong, also known as the king of scum in the angel's mouth, Hua Ye.

Hua Ye has been investigating the location of their Tianren No. [-], in order to kill her, the king.

Then, to all the universe, he Tiangong Wang Huaye has risen again, and he can once again call on all civilizations in the universe.

The rest of the angels in the main hall came to the square outside the main hall, preparing to defend against the attack of Taotie.

(End of this chapter)

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