Chapter 181 The terrifying void engine
" did you attack me?"

The howling king asked in puzzlement, one must know that his physical skills are powerful and his experience is extremely rich, how could he lose to Luo Fan in physical skills.

However, the current result is a real defeat.

Luo Fan sat on the throne, crossed his legs, as if he hadn't moved the slightest bit just now, looked down at Howl and said:

"Howl, have you ever heard that martial arts in the world are invincible, and the only thing that can't be broken is speed!"

"As for me, I am strong and fast. In the face of absolute speed and strength, all experience and physical skills are embroidered pillows."

"So that's how it is, that's how it is!" Xi Howling understood why Luo Fan, who was only a god in his early 20s, would crush himself in physical skills.

No, it wasn't that he was crushed in physical skills, but that Luo Fan was too fast and physically strong enough.

Therefore, no matter how many times his physical skills are stronger than Luo Fan's, the opponent's speed is faster and his strength is stronger than his own.

Therefore, Luo Fan only needs a simple punch or a kick to completely defeat him. His rich combat experience is completely useless in front of Luo Fan.

Thinking of this, Xi Howl took out a few parts from the dark plane, and filled the big hole in his chest directly in a few operations. Looking at Luo Fan, he said:
"I'm sorry, I've left my physical body, and I've created this pure mecha body, even if you dismantle it, I won't feel any pain at all."

Luo Fan looked at Xishou for a few times and said:
"It turns out that you are just a soul, or a brain."

"Yes!" Ji Howl nodded, said with his hands on his hips:

"So, no matter how fast or powerful you are, it's useless if you can't attack my soul."

"is it?"

Luo Fan murmured, and in the next moment, a fiery red glow burst out from his eyes, and shot directly at Howl's head.

The Eye of Divine Punishment, in addition to devastating objects, also specifically targets souls for fatal blows.


The hot red light shot directly on the head of the Howling King, and his head exploded.


Howl only felt that his soul was roasting on a fire, and there were severe pains deep in his soul, as if he would die completely in the next moment.

At this moment, Howl became terrified. It turned out that Luo Fan could destroy him no matter his body or soul.

Feeling the threat of life, Ji Howl hurriedly begged for mercy.

The red light in Luo Fan's eyes disappeared, and he stared at Shi Shi with cold eyes and said:

"My God's Eye of Punishment doesn't even use one percent of its power, you won't be able to hold on anymore, you are so pitifully weak!"

Luo Fan didn't kill Howl right away, it was too cheap to kill him directly, he wanted him to die in despair.

Let him know what kind of powerful civilization invaded.

If it weren't for this guy's pure mecha body, destroying his body would be painless, Luo Fan would have to kill him...


"You didn't even use one percent of your strength?"

The howling soul brain was wrapped in the last layer of void engine and floated in the air, and the soul flame made a horrified sound.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, how could your strength be so powerful?"

"Nothing is impossible. It's just that your civilization is too weak. You dare to provoke us Huaxia. You really don't know the heights of heaven and earth. Who gave you the courage?" Luo Fan's cold voice resounded in the hall.

Hearing the words, he said unconvincedly:
"Our gluttonous civilization is too weak? What a joke!"

"Our Taotie civilization has reached aerospace-level civilization many years ago, while your Blue Star civilization is only a pre-nuclear civilization, and its technological civilization is many times different."

Luo Fan was expressionless, and asked indifferently:

"Then why, you, the king of the space-level civilization, the so-called howl king, is easily crushed by me, a pre-nuclear civilization?"

"Hmph!" Ji Howl snorted coldly and said angrily:

"Your Blue Star Core pre-civilization can only defeat me if you have you as the main god. Otherwise, our gluttony is enough to destroy your Blue Star civilization thousands of times."

"Haha...haha..." Luo Fan suddenly laughed a few times, looked down at Xian and howled:
"The known universe today is a god-making civilization. Since I, a god, can destroy you, the Howler King, it proves that our civilization is stronger than yours."

"Create a god-making civilization, and gods are the powerful symbols of this civilization."

Hearing this, Yan Howl was silent for a while, and shouted angrily:
"However, our Taotie civilization has Karl, the god of death. My god, Karl, is the supreme god of death. You are absolutely no match for him."

"Oh, Karl?" Luo Fan murmured, sarcastically:
"Is that the old Yinbi who hides behind and likes Yin people? Don't worry, I will kill him sooner or later."

Howling: "……"

Shan Howl didn't know what to say, and looked at Luo Fan on the throne on the high platform.

Now, body skills are crushed by Luo Fanzi's absolute speed and strength, and soul power can be easily destroyed by the other party. He will die.

For now, the only option is to rely on the Void Engine given by Karl, the God of Death. As long as Luo Fan is challenged to compete with him on the Void Engine, then he can use the engine to kill the opponent.

Thinking of this, he howled:

"If you have the ability, you and I compare the dark plane engine, who is stronger?"

"Okay!" Luo Fan replied calmly.

Ha ha!Ha ha!
Hearing this, Xiang howled and was filled with ecstasy.He seemed to have seen Luo Fan destroyed by his void engine.

As a result, when the howling soul flame moved, a golden light erupted from the void engine and scattered towards the surrounding angels and Luo Fan.

At the same time, a mechanical sound came from the howling void engine.

[Start the Void Engine and launch a fatal blow to Angel and Luo Fan. 】

[Angel genes are being rewritten. 】

In an instant, besides Zhi Xin, Ah Zhui, and Luo Fan, more than thirty angels stood with their heads covered and their bodies staggering.

Seeing this, Luo Fan snapped his fingers.

[The heavenly punishment system is activated, creating an anti-void defense barrier. 】

Immediately, more than thirty golden protective barriers appeared out of thin air, protecting the thirty angels affected by the gluttonous void engine.

Immediately, more than [-] angels felt their bodies returned to normal in an instant.

Seeing this, Yan Howl quickly controlled the Void Engine to crack Luo Fan's Void Engine.

"Crack the opponent's engine!"

[Analyzing the opponent's engine, the analysis failed. The opponent's engine is an unknown void engine. 】

[Our Void Engine has 4 detections, and it is conservatively estimated that the opponent has 30 detections. 】

[Trying to crack the other party's engine, cracking failed, cracking failed. 】

Seeing this, Xianhou shouted:

"Continue to crack it for Lao Tzu, crack the other party at the highest frequency, and then kill the other party."

[Try to crack the opponent's engine. 】

[Crack failed. 】

[Crack failed. 】

[Crack failed. 】

[The system is down. 】

Howl: "??????"

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(End of this chapter)

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