Chapter 190 He Xi: Luo Fan, don’t scare me...

Hexi stood on the surface of Jupiter, his body was covered with the Jupiter gas shot out by Luo Fan, with an expression on his face that he wanted to scold Luo Fan but couldn't find a reason.

After holding back for a while, Hexi said:

"Okay, I can't say no to you, just think that you killed Su Mali and he is the one to blame, but second, my only direct disciple, Zhi Xin, was killed by you at the age of five hundred, and she was pregnant, you said I Do you want to settle accounts with you?"

Hearing this, Luo Fan took a step forward and approached He Xi, touched her fair and tender forehead, and asked:
"Naixi, are you having a fever?"

Hexi heard that Luo Fan wanted to make trouble again, so he said:

"I don't have a fever. How can I have a fever like a normal person?"

"Hehe!" Luo Fan chuckled and said:

"Since you don't have a fever, why do you say that Zhi Xin is a child? She is already a five-hundred-year-old angel. How can she be a child?"

"So, you have a fever, what is it? Do you want me to cure it for you? I have the power to heal."

He Xi heard this and said:
"Although Zhi Xin is five hundred years old, in the eyes of me, a 3-year-old master, she is just a child now. She is only five hundred years old, and you let her get pregnant and give birth to a baby for you?"

Luo Fan rolled his eyes at He Xi, stared at her with burning eyes, and said:

"Five hundred years old, what a young child, I'm only 21 years old, master, I want to drink... milk!"

Hexi: "..."

He Xi thought that Luo Fan was only 21 years old, and suddenly felt that what Luo Fan said made sense.

So he looked at Luo Fan and said sincerely:

"Well, I wronged you, and I apologize to you?"

Luo Fan: "???"

Luo Fan was stunned, feeling depressed for a while, he really wanted to say:

Hexi, you are being too reasonable.

Originally, he wanted to speak hard to He Xi, and let He Xi settle accounts with him and beat him up.

Then, Luo Fan can take Hexi down, just like Ah Zhui did back then.

After attacking him, he took it down.

However, what he didn't expect was that Hexi was so reasonable, so reasonable that she felt that she was wrong and wanted to apologize to herself.

Madhu, if you don't beat me for being so reasonable, how can I, Luo Fan, take you down?
That would go against my excellent character.

In order to take down Hexi and get rewards from the system, Luo Fan decided that he was going to expand.

So, Luo Fan looked at He Xi, stared straight at her delicate body, licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and said:


This time, before Luo Fan finished speaking, He Xi interrupted Luo Fan and directly interrupted:

"My name is Hexi, the Tianji King of Merlot Heavenly Court, not some kind of Naixi, please respect my title."

Hearing this, Luo Fan put his big hand on Hexi's fragrant shoulder and said:

"Oh, let's call you Naixi, it sounds nice."

He Xi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, opened Luo Fan's hand directly, and said:
"It seems that this is the first time we meet, where is the friendship?"

"Hey!" Luo Fan yelled, and once again held Hexi's shoulder, smelled the alluring body fragrance on her body, and said:
"Zhi Xin is now my wife, and you are Zhi Xin's master. Do you think our friendship is deep? It's very deep."

He Xi glared at Luo Fan, with a trace of disgust in his eyes and said:
"Since you know that I am Zhi Xin's master, why do you still put your hands on my shoulders? Do you think this is appropriate?"

"I think it's appropriate, it proves that we have a good relationship."

Luo Fan said with a very thick skin, He Xi was too reasonable, he had to be more shameless and excessive to provoke He Xi to attack him.

Sure enough, Luo Fan could even feel He Xi's heart beating violently at this moment, and his whole delicate body was trembling slightly.

But even when he was angry, Luo Fan still felt that He Xi was extremely moving, and even when he was angry, he was full of a different kind of charm.


He Xi suddenly let out a squeak, obviously struggling with his own heart.

Because Luo Fan is the male god of his beloved disciple Zhi Xin. If she hurt Luo Fan, Zhi Xin would definitely be sad.

However, this Luo Fan is so hateful, he has repeatedly treated her lightly, he is obviously a lustful person, and he can't help but beat him up.

Hexi struggled for a while in this entanglement, and then a cold voice came out:

"Luo Fan, I didn't want to beat you up at first, but you have repeatedly treated me lightly. If you don't let go, I'll beat you up until you regret coming to this world."

After saying that, He Xi's beautiful blue eyes stared at Luo Fan.

However, Luo Fan wanted this effect and wished He Xi could beat him.

He wanted to say, Hexi, if you don't beat me, I will cry.

So, instead of letting go of the hand on He Xixiang's shoulder, Luo Fan met He Xi's gaze and directly kissed her flamboyant face.


At the scene, there was a popping sound, and He Xi was stunned.

She didn't expect that not only was Luo Fan not afraid of her threat, but he even got more serious and kissed her directly.

Angry, He Xi was completely angry, and the entire beautiful face changed.

Luo Fan didn't seem to see He Xi's anger, but replied:

"Naixi, you know, you are almost the most beautiful woman in the world. I am so happy to be able to kiss your face."


He Xi roared angrily, made a fist with his right hand, and punched Luo Fan directly.


There was a loud noise, and Luo Fan was blasted thousands of meters by He Xi's punch, and then hit the surface of Jupiter heavily.


When it landed, the surrounding gas shot back in all directions.

Then, Luo Fan remained motionless and fell directly to the spot.

At the same time, Luo Fan restrained all the breath in his body, and even his heart stopped beating temporarily.

The whole person is no different from dead.

He Xi looked at Luo Fan who was lying on the surface of Jupiter, his motionless appearance seemed to be no different from death.

A thought suddenly popped up in Hexi's mind, no way, no way he died, right?

However, with his strength, it shouldn't be so.

Therefore, Hexi looked at Luo Fan in the distance with a little worry and shouted:
"Hey, are you dead? If you are not dead, stand up and continue to be beaten. The anger of my Tianji Wang Hexi has not disappeared yet."

After finishing speaking, He Xi stared at Luo Fan with beautiful eyes, waiting for his answer.

1 minutes, 2 minutes, 10 minutes.

No, it won't be really dead, right?

If he really died, how would I explain to Zhi Xin.

If he died, Zhi Xin would not have to be a widow.

So, Hexi moved her slender legs and walked towards Luo Fan step by step.

At the same time, she felt very uneasy. She was afraid that if Luo Fan was really dead, she would not be able to explain to Zhi Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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