Chapter 193
As soon as he finished speaking, Hexi waved his hand, and the temperature inside the flaming furnace suddenly rose, endless flames spewed out, roasting Luo Fan.

Endless flames were baking around Luo Fan, however, Luo Fan was still resting in the furnace with his hands on his head, his eyes closed, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

At the same time, Luo Fan said:
"Naixi, do you want to refine the fire-eye gold for me?"

"Is it all right?"

Hexi's beautiful face was full of surprise, she never imagined that even though the power of her blazing furnace was fully activated, Luo Fan still didn't get hurt at all.

He Xi gritted his teeth and said:

"In that case, let you try the Flame Furnace's skill, Flare Bombing."

Speaking of this, He Xi stared at Luo Fan with beautiful eyes, a little worried that the flare bombing would kill Luo Fan, so he said:

"If you admit defeat now, there is still time."

"Damn it."

Luo Fan refused directly. He just wanted He Xi to attack him, and then he could settle the accounts with her, so he said:
"Now the young master asks you to burn enough, so I can settle the score with you later, and the way to settle the score is to have a baby with you on Jupiter."

"What? You want to have a baby with me?"

When He Xi heard these words, his whole seductive body trembled, and he trembled viciously, saying:

"You are a hot-tempered male god, we can't do this."

"Why not? There is a saying that goes like this: a kiss becomes a kiss." Luo Fan corrected him.

He Xi was a little confused when he heard this.

Kissing and kissing, is this the understanding?

It seemed that he had to be ruthless, otherwise, what if he couldn't beat Luo Fan and was finally taken down by him.

He is a heart-warming male god, and he must not be like this.

So, He Xi stretched out his white palm towards Luo Fan and shouted sweetly:

"Mini flare bombing!"


As soon as the words fell, there were bursts of terrifying explosions in the flaming furnace, and the sound was deafening.

"Made, the shock made my ears hurt."

Luo Fan spat, and a golden protective shield appeared around his body, protecting him within it.


Even the continuous bombardment of small flares outside the protective cover did not affect Luo Fan at all.

"What a perverted defense."

Hexi said in surprise when he saw this scene.

"Since small flare bombing is not enough, then I will let you try medium flare bombing."

As soon as the words fell, Hexi stared at Luo Fan with blazing eyes, and directly used a medium-sized flare bombardment.


Several terrifying flare bombardments rang out in the Flame Furnace, and even the space was blasted with cracks, revealing a black unknown space.


The terrifying explosion power caused even cracks to appear on Luo Fan's protective cover.

Seeing He Xi's ruthless attack, Luo Fan glared at He Xi and said:
"Fuck, Hexi, you want to murder your husband."

After saying that, Luo Fan directly used level one extreme rage.

Immediately, bursts of black qi gushed out of his body, and the muscles on his body swelled rapidly, reaching a size of more than five meters, standing like a demon god in the endless flames.

The piercing black qi directly pushed the surrounding flare bombardment to a radius of five meters, forcing Hexi to expand the range of the flame furnace to a radius of ten meters.

"It's really big..."

He Xi looked at Luo Fan's huge five-meter-tall body in the flame furnace and swallowed his saliva.

He Xi felt that Luo Fan's gigantic body over five meters tall might not even be able to support her sacred body.

Fortunately, Luo Fan stood on the spot in advance and let her use the flame furnace to imprison her. Otherwise, with Luo Fan's terrifying physical strength, she would definitely not be an opponent and could kill her directly.

Seeing that the medium-sized flare bombing was not harmful to Luo Fan, He Xi was immediately stunned.

This abnormal defense is simply stronger than the most powerful space battleship protective barrier.

However, she also has Advanced Flare Bombing.

However, the power of advanced flare bombing was too strong, and He Xi did not dare to use it.

Because she believed that with the power of advanced flare bombing, no matter how strong Luo Fan's defense was, he would still be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Hexi thought about it, and felt that he should use another skill of Flare Furnace, Time and Space Chaos.

As long as the space-time chaotic layer is displayed in the flare furnace, although it is only ten meters in radius, the space inside overlaps layer by layer and will never end.

He Xi also knew that Luo Fan was a master of wormholes.

However, space-time chaos involves time and space, and wormholes are not at the same level as space-time.

Therefore, Hexi looked at Luo Fan, waved his hand casually, and the medium-sized flare bombardment disappeared, and then said:
"Next, I'm going to use Space-Time Chaos to make sure you can't break it."

"So confident again?" Luo Fan looked at He Xi and asked without answering.

"Yes, I am so confident that I guarantee to trap you inside." He Xi raised his snow-white neck, because he found that Luo Fan was too big now, so he could only see his face by raising his head.


Luo Fan sighed, shook his head and said:

"You were so confident just now, but in the end, there was nothing I could do about it with various means."

"You know, I still have many methods that I haven't used yet. If I use them, I can subdue you in an instant."

"Luo Fan, this time, I will definitely imprison you in the chaos of time and space, and then surrender to me." He Xi said lightly with his seductive little cherry mouth, and then waved his little hand again.

All of a sudden, space-time chaotic layers appeared in the flare furnace, as if there were countless spaces overlapping each other.

This is what Luo Fan feels now. He walked forward for more than ten meters, but found that he still appeared at the place where he started just now.

Luo Fan was not discouraged and walked out more than ten meters again. However, he still appeared at the place where he started.

This scene, like a ghost hitting a wall, no matter how many times you walk, it still appears in the same place.

However, the chaotic layers of time and space at this time are much more powerful than a ghost hitting a wall.

The ghost hitting the wall is just a cover-up, or a low-level illusion. The space has not changed. All you need to do is break the cover-up.

However, the chaotic layers of time and space are real spaces, and every space that Luo Fan walks through is a real space.

At the same time, it is just a space.

He Xi watched Luo Fan walking around in the chaotic layer of time and space, bumping around like a headless fly, and knew that Luo Fan was doomed and would never get out of the chaotic layer of time and space.

So, Hexi turned her seductive lilac tongue and said:

"Luo Fan, I think you won't be able to get out of this chaos of time and space even if it takes another 1 years. If you admit defeat now, I can release you immediately."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, Luo Fan didn't leave, and stood there laughing a few times, as if mocking Hexi.

Seeing Luo Fan's expression, He Xi suddenly had a bad feeling. It seemed that Luo Fan could break through this chaotic layer of time and space.

However, this is impossible. Only the power of time and space can decipher this chaotic layer of time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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