Chapter 198 Hexi: Don't...

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Luo Fan laughed twice, looked at He Xi and said:

"Didn't I say that after you finish attacking, don't even think about leaving today? I will love you deeply."


He Xi let out a squeak, stepped back continuously, and said:

"Luo Fan, I'm Zhi Xin's master, you'd better not come here, it's wrong to love me."

"If you want, you can go find Yan. She is as beautiful as me, and she is younger. She is also your guardian angel."

"Hehe!" Luo Fan chuckled lightly and said:
"Hexi, you really made a good plan. Yandu is already my guardian angel. If I want to find her in the future, I will find her."

"You don't have to say anything anymore, just obey me today."

He Xi looked at Luo Fan, who was approaching at every step, and kept backing away.

She didn't want to follow Luo Fan. She had been guarding her body for 3 years and planned to stay like this for the rest of her life.

However, Luo Fan obviously won't let her go.

Moreover, I can't beat it,

escape?Obviously, Luo Fan has the power of time and space, and his speed must be faster than her.

Could it be that Luo Fan is the only way out today?

Suddenly, He Xi thought of something, looked at Luo Fan and said:

"Slow, slow!"

Luo Fan didn't stop, and came directly in front of He Xi, hugging her delicate body with a pair of big hands, and felt that the tentacles were as warm and smooth as jade, and the skin was smooth and tender.

Luo Fan stretched out his big hand and stroked Hexi's beautiful face, feeling as if he had been electrocuted.

This feeling is amazing.

Sure enough, He Xi is indeed one of the most beautiful angels, with an incomparable face and a delicate body that is both concave and convex.

There is no trace of fat on the body, and the tempting angel fragrance is pleasing to the nostrils, smelling it is a kind of enjoyment.

"Naixi, you told me to wait, are you trying to pull another trick?"

He Xi gently pushed away Luo Fan's big hand that was caressing her face. She hadn't let any man touch her skin for 3 years, not even her hands.

The moment Luo Fan hugged her and stroked her cheek, she felt her heart beating faster and her blood boiling all over her body.

However, she didn't want to follow Luo Fan.

It's the first time the two meet, how can they just do sweet things.

So, He Xi took a dozen steps back and then said:

"Luo Fan, I have one last move. If you block it, then I will..."

"Then what are you doing?"

Luo Fan stared at He Xi with hot eyes, and at the same time put his hand between his nose and smelled it, ah... it smelled so good, and there was still He Xi's residual body fragrance on it.

A seductive deodorant better than the best perfume in the world.

Angels are indeed the most perfect life forms in the known universe. Every female angel is a beauty, peerless and alluring.

And He Xi, a peerless beauty among angels, can only imagine how alluring she is.

He Xi thought for a while, then said slowly:
"Then I'll give you a kiss!"

Luo Fan looked at He Xi with a bewildered expression, then came to He Xi's side in a flash, pinched her Qiong nose and said:
"Are you kidding a kid?"

"Send it to me with just a kiss?"

"Besides, if I come directly now, you are all mine, why should I bother you."

"I'm standing here asking you now. I didn't attack you right away, but I am a very reasonable person."

"Are you reasonable?"

He Xi heard this and wanted to kick Luo Fan in the butt.

You are reasonable, I attacked you, you want to occupy me?
You are reasonable, you have Zhixin, but you still want me as a master?
A pervert, a pervert, a beast.

However, thinking about it, it feels so exciting...

He Xi rubbed his face, forced himself to calm down, gritted his teeth and said:
"As long as you accept this last move of mine, I will immediately commit myself to you, how about it?"

Luo Fan pinched his chin, thought for a while and said:
"it is good."

Seeing that Luo Fan agreed, Hexi felt relieved.

The reason why she dared to make a bet with Luo Fan was that Luo Fan would dominate her soon.

On the other hand, it's because her move is a mental attack method that directly affects the soul.

She has studied the soul for 3 years, so her mental power is very strong.

As for Luo Fan, who is only 21 years old, although his physical strength is very strong, his soul power is not directly related to his physical strength.

Therefore, as long as Luo Fan loses with her mental power attack, she can escape from Luo Fan's clutches.

Thinking of this, He Xi looked at Luo Fan and reminded:

"My move is a mental attack. You are not allowed to dodge. You can only attack with my mental power. If you dodge or lose, you will lose. What do you think?"

"Okay!" Luo Fan nodded.

He thought He Xi would have some weird and powerful attack, but it turned out to be a mental attack.

He possesses the Eye of Divine Punishment, which specializes in attacking souls.

He has already tested the attack of God's Eye of Punishment. In addition to being very strong in physical attack, it is also very strong in soul attack.

Therefore, Luo Fande directly agreed to the bet with He Xi.

If he was not sure of victory, he would not agree and take He Xi down directly.

Doing this is only for the last respect for Hexi, the king of angels.

Who makes Hexi gentle, demure, noble and elegant, not as extreme as Morgana.

Seeing that Luo Fan agreed, Hexi reminded again:
"Let me remind again that the soul is the most important thing for a person. If the soul is attacked by an irresistible attack, it will be an idiot with confusion in memory, or the soul will collapse on the spot and die directly."

"If you promise to let me go now, I won't bet with you, how about it?"


Luo Fan sighed impatiently and said:

"Don't beep, attack quickly, I can't wait to get you."

"Okay, but if you can't stand it anymore, you have to remind me that I don't want to make you an idiot or kill you."

Hearing this, Luo Fan asked:
"Naixi, do you like me? Otherwise, why would I treat you like this and you remind me to be careful again and again?"

"You can only behave like this if you care about someone."

"No, I don't like you, and I don't have any affection for you. I just don't want to feel sad."

He Xi denied it directly, and then his beautiful eyes began to glow white.

The next moment, two white lights shot out from the beautiful eyes, and shot towards Luo Fan's eyes!
Seeing this, Luo Fan's eyes instantly glowed with white light, and he blasted towards the white light shot by Hexi.

The white light in Luo Fan's eyes was also the eye of divine punishment.

It's just purely using mental power to attack, that's why the white glow appeared, not the golden glow, because she was afraid that if the golden glow shot out, it would directly penetrate Hexi.


Two white lights directly collided in the air.

Suddenly, a huge whirlwind appeared and shook towards the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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