Chapter 200 Hexi: You want me to kneel...

Luo Fan said as he walked towards He Xi.

He Xi watched Luo Fan press forward step by step, his face full of nervousness, and said:

"Well, can I not count it?"

"What do you think?"

Luo Fan's expression changed, he looked at Hexi and said:

"Could it be that the majestic king of angels, Tianji Wang Hexi, is actually a person who doesn't count his words?"

Listening to Luo Fan's words, Hexi's brain froze.

That's right, she is Tianji Wang Hexi, one of the three kings. As an angel, she can't take her word for granted, and things like this will only discredit the angel.

However, she promised this matter with her body, and she has guarded her body like a jade for 3 years. Is she going to confess today?
Seeing that Hexi was in hesitation, Luo Fan added a bit of anger and said:

"It seems that you want to say nothing. Well, I will contact Yan, Ah Zhui, and Zhixin now, and tell them how you contradicted what you promised."

After speaking, Luo Fan opened the hot communication.

"Luo Fan, do you miss me?"

A scorching voice sounded in the communication.

"I miss you. I have something to tell you?"

"What's the matter? Tell me?" Zhi Xin's curious voice came out.

Luo Fan glanced at He Xi and then said:
"That is……"

Just when Luo Fan was about to say something, he saw He Xi give him a demanding look, and then with a wave of his jade hand, the silver-white armor disappeared, revealing the intimate clothes underneath and that perfect body.

"Hey, Luo Fan, what do you want to tell me, go quickly."

At this time, the heart-wrenching voice sounded.

Seeing this, Luo Fan said:
"Zhi Xin, what I want to say is that I love you to death, and I also love your master He Xi very much."

Hearing this, Zhi Xin said sweetly:

"Your words are enough, but my master He Xi's eyes are as high as his head. If you want to love her, you can only have unrequited love and you will never get her."

is it?

Luo Fan looked at the obedient Hexi in front of him, and wanted to tell Zhi Xin immediately,

Your master's eyes are higher than your head?
Will I never get her?

Fart, shit, all fart.

Lao Tzu is about to get Hexi immediately.

Since business was important, Luo Fan directly cut off the communication with Zhi Xin, and then set his sights on He Xi.

Luo Fan came in front of He Xi, and directly grabbed He Xi's small hand with his big hand, the tentacles were as warm and smooth as jade, and Luo Fan could clearly feel that He Xi's delicate body shook.

It seems that Hexi is very nervous.

That's right, a 3-year-old girl is about to turn into a woman. It's a lie that she's not nervous.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan rubbed Hexi's little hands with his big hands, and said:
"Naixi, a moment of spring is worth a thousand pieces of gold, let's not waste any time."

When He Xi heard this, he only felt uneasy in his heart, and said:

"But, it's daytime now, how can a moment of spring night be worth a thousand gold?"

"It's easy!"

Luo Fan directly used the void engine to create a black barrier with a radius of [-] meters around the two people, blocking out all the sunlight.

Within a radius of [-] meters, there was a sudden darkness.

Then, Luo Fan snapped his fingers, and bright stars appeared in the sky, emitting a faint light.

After doing all this, Luo Fan looked at He Xi and said:

"Look, isn't it night?"

Hexi glanced at the stars above and the [-]-meter dark space around him, and said:

"But, these are all fake!"

"Fake nun!"


Luo Fan slapped He Xi directly on the face and whipped her to the ground.

Then, Luo Fan leaned down, grabbed Hexi's collar with one hand, and said coldly:
"Because you are an angel, I have always been very polite to you. Whatever you say, I will try my best to satisfy you."

"But, you agreed and still tried to shirk it over and over again. You really pissed me off."

"Now, I have to do what I want to do!"

He Xi listened to Luo Fan's words, touched his red and swollen face, feeling sad in his heart,
This slap seemed to have been unfair to her.

Luo Fan yelled at He Xi and saw that she was completely honest. He couldn't help but think,

Sure enough, every woman is treated differently.

As gentle as He Xi is, even though he looks very gentle on the surface, he wants to care for her and protect her.

However, sometimes treating her in a domineering and tough way can be very effective.

Luo Fan shook his head, he didn't think about it any more, the immediate thing was urgent.

Luo Fan rushed towards Hexi directly...


An hour later, Luo Fan looked at Hexi in front of him with doubts in his eyes.

Because, he didn't hear the system's prompt sound in his mind.

It doesn't mean that I got hit, but there are no sounds such as the strengthening value of Galaxy Power and the strengthening value of Nuoxing God of War.

Three hours later, Luo Fan's eyes became more intense, and he still didn't hear the system's notification tone.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan stood up, stared coldly at Hexi in front of him, and said:
"I heard that Tianji King Hexi has eight clones, and each clone is very powerful. If the power is fully activated, one clone is enough to defeat eight Yan."

Hearing this, panic flashed in the eyes of He Xi who was lying on the ground.

Luo Fan noticed the panic in He Xi's eyes, and he was basically sure that the He Xi in front of him was not He Xi himself, but a clone of He Xi.

Luo Fan pinched He Xi's delicate chin with his big hand, stared sharply into He Xi's beautiful eyes, and said in a cold voice:
"So, tell me, are you He Xi's clone?"

Feeling Luo Fan's sharp gaze, He Xi sighed and said:

"Hey, you found out as expected. I'll just say one of Hexi's eight avatars."

"Queen Kesha has gone offline, and other civilizations in the universe are watching her with eager eyes, especially Hua Ye and Karl.

Tianji Wang Hexi needs to sit in the Melo Heavenly Court, so it is impossible for her to come here in person. "


Luo Fan cursed loudly and said with an angry look:

"So, I played so many games with you, let you attack, let you bake with the flare furnace, let you attack with spiritual power, in the end, I won a clone?"


Hexi's clone snorted coldly and said:
"Don't pretend to be good at being cheap. Although I'm just a clone of Hexi, I'm strong and beautiful, right?"

Madhu and Luo Fan were a little angry when they heard this.

He is not just simply getting He Xi, he also wants systematic rewards.

Therefore, Luo Fan didn't get the reward, so he was so sure that Hexi in front of him was a clone.


Luo Fan slapped Hexi's avatar on the face, the beautiful face was swollen again, Luo Fan said angrily:
"You lied to me, I was very angry, now you tell me, how can I get rid of my anger?"

"do not know."

He Xi's clone shook his head.


Luo Fan slapped Hexi's avatar on the face again, and said:
"Kneel down in front of me..."

(End of this chapter)

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