Chapter 215 Zhi Xin: I want to make it up to you
On the bed, Zhi Xin was horrified when she heard Luo Fan say that she had taken the cold ice down long before them.

Because she knew that when Luo Fan took down Ah Zhui, he was only a third-generation god body.

Thinking of this, Zhi Xin asked:
"You were only three generations of gods at that time, and your strength was far inferior to Morgana. Why did you take her down?"

"Because I'm handsome!" Luo Fan replied solemnly.

Zhi Xin: “…”

However, Zhi Xin took a serious look at Luo Fan, indeed, Luo Fan is very handsome, there is no handsome person in the entire known universe.

Zhi Xin even sometimes wondered if Luo Fan had some kind of succubus physique. Otherwise, why would he be so handsome?

It's okay to be handsome, and it's so attractive to women.

It stands to reason that every one of their angels has passed the abstinence level. No matter how handsome Luo Fan is, he can't impress them.

After all, they are angels who are already excellent and extremely strong-willed. Just being handsome cannot attract them.

Therefore, Zhi Xin wondered whether Luo Fan had a succubus physique that attracted so many outstanding women.

Shaking his head, Zhi Xin stared at Luo Fan and asked again:
"In human terms, why did you get Morgana when you were in the third generation of divine body?"

Luo Fan wiped his hair and said truthfully:

"That day, Morgana wanted to drink with me, so naturally we drank together."

"Is it that simple?" Zhi Xin asked with disbelief.

"Yes, it's that simple. I have already said that my charm is unstoppable."

Zhi Xin still couldn't accept that the angel and the devil actually liked the same man, so he said:
"Let me stroke it and be quiet."

"Shut up, be quiet." Luo Fan said coldly to Zhi Xin, walked over and pushed her against the wall, saying:
"You are so stupid!"

"Why am I stupid?" Zhi Xin asked.

Luo Fan squeezed his delicate chin with his big hands, and said:
"What a devil, what an angel, what evil and justice, stupid, stupid."

"I ask you, why has Queen Kesa not destroyed Morgana in 3 years?"

Heartbroken, he said:
"That's because Morgana has a deep research on time and space, and she can't always find the position of her Devil One. Morgana's strength is also very strong, so she hasn't been eliminated."


Luo Fan directly criticized Zhi Xin without mercy, and then said:

"That's because Morgana is Liang Bing, the King of Apocalypse, and the sister of Holy Kesha. If Kesha wants to kill Liang Bing, she will be able to kill her in less than 10 minutes as long as the knife falls."

"Even in the last decisive battle between Morgana and Keisha in the outer space of the earth, Keisha could easily kill her even if Liang Bing had upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body..."

Speaking of this, Luo Fan stared closely at Zhi Xin's eyes, and asked:

"Tell me, why didn't Kesha kill Morgana?"

Zhi Xin was already a little shaken at this moment and explained:
"That...that's because Queen Keisha can't kill...can't kill..."

When Zhi Xin said this, she could no longer speak.

Seeing this, Luo Fan said sharply:

"That's because Kesha doesn't want to kill Liang Bing, so she can't kill her no matter what. Let alone 3 years, even if Kesha is given 300 million or [-] million years, she can't kill Morgana."


Hearing this, Zhi Xin felt as if his brain had been hit by a giant hammer.

That's right, as Queen Kaisha's sacred right-wing guard, she clearly knows how powerful and terrifying Queen Kaisa is.

And with such great strength, why hasn't Morgana been killed?

Not to mention that Morgana has only upgraded to the fourth generation divine body, Queen Keisha can easily kill her.

Before that, Morgana was just a weaker third-generation divine body, so why didn't Queen Kaisha kill her.

After all, what Luo Fan said is that Morgana is Liang Bing, Liang Bing is the sister of Queen Kesha, and was once King Apocalypse, one of the three kings of the angel civilization.

Therefore, Queen Keisha has been unable to kill Morgana for 3 years.

Thinking of this, Zhi Xin felt wet... and realized.

Luo Fan squeezed his burning chin and said:
"So, do you understand now?"

Zhi Xin didn't speak, she didn't want to answer, she couldn't speak, she just nodded lightly.

"very good."

Cao Ma let go of Zhi Xin's bus, then hugged her waist and said:
"So, do you still think that I took down the cold ice and I took down you, is there a problem?"

" problem." Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan and replied.

"Hey..." Luo Fan chuckled, glanced up and down at the tender body with scorched heart, and said:

"So, what do we do now?"

Luo Fan said, pulling Zhi Xin towards the bed.

Then, Zhi Xin stopped and looked at Luo Fan with an apologetic look.

Seeing this, Luo Fan touched Sun Xin's fair and delicate face with his big hands, and asked dotingly:
"What's the matter, if you don't feel well, we'll have a good rest tonight."

"No!" Zhi Xin shook her head, listening to Luo Fan's doting concern, the apology on her face became heavier.

Luo Fan touched Zhi Xin's forehead, and said with concern:

"What's wrong with you? Tell me?"

Zhi Xin hugged Luo Fan fiercely, leaned her small face on Luo Fan's shoulder, and said:

"Luo Fan, I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Luo Fan stroked his heart-burning short golden hair.

Zhi Xin grabbed Luo Fan's clothes with her little hands, and said:
"I shouldn't have just let go of you when I heard you took Liang Bing, and asked you that evil and justice cannot coexist."

"Oh, that's it, it's not a big deal, you just need to understand." Luo Fan patted Zhi Xin's back, and said comfortingly:
"After all, you are still young, only five hundred years old. Angels like Morgana, Queen Kesha Hexi and others who are over 3 years old seem too young and have too little experience."

"Hmph!" Hearing Luo Fan say that he was still young, Zhixin snorted in dissatisfaction, looked at Luo Fan with proud evil, and said:

"I'm five hundred years old, am I still young?"

"Some people haven't figured it out. I'm only 21 years old, and my age can be your grandma's grandma's grandma's grandma..."

When Luo Fan heard this, he didn't argue with Zhi Xin and said directly
"Okay, you are big, you are the biggest, that's fine."

"That's not too bad." Zhi Xin murmured happily, then lowered her head and said:
"Well, to express my apology, I decided to make it up to you."

"How to compensate?" Luo Fan looked at Zhi Xin and suddenly lowered his head, asking curiously.

"Stop asking, why are you asking so much?" Zhi Xin said, and then knelt down on the ground...

[Ding, the galactic power enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, the galactic power enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, Nuoxing God of War’s enhancement value +1. 】

[Ding, the enhancement value of the German Star Spear is +1. 】

[Ding, the strengthening value of the power of time and space is +1. 】

[Ding, the strengthening value of the power of time and space is +1. 】


(End of this chapter)

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