Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 217 King Hua Ye of Tiangong: Are you scolding me?

Chapter 217 King Hua Ye of Tiangong: Are you scolding me?

Luo Fan looked at a row of buildings across the space in the distance.

He knew that this was part of the evolved body of the triangular body.

Because the triangle can be deformed, it became this row of buildings.

"Come on, let's go in."

After Luo Fan said a word, he led Zhi Xin and Ge Xiaolun into one of the rooms in this building.

As soon as I entered the room, the situation inside suddenly became clear.

The overall space is like a huge conference hall, larger than the area of ​​a basketball court.

In the middle of the conference hall, there was a long table, and four triangles flew in the air opposite the long table, staring at the three of them.

These four triangles are different from the three triangles that landed in the East China Sea. Those three triangles are a circle as a whole, with a tail trailing behind it.

These four triangles are like a huge triangle speaker shape, the whole body is pitch black, and there is always black mist.

Luo Fan came to the chair by the long table and sat down, staring at the triangle in front of him.

Ge Xiaolun and Zhi Xin sat on either side of him.

"Thank you for coming!"

Triangle spoke first, and he was quite polite. It seemed that he should pay attention to courtesy first and then attack.

Then, the triangle gift said:

"At this point in the negotiation, you are in danger. This is a part of the evolved body of the triangular body. We cannot coexist with your Kamigawa system. In the next thousand years, there will be only one."

"We accept immigrants from Mars near you Earthlings. The Earth is ours, and you cannot possess large-scale weapons in the future."

"In this mottled blue place, four front-line combatants determine the outcome of the war, and victory lies in the future."

Hearing this, Zhi Xin said:
"That is, here they have four front-line warriors who can easily defeat Earth in the future."

"Yeah." Luo Fan nodded and said:
"Let them be high for a while, and let them die later."

At this time, Triangle said again:

"Angels are hateful and should be killed. And Morgana should cooperate. Mottled Blue provides wisdom, and the Earth Army fights to the death to seek peace with Mottled Blue."

"Please speak, countdown, 1 minute."

When Ge Xiaolun heard this, his face burst into anger, and he looked at Luo Fan and asked:
"Brother Luo, can I destroy them?"

"Okay." Luo Fan was too lazy to do anything with just four triangles. Since Ge Xiaolun wanted to do it, Luo Fan agreed.

With Luo Fan's permission, Ge Xiaolun slammed the table and said coldly:
"Get off the horse you are riding on."

[Start the heroic core and analyze the composition. The target is a vacuum free triangular carbon-based organism, and the atomic composition cannot be analyzed. 】

[The target relies on biological energy to drive various microwaves, anti-bioenergy, 20%, 80%, 100%, blocking the target's actions and paralyzing the target. 】

In a moment, the four triangles in the air fell directly to the ground.

Luo Fan patted Ge Xiaolun on the shoulder and praised:

"Xiao Lun, you've done a good job. It's better to act first, and then you will suffer."

"Hey!" Ge Xiaolun touched his head, a little embarrassed, but at the same time a little confident.

He didn't expect that he is so strong now.

These four first-line battle triangles, claiming to occupy Blue Star, are not bragging, but have this strength, provided that there is no heroic company to intervene.

Therefore, with such a strong four triangles, he can suppress them with just raising his hand, which shows how strong he is now.

"Haha...haha...that's so interesting. I'm over the edge. Here I am."

An obscene laughter sounded in the conference hall.

Then, a male angel flew from outside the door and landed in the middle of the conference hall.

At the same time, a strong sense of pressure came.

Zhi Xin looked at Hua Ye and even felt her breath suffocating. She knew that this was Hua Ye's engine working.

Luo Fan waved his hand, and Zhi Xin's suffocating feeling disappeared instantly.

Ge Xiaolun also felt that Hua Ye in front of him was very powerful, but Ge Xiaolun did not panic.

In his opinion, now that he has upgraded to the third-generation god body, and has the ambition given by Luo Ge, he just waved his hand and suppressed the four first-line battle triangles.

Even though Hua Ye in front of him was very powerful, Ge Xiaolun felt that he was capable of fighting.

Luo Fan looked at Hua Ye and did not take action immediately. Since Ge Xiaolun obtained the Xiongxin, his strength has made him seem to have swelled.

This kind of sign should be pinched, otherwise it will be conceited.

And Hua Ye was the one who corrected him.

Hua Ye looked at Ge Xiaolun, smiled coldly and said:

"You were so crazy and arrogant just now, weren't you?"

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Ge Xiaolun looked at Hua Ye without any timidity, ready to fuck him at any time.

"Yo...yo...yo?" Hua Ye clicked his tongue, looked at Ge Xiaolun with contempt, and said:
"Don't you know that just now I went to Mottled Blue to conquer the Triangles? They have already sailed to the Angel Civilization with my fleet. These four first-line Triangles are also under my command."

"The big dog also depends on the owner. I am very busy today, so you can just chop off your own legs to apologize."

"Thank you for your size!" Ge Xiaolun retorted, and directly activated Xiongxin.

[Start the hero...]

But before it started, Hua Ye frowned and waved his hand. Ge Xiaolun's body flew up uncontrollably, then hit the wall of the conference hall and fell to the ground.

Fuck, it's a little strong.

At this time, Ge Xiaolun realized that the Hua Ye in front of him seemed too strong, so he stood up quickly and pressed his big hand.

[Start the hero core, detect the target, male angel king, built-in unknown model Styx version void engine, core computing speed, 1%...2%...]

"Hey, this thing of yours is interesting!"

Hua Ye stared at Ge Xiaolun's Xiongxin Void Engine in amusement, and suddenly glared at it.

[3%, Xiongxin is closed! 】


Ge Xiaolun suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body, and fell directly to the ground, falling into a brief coma.

After Hua Ye dealt with Ge Xiaolun, he took willful steps to sit on a throne above the conference hall, and then stared at Zhi Xin with fiery eyes.

"Hey, this little beauty below turns out to be a little angel sweetheart. Come on, come on, come to me."

Hua Ye waved while speaking.

Zhi Xin didn't respond and looked at Luo Fan.

"Yo, still don't listen to my king?"

Hua Ye murmured, started the black hole void engine, and moved his big hand towards Zhi Xin, preparing to force Zhi Xin over.

However, Zhi Xin's body remained motionless.


At this time, Hua Ye noticed something, looked at Luo Fan with a slight frown, and said:
"I've heard of you, it seems to be something from Earth... the main god Luo Fan, right?"

Luo Fan looked at Hua Ye calmly and said in a faint voice:

"I've also heard that you, King Tianzha, were chased by Kesha like a dog and you were hiding everywhere in the universe."

Hua Ye: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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