Chapter 224 Keisha: Do you want to drink?
In the room, Kesha, who had a loli face, loli height, and was devilish, hugged Luo Fan tightly and said:

"Luo Fan, you have worked hard to save me. Sister Kesha will make it up to you."

"Compensate me?" After hearing the compensation, Luo Fan instantly became more energetic and simply stopped struggling. He was hugged tightly by Kesha and said:

"Xiao Naisha, do you really want to make it up to me?"

"Yes, you saved me, how could I not compensate you? My Holy Kesha never owes anything to others." Kesha said.

"Hehe!" Luo Fan laughed twice and then said:

"Then, little Naisha, will you be my woman?"

When Kesha heard this, she immediately let go of Luo Fan, and said in surprise, "You're thinking of farting."

"Hey!" Luo Fan sighed, shook his head and said:

"I just said that I would compensate others, but now I just refuse to admit it. You are really a trustworthy king of angels."

"Could it be that after becoming Little Naisha, talking doesn't count anymore?"

Hearing this, Kesha directly jumped in and said:
"How can it be possible that my words don't count?"

"I just said that I want to make up for you, but I didn't say that I want to be your woman. Please figure it out and don't trick me, okay?"

"If you make another condition, I will definitely agree to it."


"Really! Truer than pearls."

"Okay!" Luo Fan stared at Kesha, his hot eyes sweeping from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom.

Kesha's extremely hot eyes made her hair bristle, and she quickly crossed her arms.

Luo Fan scanned Kaisha up and down, and finally set his eyes on her huge evil, hehe smiled and said:

"I thought of the way you compensated me."

"Then let's talk about it. Except for getting me and doing things against justice, I agree to everything." Keisha said directly, she also wanted to make up for Luo Fan, otherwise she felt that she would always owe Luo Fan, and felt very itchy.

"Little Naisha, I...I want to drink milk!"

Luo Fan stared at Kesha and said expectantly.

"Okay!" Kesha agreed directly, and then asked:
"What kind of milk do you want?"

"Whether it's milk or fresh milk, I'll get it for you."

Luo Fan glanced at Keisha, it seemed that the other party didn't understand what he meant, so he said:
"You also know that I have been an orphan since I was a child, and I grew up eating milk powder, so I want to try the feeling of drinking milk, little Naisha, can you satisfy my wish?"

When Kaisha heard this, she didn't know what Luo Fan's plan was. She wanted to drink her, so she quickly waved her hand and said:


"I, Kesha, have never even kissed on the mouth. How could I let you drink it? It's absolutely impossible."

When Luo Fan heard this, he looked at Kesha with a disappointed look on his face and said gloomily:

"Hey, just now you said swearingly that besides letting you be my woman, you also promised me to do things that violate justice, but now you have backed down. It really disappoints me."

"Hey, it seems that in this life, I don't know what it feels like to have a mother."

Kesha looked at Luo Fan's disappointed face and heard Luo Fan say that he was not trustworthy. She gritted her teeth and said:
"But, I don't have any children, so it's useless to give it to you."

When Luo Fan heard this, he felt happy. Since Kesha could say this, it proved most of the things.

So, with a disappointed look on his face, he said:

"It doesn't matter, I'm not a pervert, how could I really want to drink milk."

"All I want is to know what it feels like, and your age of 3 years can definitely give me this feeling."

"So that's the case, then... that's okay." After Kesha finished speaking, she closed her eyes, turned her head, and said:

"Son, you have worked hard, please..."

Luo Fan turned his head and closed his eyes tightly. The lolita-shaped, devilish and evil Keisha had a burst of excitement on his face, and he jumped on it...


Half an hour later!
Kesha stared at Luo Fan with a resentful look on her face, feeling the huge pain in her body, and said coldly:
"You starved to death and reincarnated, haven't you ever drank milk?"

"Hey!" Facing Kesha's scolding, Luo Fan did not refute.

After all, if you get cheap, you can just scold.

Suddenly, Keisha stretched out her small hand and twisted Luo Fan's chest fiercely.

"Ouch!" Luo Fan looked in pain and screamed in pain.In fact, it only hurts a little bit, but you still have to cooperate with Xiao Naisha to make the other person calm down.


Kaisha snorted coldly, rubbed the painful area, still stared at Luo Fan coldly, wishing to stare him to death directly with her eyes.

Seeing Kesha staring at him, Luo Fan smiled and said:
"Little Naisha, you keep staring at me like this, could it be that you already like me?"

"I like your fart." Keisha was completely angered by Luo Fan today, even swearing.

Just after scolding, Keisha felt that she didn't match her identity, so she quickly covered Cherry's mouth.

Seeing that Luo Fan has already gained some benefits, he will definitely not get other benefits today. After all, we have to eat every bite, and we can't rush everything, or it will backfire.

So, Luo Fan reached out and rubbed Kesha's long golden hair, but Kesha slapped her hand away.

Luo Fan knew that Kesha was still angry, so he stopped rubbing her blond hair and said with a smile:

"Look out the window, the sun is shining on your butt, shall we go for a walk?"

When she heard that she was about to go out, Kesha immediately forgot about Luo Fan bullying her and asked anxiously:
"Are you really going out?"

"Really." Luo Fan said with a smile, but there was a hint of teasing in his smile.

Kesha was keenly aware of this teasing smile, her eyes slowly moved down, and she said lightly:
"If I find out in the future that you can quickly aggregate my remaining 20.00%, causing me to go out and embarrass myself now, then I will definitely kill you!"

When Luo Fan heard this, his legs trembled, and he felt a chill.

However, he still said calmly:

"Don't worry, little Naisha is so cute, how could I lie to you?"

"And, I said that if, even if you find out that I lied to you in the future, you won't be willing to fuck me in the future."


Kesha snorted once, stared at Luo Fan coldly, and said:
"Also, don't call me Little Naisha, don't call me cute, let Zhixin and the others hear me, what face do I have?"

"I am the majestic king of angels, the belief in the hearts of angels exists, do I not want to lose face?"

"But, little Naisha, you are no longer the King of Angels, you are now temporarily acting as the King of Angels." Luo Fan corrected.

Keisha: "..."

"Although I am not the King of Angels now and do not want to continue to be the King of Angels, I was the same before. I still want to save face."

"Understood, I understand." Luo Fan gave Kesha a look, and said:
"Don't worry, little Naisha, I will definitely not call you little Naisha, nor call you cute."

"Are you still talking?"

(End of this chapter)

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