Chapter 231 Liang Bing: Son, do you miss Dad?
In the room, Luo Fan looked at Kesha with his eyes glowing with heat, and said with a smile:

"Little Naisha, it's time to drink!"

"Here, here are ten bottles of milk, enough for you to drink."

As Kesha said, she threw ten bottles of milk to Luo Fan.

However, Luo Fan shook his head and said:

"That's it, I want to send me away!"

"Here you go..."

As Luo Fan said, he rushed towards Kaisha...

"Ah, you are such a pervert..."


The next day!

Luo Fan slowly opened his eyes, and he could see that it was still a bottle.

You must be hungry when you get up in the morning. Luo Fan couldn't help but subconsciously bit Naipingnai's mouth and started sucking on it.

"Luo Fan, god damn it, I'm going to kill you."

Keisha woke up suddenly, and slapped Luo Fan on the head.


This slap was very loud, and directly sent Luo Fan flying to the wall.

Luo Fan got up, licked the corner of his mouth, and stared at Keisha with unfinished thoughts.

Alas, this slap is worth it.

After all, he has such a strong physique that it's okay to be slapped.

However, Kesha was furious and hid herself under the quilt, staring at Luo Fan with a pair of big eyes full of anger.

"Little Naisha, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Seeing that the situation was not right, he quickly retreated. After Luo Fan finished speaking, he left the room directly, leaving Kesha going crazy in the room.

Kesha looked at the direction where Luo Fan disappeared, and she realized that after the resurrection, nothing good would happen if she met Luo Fan.

Not only was he called Xiao Naisha every day, but he even drank Nainai four times.

Originally, he only promised twice, but this guy was too rascal, so he drank twice in the morning.


At the worm gate of Tianren No. [-].

Luo Fan came here, planning to go to Kunsa through the worm gate and then through the big worm bridge, to help Liang Bing, so as to ensure the safety of the child in her stomach.

Zhixin, Qilin, Qiangwei, Leina, Ah Zhui and others looked at Luo Fan with reluctance.

Luo Fan smiled and said:

"I've only been out for more than ten days, you don't need to show such a reluctance."

Ah Zhui looked at Luo Fan and said:
"Or, I will go with you, and we will take care of each other, and I am very strong, and I can take care of you."

"No need." Luo Fan waved his hand, if he didn't have He Xi's clone in his dark plane, he would definitely bring Ah Zhui or Qi Lin with him.

After all, on the way to and from Kunsa, it takes more than ten days. If the strengthening value is not increased, wouldn't it be a waste of more than ten days to become stronger.

And with Hexi's avatar, he tried the piling game, and he can still get the strengthening value.

Therefore, there is no need to bring Ah Chai or Qilin with them.

After all, this time I went to help Liangbing, but I was able to reminisce with Liangbing, hehehehe.

The great evil of Liang Bing made him hungry.

No, Luo Fan thought of his morning bite.

Today's Kaisha, because after reuniting, Luo Fan shook hands, seems to be on par with Liang Bing, and she can fight against each other.


This time, he must bring back the cold ice and let them stick together to compare who is more evil.

However, the two sisters are in the same situation, and it is not known whether they can get along well.

Luo Fan felt that the answer was no.

"what are you laughing at?"

At this time, Ah Zhui looked at the silver smile on Luo Fan's face and asked.

Luo Fan came back to his senses, looked at Ah Zhui with a smile, and replied:

"I'm not laughing at anything."


Ah Zhui stared at Luo Fan's eyes with deep beautiful eyes, and said, "How do I feel, what bad things are you thinking?"

"No, absolutely not." Luo Fan directly denied it with the spirit of not admitting it.

Seeing this, Ah Zhui said again:
"but I……"

"It's getting late, I'm going to Kunsa."

Before Ah Zhui finished speaking, Luo Fan directly interjected, interrupting Ah Zhui's words, and then entered the wormhole in the spaceship.

Ah Zhui watched Luo Fan enter the wormhole so quickly, looked at Qi Lin beside him and said:
"Qi Lin, do you think Luo Fan was thinking about evil things just now?"

"I'm definitely thinking about it." Qilin thought for a while and said:

"I grew up with him, and I know all about his virtues."

When Ah Zhui heard this, what did he think of, and asked curiously:
"Then when he was a child, was he that big?"

When Qilin heard this, she said without a trace of blushing:

"I don't know either. Although he is a childhood sweetheart, I always feel that he was too mature when he was young, just like an adult."

"So, I never found out about him... Even when I asked him to kiss his face when I was a child, he refused."


In space near Kunsa star.

In the dim, desolate space, the Devil No. [-] was parked in space, surrounded by countless meteorites.

In Devil No. [-] hall, a woman wearing a black leather jacket with a pair of black bone wings walked in, and then sat on the throne above.

The woman was dressed in black leather, perfectly outlining her uneven and delicate body, her willow waist, her huge evil, her upturned buttocks, and her long, slender and round legs.

At a glance, every part of this woman's body reveals a strong temptation.

Liang Bing sat on the throne, her beautiful and charming face looked a little lonely.

"Queen, you seem unhappy?"

In the hall below, only the sword demon Atuo stood.

Hearing this, Liang Bing didn't look at A Tuo, but lowered his head blankly, and said:

"A Tuo, after Luo Fan came to Devil One last time, I had a very happy time."

"But after he left, I felt an unprecedented loneliness after we came near Kunsa."

Speaking of this, Liang Bing touched his slightly raised belly, a smile appeared on his lonely face, and said:
"In those few days, besides playing games, he often put his head on my stomach and listened to the baby's movements."

Sword Demon Atuo stood below, looked at the lonely and smiling expression of his queen, and said:

"Queen, you have changed."

"In the past, you always followed depravity and freedom, but now, you gradually no longer follow these, but are nostalgic for Luo Fan."

"Really?" Liang Bing looked up at A Tuo.

"Yes, queen." Atuo said affirmatively:

"A Tuo has followed you for tens of thousands of years. As your most loyal subordinate, I know you best."

"Queen, maybe you should pursue your happiness, because in ten thousand years, Atuo has never seen you smiling so happily and so freely like those few days."

"Hehe, let's talk about it." Liang Bing laughed twice, then his eyes became cold, ruthless, and fierce, and asked:
"A Tuo, tomorrow you will have a duel with Hua Ye's Titans, are you confident?"

"Yes!" A Tuo crossed his chest with one hand, his small eyes were full of confidence, and said:

"For the sake of the queen, Atuo will kill all the Titans under Hua Ye's command tomorrow, so that Hua Ye, the scum king, will know who is the absolute king of the known universe after the death of Holy Kesha."

"That is, only my queen, the unparalleled queen in the known universe, Morgana!"

(End of this chapter)

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