Chapter 235 Duel
On the huge square of Devil One.

Below, hundreds of thousands of demons stood in the square, densely packed.

In front of hundreds of thousands of demons, dozens of high-level demons stood here, of course, the sword demon Atuo was at the forefront.

Liang Bing sat on the throne on the high platform, and Luo Fan set up a chair and sat beside her.

This is Liang Bing's home field as the demon king Morgana, he cannot sit on the throne, and Luo Fan is not that interested.

However, Luo Fan immediately stared at Atuo and said:

"Ato, do you want to become stronger?"

"miss you!"

A Tuo shouted loudly, the excitement on his face could not be concealed.

"it is good!"

Luo Fan immediately stood up, raised his big hand and pointed it at the sword demon Atuo below.

Immediately, a white light emerged from Luo Fan's hand and shot towards A Tuo.

Immediately, the white light wrapped A Tuo, and A Tuo was also taken into the air by the white light.

At the same time, A Tuo felt the white light rushing towards his body, transforming every cell in his body.

In the square and in the sky, hundreds of thousands of demons saw this scene and showed envious expressions.

Because, they also heard that Luo Fan was upgrading the divine body of Sword Demon Atuo.

After the upgrade is successful, it will become a powerful king-level god.

Ten seconds later, Luo Fan withdrew his big hand, and Ato's body fell to the ground slowly, and the upgrade was completed.

A Tuo stood on the square, felt it carefully, and found that his body was full of extremely powerful power.

This extremely powerful force is a force he can't imagine.

Only then did Atuo know how powerful Luo Fan was.

With just a wave of his hand, he was upgraded to a fourth-generation divine body.

Suddenly, A Tuo felt that there was a space ability in his body.

It seemed that he could open a wormhole at any time, just like teleporting.


A Tuo gasped, with the invincible and extremely powerful fourth-generation divine body, coupled with the ability of space, he was confident that no matter how much help the Titan received from the god of death Karl, he would not be able to defeat him.

After all, in the battle between the demon king Morgana and the holy Kaisa, his ability to be the number one general under Morgana's command is enough to illustrate his combat experience and ability.

Now that he has upgraded to the fourth generation of gods, A Tuo even feels that he can compete with Tiangong Wang Huaye, at least, he will not lose.

Because he has space ability, he is invincible by nature, even if he loses, Hua Ye can't kill him.

Thinking of the terrifying strength he possesses now, A Tuo crossed his arms and bowed to Luo Fan.

Then, A Tuo looked at Liang Bing and said:
"Queen, I'm going to the Kunsa Dueling Ground for a duel. A'tuo will definitely win!"

"Well, let's go!" Liang Bing said.

The next moment, Ato swiped across the space in front of him with one hand.

Suddenly, there was a ripple around the body, and the body disappeared immediately.

When Liang Bing saw this scene, he turned to look at Luo Fan in confusion and asked:

"This? In addition to being upgraded to a fourth-generation god body, why does Ato also have the ability to space, and opened the wormhole at will."

"And, not only that, I found that his fourth-generation divine body is extremely hard. It stands to reason that in order to make calculations easier, the fourth-generation divine body should be very fragile.

And A Tuo's body is so strong, it's impossible to solve it in an instant? "

Luo Fan sat directly on the throne next to Liang Bing and said:
"You don't even look at who I am. Just because you can't solve this small problem doesn't mean I can't solve it."

Hearing this, Liang Bing admired Luo Fan very much.

Because even she couldn't solve this problem. The fourth-generation divine body with an extremely hard body would definitely not be able to solve it easily.

The fourth generation divine body is easy to solve, but it must not be very hard.

Thinking of this, Liang Bing said:
"Unexpectedly, I, the king who studies time and space, can't compare with you who have only studied for a few months."

When Luo Fan heard this, his eyes moved down slowly, and he said with a smirk:

"Da Bingbing, how can you not compare to me?"

Following Luo Fan's gaze, Liang Bing suddenly patted his chest charmingly, and said charmingly:

The ruins of the Kunsa Star Duel Arena!

As Kunsa's duel field, the area is very large, with a radius of several kilometers, just like an ancient Roman duel field, but the area is much larger.

Even after many years, there are still stubborn stone seats on the high platforms around the duel field.

Suddenly, there was a ripple in the center of the duel field, and the figure of Sword Demon Atuo stepped out.

Atuo's tall body stood in the center of the duel field, looking around.

The arena is empty, and the Titans haven't arrived yet.

Looking up at the sky, more than a dozen space battleships were parked in the clouds. At the edge of the main ship, Hua Ye had built a throne here and was staring at Atuo closely, with arrogant eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

Next to him, a titan with a mace in his hand, only 1.3 meters tall, stands here like a child.

Hua Ye stared at Liang Bing. In this decisive battle, killing the sword demon A Tuo is a trivial matter. His biggest plan is to lure Liang Bing and get her.

He had coveted this beauty Liang Bing 3 years ago.

However, if you can't get it, kill her.

"Titan, go, kill the sword demon Atuo!"

"Yes, King Huaye."

The Titan said something, stepped on his feet, rose into the sky, and then shot towards the duel field below.


The titan landed steadily in the duel field, and immediately trampled the duel field out of a deep pit.

Tai Tan stared at the unusually tall Sword Demon Atuo, and said:
"I hate tall people the most, but you are nearly four meters tall. Today I am going to cut you into pieces."

"Hehe!" Atuo's mouth curled into a cold arc, and a cold voice sounded:

"Come here if you want, little trash!"

"You..." Hearing this, Tai Tan's childish face instantly became furious. He is short, and what bothers him most is that others say he is short or small.

And this Atuo not only said he was small, but also called him a little trash, which made him extremely angry.


Tai Tan snorted coldly, moved his body, and quickly appeared in front of A Tuo, at the same time smashing the mace in his hand towards A Tuo's knee.

Seeing this, A Tuo cast a glance at Tai Tan, and didn't even move a bit.

Because he has confidence in his body.

No, he should have confidence in Luo Fan.



With a bang, the mace hit Atuo's knee.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crackling sound, and the mace in Tai Tan's hand shattered to the ground, leaving only the handle of the mace in his hand.

Tai Tan was stunned for a moment. This mace had been with him for thousands of years. It was indestructible and extremely hard. Now, it actually shattered.

At the same time, Tai Tan was shocked, looked at Atuo and said:
"You... why are you so hard?"

A'tu glanced at Titan, looked down at him, and said coldly:
"Nonsense, how can a man's body not be hard?"

(End of this chapter)

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