Chapter 246 Liang Bing: I have conditions...

Ah Zhui next to him saw that Queen Kesha was silent, so he said:

"Queen Keisha, I think Luo Fan is pretty good, and he is the only one worthy of you in the entire known universe."

"However, you still have to make your own decision as to how to choose."

Seeing Ah Zhui's persuasion, Zhi Xin couldn't help but say:
"Queen Kesha, I also think Luo Fan is a good match for you."

"Look, it's been 3 years, and there hasn't been a male god worthy of you in these 3 years. Now that Luo Fan is such an excellent male god, you have to hurry up."

"I know, you two are really worrying so much. The emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is." Kesha glared at Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui and said.

Then, Kesha looked at Luo Fan and found that Luo Fan was staring at her.

Seeing this, Keisha didn't feel embarrassed, but said lightly:
"Rowan, what do you think?"

When Luo Fan heard this, he stared at Kesha's chest and said:

"I think it's good. I like drinking Nai the best."

Keisha: "..."

Thinking of Luo Fan drinking Nai twice, Kesha felt angry.

The last time I drank Nai, it was on condition that Luo Fan would not tell her that she was Queen Kesha.

As a result, now that Luo Fan brought Liangbing to Tianren No. [-], he was also exposed.

Therefore, it was in vain to drink.

Thinking of this, Keisha felt angry in her heart, she glared at Luo Fan with her deep eyes, and said coldly:
"Drink... drink Nimei, drink, you will die of swelling sooner or later."

"Jie Jie... Jie Jie..." Luo Fan stared at Kaisha's chest and said:
"Even if you swell me to death, I'm willing. Come on, I can't wait for you to swell me to death."

Luo Fan said, pretending to rush towards Kesha.

"Get out!" Kesha hurriedly shouted coldly, saying:
"Anyway, no drinking is allowed in the future."

"Drink?" Hearing this, Liang Bing remembered the faint fragrance on Luo Fan's body, looked at Kaisha and asked:

"Did Luo Fan drink it?"

When Kesha heard this, she looked up in embarrassment at the sky and fell silent.

Seeing this scene, Liang Bing didn't know the result yet.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Liang Bing suddenly laughed a few times, looked at Luo Fan and said:
"Well done, you did a great job, you have to treat her."

"Liang Bing, is your skin itchy again?" Suddenly, Kaisha's cold voice sounded.

Hearing this, Liang Bing quickly hugged Kesha and said:

"Sister, I was wrong."

"Hmph!" Kesha snorted coldly, walked away and left the garden.

Seeing this, Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui followed Kesha temporarily.

"Haha...haha..." Seeing Kesha leave, Liang Bing couldn't help laughing out loud anymore.

He smiled and said:
"Luo Fan, it's really you who have deflated Kesha, the bitch."

Luo Fan looked at Liang Bing and said:
"If you scold Kesha Bichi like this, aren't you afraid that she will beat you again?"

Liang Bing crossed his arms and said without fear:

"She's the only one, why am I still afraid of her?"

Suddenly, Luo Fan looked behind Liang Bing and said quickly:
"Look behind, Keisha is behind you."


A look of fear appeared on Liang Bing's face, and he quickly turned his head to look.

There was nothing behind him, and there was no half of Kaisha, the bitch.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At this time, Luo Fan's laughter sounded.

Liang Bing listened to Luo Fan's teasing laughter, turned to glare at her, and said coldly:
"Luo Fan, how dare you play tricks on me?"

Luo Fan heard the words and said:
"Didn't you say that you are not afraid of Keisha, so I tried it on you. It seems that you are still afraid of her."

"Humph!" Liang Bingbing snorted, stared at Luo Fan and said:

"You scoundrel, when I was beaten by Kesha just now, not only did you not help, but you also watched the show from a distance?"

"Tell me, are you okay with this?"

"Okay." Luo Fan nodded, and then said:

"If only I had a sister like you who has been against me for 3 years, against the angels of her race, and killed me once."

"Don't tell me I will beat you up, I will even break your legs directly and make you walk on your knees for hundreds of years."

Lian Bing: "..."

When Liang Bing heard this, his face was full of anger, and he was shaking violently with anger. He pointed his index finger at Luo Fan.

Even those long snow-white legs were trembling with anger, full of infinite temptation.

However, Liang Bing thought about it,

It seems, it seems to be right.

For 3 years, for the so-called corruption and freedom, I betrayed my sister Kesha, betrayed Merlot Heaven, and betrayed the angels.

In order to pursue degeneration and freedom, he created the demon civilization with his own hands, so that there are demons in almost every corner of the known universe.

In the past 3 years, there have been three wars with Kesha, and many angels have been killed.

Even, a few months ago, he conspired with that pervert, Karl, the god of death, to murder his own sister.

And this sister, who has been pampering her for 3 years, is reluctant to kill her.

Even after Kesha was resurrected this time, she just spanked her with a ruler and a mace, and that was the end of it.

It seems that Keisha has always treated her very well and pampered her very much.

Thinking of this, Liang Bing felt guilty.

She also knew that the previous self was too selfish, only caring about following her own depravity and freedom, killed many angels, and broke her sister Kaisha's heart.

She was really wrong.

Thinking of this, Liang Bing looked at Luo Fan and said slowly:

"You're right, it's true that I was wrong."

Luo Fan touched Liang Bing's hair and said:
"It's okay to know that you were wrong. Don't let Kesha down in the future, and don't do anything to feel sorry for Kesha, otherwise she will be sad."

"Perhaps, Keisha chose to die by suicide that day, not only because she didn't want to live after living for 3 years, but also because your actions made her feel too chilled."

"After all, the only relative in the world is always thinking of killing her, and she really did. Kesha dotes on your sister so much, how sad you think she must be."

When Liang Bing heard this, she felt even more ashamed.

It turned out that what she did made Keisha so sad and so wrong.

Liang Bing looked at Luo Fan and said:
"I'm a little tired, let's go back to sleep."

"Okay." Luo Fan agreed, took Liang Bing's hand, and went back to his room on Tianren No. [-].

In the room, Liang Bing sat on the bed in silence, seemingly still blaming himself for killing Kesha before.

Luo Fan pinched Liang Bing's face and said:
"Come on, let me make you happy."

However, Liang Bing grabbed Luo Fan's hand and said:

"No, not today, unless..."

"Unless what?" Looking at Liang Bing's attractive body, Luo Fan asked.

Liang Bing looked at Luo Fan and said surprisingly:

"Unless, you and Kesha have a child."

"Why, does it have something to do with this?" Luo Fan asked, confused about Liang Bing's brain circuit for a while.

However, Liang Bing said seriously:

"It's precisely because I know I'm wrong that I want to care about my sister Kesha."

"I'm afraid that she won't be able to find her goal in life, and one day she won't want to live anymore. Therefore, if you have a child with her, she will live a very happy and happy life, and she won't be overwhelmed."

(End of this chapter)

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