Chapter 251 Hexi: I'll give it to you
In the black hole, Luo Fan and He Xi stood face to face. Around their bodies, a golden light surrounded them, wrapping their bodies in it.

Hexi looked worriedly at the black hole beyond the golden light. She thought that she was not in the Heavenly Court of Merlot at this moment, and Hua Ye was attacking outside.

I'm afraid that the angel will be seriously injured.

So, looking at Luo Fan, he asked anxiously:
"Is there any way you can destroy this black hole?"


Luo Fan said, and then said:
"But to destroy this black hole, I will pay a heavy price."

"You see, I even took a huge risk to enter the black hole to save you, and destroying the black hole will pay a heavy price. Do you have any indication?"

He Xi fell into hesitation when he heard the words.

She also knew that black holes were extremely dangerous, and she would be disintegrated by the gravity of the black hole within a minute of entering.

And Luo Fan was very kind to her for taking such a big risk to come in.

She can also destroy the black hole, but the price is to sacrifice herself to achieve the goal of annihilating the black hole.

Therefore, He Xi heard Luo Fan say that destroying the black hole would cost a lot, and he absolutely believed it.

And Luo Fan paid such a high price for their angels, as one of the three kings of angels, Tianji Wang Hexi, she should show something.

Thinking of this, He Xi asked:
"Then, what do you want me to give you, as long as I have it, I will give it to you."

"Really, give me everything?" Luo Fan looked at He Xi and asked.

Listening to Luo Fan's words, He Xi vaguely guessed something.

She felt that Luo Fan should want her.

If it were normal, He Xi would never agree.

However, even if she sacrificed herself to annihilate the black hole at this moment, without her angel, how could she fight against Hua Ye.

Now that there is a choice of immortality, of course it is a choice of immortality.

Moreover, He Xi sized Luo Fan up.

She really likes this extremely handsome face.

3 years ago, to be honest, Hexi felt that he had a little bit of interest in Su Marie.

Nothing else, because Su Marie is so handsome.

It's also because of her beauty-loving fault, she was overwhelmed by Su Marie's handsomeness, and even didn't kill Su Marie afterwards, but exiled him to the earth.

But looking at Luo Fan now, He Xi realized that if Su Marie was as handsome as Luo Fan, she would be a scumbag.

First, Su Mali is not as handsome as Luo Fan.

Second, Su Mali is feminine and has a bad mind, belonging to the evil side, but Luo Fan is handsome, masculine, strong in physique, and extremely righteous.

Thinking of the current situation again, Hexi's seductive red lips parted slightly, and Lilac's small tongue turned and said:

"Well, the black hole is so terrifying. Even if I can be annihilated without sacrificing myself, you will surely pay a heavy price."

"You have done so much for the angel, so what does it matter if I give everything?"

What the hell!

Luo Fan looked at the considerate He Xi and didn't expect him to be so reasonable and generous.

It is worthy of being one of the three kings of angels, justice, it is too justice.

However, Luo Fan didn't know whether He Xi could agree to his request, so he said:
"Do you know what my conditions are?"

Hexi thought of the scene where Luo Fan had just entered the black hole just now, and Luo Fan had seen everything in a glance, so he said:
"I probably know, anyway, I just watched it."

Hearing this, Luo Fan also knew that he didn't need to say any conditions, because Hexi already knew it.

Since everyone knows it, it goes without saying that he also believes that He Xi will never default on his debt.

So, Luo Fan looked at the black holes around him, and then shouted:
"Level [-] extreme rage!"

Suddenly, black energy surged out from the body, and the already tall body suddenly swelled.

Soon, a five-meter-tall giant appeared in front of Hexi, with muscles exploding all over his body and surrounded by black aura.

"Such... such a big body!"

He Xi looked at Luo Fan's giant appearance, and his heart tightened.

Thinking of agreeing to Luo Fan's conditions, if Luo Fan hits her with a level-[-] extreme rage in the future, he must not beat her in half.

Terrible, really terrible.

Luo Fan noticed the panic in He Xi's eyes and asked doubtfully:
"Hexi, why are you looking at me so scared?"

Hexi swallowed hard, thinking that he was the Heavenly King Hexi, how could he be afraid?

So, he quickly regained his composure, waved his hands grandly, and said lightly:

"You read it wrong, how can I, Tianji Wang Hexi, be afraid?"

"Really? But I clearly saw panic in your eyes just now?" Luo Fan said again, he felt that he was right.

"Haha... you are wrong, you are wrong." He Xi smiled slightly and quickly changed the subject:

"You have become so big, how do you want to destroy this black hole? Is it possible that you want to smash the black hole with your fist?"

"Yes, I just want to use my fist to blast this black hole with one punch."

"Huh?" He Xi hummed and said:

"Can you break through this black hole with just fists and the strength of your physical body?"

"As far as I know, the limit of the physical body can't do this at all?"

Luo Fan looked at Hexi, shook his head and said:

"Oh, that's because you don't know anything about the power of the flesh."

"What?" He Xi looked confused and said:
"You say I don't know anything about the power of the flesh?"

"Do you know that Queen Kaisa's invincibility in the known universe for 3 years is mainly due to my research, and you actually said that we don't know anything about the power of the flesh."

Luo Fan didn't answer, but looked towards the black hole and shouted:

Immediately, the black stellar energy around the body quickly surrounded, and even the surrounding black hole space was cut into cracks by the black stellar energy.

Luo Fan did not use the second level of extreme rage because he wanted to see if he could blow up a black hole with one punch just by relying on the power of the first level of extreme rage.

After all, he has now reached the fourth generation divine body with the power of the Milky Way, the fourth generation divine body with the German Star Spear, the fourth generation divine body with the power of time and space, the fourth generation divine body with the light of the sun, and the fourth generation divine body with the Nuoxing God of War.

The enhancement value of Nuoxing God of War has now reached more than 800.

Coupled with the first level of extreme rage, power, speed, defense...all attributes are enhanced tenfold, and the explosive power of a punch can reach at least a hundred times more than in the normal state.

When the previous generation of the third-generation god of war, Noxing, relied on the god-killing giant axe, he could split the Lieyang star in half with one axe.

As for Luo Fan, the Nuoxing god of war Shenhe gene has reached the fourth generation of god body, and has more than 800 enhancement values, and even displayed a level of extreme rage at this moment.

Compared with the previous generation Nuoxing God of War, the attack power is tens of thousands of times stronger.

He Xi watched Luo Fan's body surrounded by black stellar energy, cutting the black hole space into pieces, knowing that Luo Fan was accumulating strength and preparing to launch the strongest blow.

And just the black gas emitted when accumulating strength can cut the black hole space into pieces.

It's hard for Hexi to imagine...

(End of this chapter)

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