Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 253 He Xi: I didn’t expect you to be so strong

Chapter 253 He Xi: I didn’t expect you to be so strong
Hua Ye stared at Luo Fan sternly, and murmured:

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Hua Ye stared at Luo Fan in the distant space with a murderous expression, and ordered:

"Thousands of triangles, all use mental power to attack Luo Fan, and kill him directly."

In Hua Ye's view, when an elite triangular body used mental power, it influenced Hexi for a while.

Now, the attack of a thousand triangles will definitely cause serious damage to Luo Fan's spirit, or even obliterate him.

After receiving Hua Ye's order, a thousand triangles turned their bodies and flew towards Luo Fan.

At this time, Luo Fan almost killed the 20 gluttonous army, leaving the remaining hundreds scattered for the angels to kill.

Then, Luo Fan turned his head and looked at the thousand triangles that were flying fast. He didn't attack immediately. He wanted to see what kind of mental attack these thousand triangles could form together.

He Xi watched a thousand triangles flying towards him and quickly reminded:
"Luo Fan, why don't you attack soon, it will be troublesome if you wait for the triangle to reach a certain range and use mental power to attack."

Luo Fan heard this, waved his hand and said:
"It's okay, I just want to see how powerful the admiration attack can be when a thousand triangles are gathered together."

"Crazy, you are crazy." He Xi yelled at Luo Fan, and persuaded again:
"The triangular body has the highest degree of brain development in the known universe, and its mental power is very strong. Even if an elite triangular body suddenly attacks me, I will be stunned for a while.

And now, a thousand combined attacks will be very terrifying. "

"Luo Fan, don't worry too much, or I'll help you kill these thousand triangles from a long distance."

Luo Fan shook his head, stared into He Xi's beautiful eyes, and said:
"Just trust me."

He Xi looked into Luo Fan's eyes, felt Luo Fan's gaze, and finally nodded.

Although, she felt that the combination of the mental power attacks of the thousand triangles was very terrifying, and she couldn't even take it directly, she could only dodge or launch an attack in advance to kill directly.

However, since Luo Fan said so, and thinking of Luo Fan's many magical abilities, Hexi still chooses to believe in Luo Fan.

However, Hexi still flew directly [-] meters away from Luo Fan, sacrificed his star life, and revolved around his body.

She was not afraid of hurting herself, but if Luo Fan was wrong, she would directly use the star life to kill all the triangles.

In this way, nothing will go wrong.

At this time, the Thousand Triangles had already flown within a kilometer of Luo Fan, and immediately after that, bursts of black mist appeared on the bodies of the Thousand Triangles.

Bursts of black mist merged into one piece and connected together.

This is when the Triangle is preparing to use a combined mental power attack, which can condense all the mental power of a thousand Triangles together to unleash the strongest attack.

Suddenly, the body of Yiqian Triangle shook violently, and the next moment, a condensed spiritual force rushed towards Luo Fan.


As soon as the mental power was released, the space between Triangle and Luo Fan was directly shattered.

Hexi in the distance watched this scene, the life revolving around his body suddenly stopped, and was shocked in place, as if he couldn't help launching an attack.

And at this moment, a red light suddenly appeared in Luo Fan's eyes, and two fiery red lights blasted towards the substantive spiritual power that had been killed.

At this moment, the eyes of tens of thousands of male angels, a thousand triangles, [-] female angels, He Xi, and Hua Ye were all focused on this moment.

The substantive mental power attack and the two red lights shot out by Luo Fan's God's Eye of Punishment collided instantly.


There was a loud bang, and the entire space within a radius of [-] meters exploded.

And the two red glows instantly shattered the substantive mental power attack from the thousand triangles.

Then, shoot towards the thousand triangles.


One after another sizzle sounded, each and every glutton was melted by the God's Eye of Punishment and exploded.

Seeing this, the remaining triangles that hadn't been killed hurriedly flew towards the distance.

However, the speed of the two red lights was extremely fast, and they shot back and forth in the space quickly, killing all the triangles in just a few seconds.

When various people in the distance saw this scene, their beautiful eyes were full of horror.

She had also seen Luo Fan use these two red lights to kill the enemy before, just like just now, he shot a red light from his eyes to kill 20 gluttonous army.

However, she thought it was just a pure physical attack ability.

But he didn't expect that the red glow in Luo Fan's eyes actually possessed mental power attacks.

And the mental power attack contained in this is too strong, it can easily defeat the mental power attack issued by the thousand triangles.

He Xi didn't know how to explain how terrifying the mental attack of a thousand triangles was, but she knew that she would never be able to block the mental attack that just targeted the soul.

However, Luo Fan was able to instantly defeat and kill a thousand triangles quickly.

Seeing that the triangle had been eliminated, Hexi put away his star life and flew towards Luo Fan.

She knew that the next step was the duel between Luo Fan and Hua Ye.

However, she decided not to intervene and let Luo Fan handle it.

Because, she already knew that her era has passed, and it will be Luo Fan's era.

That being the case, it is better to let Luo Fan kill Hua Ye directly, which will also increase Luo Fan's prestige even more.

I'm afraid, after this shield, Luo Fan will definitely be the most popular god in the known universe.

Twenty thousand beautiful female angels flew in the space, looking at the tall and straight male god in black clothes in the distance, with stars in his eyes.

If possible, they would also like to find an outstanding male god like Luo Fan in the future.

Because, he is very strong, and belongs to the side of justice, the most important thing is... so handsome!

Tens of thousands of male angels wearing silver armor and shorts saw this scene, the white wings behind their backs slowly flapped, and they quietly retreated a few hundred meters.

Ma De, you can't go back.

How dare they fight against such a terrifying killing god and his strength.

Even if, even if they disobeyed Tiangong Wang Huaye's order, they would not have the courage to fight Luo Fan anymore.

Because, they knew that fighting Luo Fan would lead to death.

Hua Ye looked at the tens of thousands of male angels who retreated quietly, his brows were tightly frowned, and a cold voice sounded:

"Dare to take a step back, kill Wushe!"

However, the male angels, who have obeyed his orders for 3 years and dared not disobey the slightest, disobeyed his orders for the first time.

Not only did they not stop, but Hua Ye's words were like an ignition wire. Tens of thousands of male angels simply shook their white wings and flew towards the distant space bee pupae.

Hua Ye: "..."

Hua Ye looked at the tens of thousands of male angels who fled away for their lives, and didn't chase after them, because he couldn't kill them at all. He could kill a few at most, and the others ran away.

Moreover, the top priority is to kill Luo Fan with [-] people.

As long as Luo Fan is killed and the Tiangong is taken back, the angels and other civilized legions scattered throughout the universe can be gathered again to form a million-strong army.

(End of this chapter)

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