Chapter 255 Hexi: You Can Make Black Holes?

As soon as the five black holes were created by Hua Ye, they released terrifying gravity.

The hundreds of thousands of gluttonous corpses around him gathered into a long river and surged toward the black hole.

The surrounding meteorites quickly shot towards the black hole.

Even the [-] beautiful angels, although the black hole has just formed at this moment and the gravitational force is not very strong, are a little bit shaky.

If this continues, [-] angels will be swallowed by the black hole.

Beautiful angels in silver-white battle armor and red skirts flapped the wings of time and space behind them, trying to escape the gravitational range of the black hole with all their strength.

However, the gravitational pull of the black hole is so strong that they cannot escape at all.

Even the body is shooting towards the black hole at a speed of one hundred meters per second.

Moreover, this speed is still accelerating.

Among them, there are two beautiful angels that Luo Fan knows, who are also resisting the black hole tenaciously.

Angel Tianshuang, Linglong.

At the beginning, on the Tianren [-] in the outer space of the earth, Luo Fan upgraded the physique of Tianshuang and Linglong.

Upgrading them from second-generation super soldiers to third-generation super soldiers.

Tianshuang and Linglong held hands, and the white wings of time and space behind them kept flapping, but even though they were three generations of super fighters, their bodies were slowly shooting towards the black hole.

Tianshuang and Linglong looked at each other, then shouted to Luo Fan in the distance:
"Brother Luo, Luo Fan, save us!"

Luo Fan heard the words, turned his head to look, and found these two beautiful angels.

No movement was seen from Luo Fan. A ripple appeared around the bodies of Tianshuang and Linglong, and their bodies disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he appeared next to Luo Fan.

" dangerous..."

Tianshuang and Linglong were photographing the huge evil, their faces full of expressions of surviving a disaster.

Tianshuang, who had straight bangs, looked at Luo Fan, hugged Luo Fan directly, and said softly:

"Brother Luo, thank you so much, otherwise I would be dead."

Seeing this, Linglong's eyes widened.

The next moment, Linglong came directly behind Luo Fan, hugged Luo Fan, and said:
"Brother Luo, if it weren't for you, Linglong would definitely be swallowed by the black hole, thank you so much."

Luo Fan was attacked from both sides, and he felt overwhelmed by Tianshuang and Linglong.

However, Tianshuang and Linglong were so excited, even if they couldn't breathe anymore, he definitely couldn't stop it right now.

On the other hand, Hexi, who was next to him, saw this scene and said:
"Tianshuang, Linglong, you two let go of Luo Fan, you're almost squeezing him to the point where he can't breathe."

"Oh!" Tianshuang and Linglong let go of Luo Fan reluctantly, and then stood beside Luo Fan.

Suddenly, Luo Fan felt empty.So, he glared at He Xi.

Seeing this, He Xi also glared at Luo Fan.

Then, Hexi looked at the [-] angels shooting towards the five black holes, his face was full of worry.

Because, even if she sacrifices herself, she can only disintegrate a black hole.

And five black holes, she couldn't do it at all.

So, He Xi put his eyes on Luo Fan, and said:

"Five black holes, do you have a solution?"

"Yeah." Luo Fan hummed, looking at the five black holes in the distance, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

"Level [-]...Extreme Violence!"

Luo Fan shouted loudly, golden light erupted from his body, and at the same time, streaks of blue lightning flashed around his body.

A head of black hair quickly stood up and turned golden, like steel knives thrust into the sky.

Soon, Luo Fan completed the second level extreme violent transformation.

This was the first time He Xi saw Luo Fan in his transformed state up close.

Compared with the first-level extreme berserk, the height of the second-level extreme berserk Luo Fan has not changed much, but the muscles that are already developed in the body have all skyrocketed at this moment, showing terrifying strength.

Golden light erupted all over his body, blue lightning flashed, and his golden hair shot straight into the sky.

Especially that face, which became cold at the moment, and the pair of blue eyes could be regarded as cold, murderous, and ruthless at the moment.

He Xi felt that Luo Fan's state of second-level extreme berserk was simply... so handsome!

He Xi looked at Luo Fan's form and wondered how Luo Fan would destroy these five black holes.

At this moment, Luo Fan stretched out his index finger and tapped the five black holes five times in a row.

Suddenly, five golden rays shot onto the five black holes.


Hexi only heard the soundless and deafening explosion, and Hexi saw that the five black holes that destroyed everything were directly poked and exploded by Luo Fan's fingers, and they ceased to exist.

"Ah... Luo Fan is so handsome, Brother Luo is so handsome."

Seeing this scene, Tianshuang and Linglong stared at Luo Fan with staring eyes.

They didn't expect that five black holes were about to swallow [-] angels. Luo Fan just stretched out his finger and clicked on the black hole five times, and the terrifying black hole was directly exploded.

Strong, strong, really strong.

Tianshuang and Linglong have only one thought at the moment, that is to marry Luo Fan, bear him a child, and give him a bunch of children.

However, thinking that Luo Fan is too good, they dare not confess.

He Xi's beautiful face was also full of horror at the moment, looking at Luo Fan, he said:
"Unexpectedly, your second-level extreme rage is really terrifying."


Luo Fan replied indifferently, without even turning his head to look at Hexi.

In this form, he is even more cold and ruthless.

That stern face, cold, ruthless and murderous blue eyes, at first glance, it is a cold and ruthless master.

Hua Ye was immediately stunned. Although he knew that Luo Fan had destroyed a black hole just now, he did not expect that Luo Fan would destroy the five black holes he created so easily.

Moreover, although he can destroy these five black holes, he can only destroy one, and he must pay the price of his life.

" did you destroy the black hole I created so easily?"

Hua Ye looked at Luo Fan and asked in disbelief.

Luo Fan ignored Hua Ye, but looked at the ten thousand male angels behind Hua Ye who did not escape.

These ten thousand male angels are loyal to Hua Ye and have not escaped until now.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Luo Fan pointed at Ten Thousand Angels with his big hand and directly used the black hole engine.

The system once rewarded him with a black hole engine, but he has been useless.

Because it didn't seem to work for him.

In the next moment, ten black holes appeared in the center of ten thousand male angels.

As soon as the ten black holes appeared, a terrifying gravitational force erupted.

In an instant, a thousand angels were instantly swallowed by the black hole.

The remaining [-] angels are still shooting towards the black hole continuously.

When the Nine Thousand Heavenly Scum saw this, they looked at their king in horror and begged for help:

"King Hua Ye, save me quickly."

"King Hua Ye, I don't want to die!"


(End of this chapter)

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