Chapter 259 Kesha: Hexi, did you give it to Luo Fan?
He Xi rubbed his buttocks, looking at Luo Fan resentfully.

I really want to slap him, but I can't.

I miss her Tianji Wang Hexi who has been cool for 3 years, but now she is bullied by Luo Fan and even spanked.

Feeling the sharp pain in his buttocks, Hexi no longer dared to question Luo Fan.

However, thinking of what Luo Fan said just now that Kaisha had been resurrected, he asked:
"You said Keisha is on Earth now, is that true?"

As soon as he finished speaking, He Xi quickly covered his buttocks, and said:
"Don't spank my ass!"

Luo Fan put down his raised hand and said:
"What are you asking me for? You can ask Keisha directly!"

"That's right!" Hexi murmured, and then connected to Kaisha's communication.

Earth, on board Tianren No.[-].

Kesha showed off her curvy loli body in a pink dress.

Suddenly, Keisha had a look of astonishment on her face, and murmured:
"What is this girl Hexi doing connecting to my communication? Didn't I forbid Ah Zhui and the others to spread the news of my resurrection?"

"Luo Fan went to Melo Heaven, could it be that Luo Fan told Hexi the news of my resurrection?"

If Hexi knew that I had been resurrected, and she saw me looking like a lolita, who knows how she would laugh at me?

However, Hexi now knows that I have been resurrected, and sooner or later I will not be able to escape.

Forget it, don't answer Hexi's communication, lest she see my loli appearance.

Kesha thought of Hexi who used to like to hug her to sleep.

Now that her evil is so great, if He Xi hugs her to sleep again, wouldn't he be ruined by He Xi again.

If you don't answer, you absolutely can't answer Hexi's communication.

In Melo's Tianting Garden, Hexi saw that his communication hadn't been connected, so he looked at Luo Fan and said:

"Look, Keisha didn't connect to my communication, which means she hasn't been resurrected now."

"Let me just say, her holy atoms are scattered to every corner of the universe, even if I can't bring her back together, how can you revive her?"

Seeing He Xi looking at him with disbelief, Luo Fan felt that he suddenly lost face.

Therefore, he directly connected to Kesha's communication and sent a voice message:

"Kaisha, don't pretend to be dead for me, hurry up and answer Hexi's communication."

On Earth's Sky Blade [-], Kaisha was lying on the bed, listening to Luo Fan's communication, raised her brows and said:

"You're a fart, you dare to order this king, just don't answer."

Luo Fan saw that Kesha didn't reply to his voice or answer He Xi's communication. He looked up at He Xi and saw He Xi looking at him with disbelief, as if he were a liar.

He Xi shook his head, patted Luo Fan's shoulder lightly with his small hand, and said:

"Oh, Ronaldinho, although you are powerful and the most handsome I have ever seen in my life, lying is not good."

"This... is this being treated as a liar?"

Rowan murmured in embarrassment.

He knew that with Kesha's temper, he and her were far away at this moment, and he couldn't deal with Kesha.

Therefore, Kaisha will never listen to her own words and connect to Hexi's communication.

It seems that I only have to spend a lot of money.

So, Luo Fan connected to Keisha's communication again, and said in a voice:
"As long as you answer He Xi's communication, I will restore you to your previous adult appearance when I come back."

"It's just evil, but it will still be huge!"

On the bed, Keisha sat up abruptly after listening to Luo Fan's voice.

She was thinking about the authenticity of Luo Fan's words.

She remembered that Luo Fan said at the beginning that his ability was limited and he couldn't gather the remaining 20.00% of the sacred atoms, so he still had to wait [-] million years before he could return to his previous appearance.

But now, Luo Fan said that he can gather all the holy atoms right now.

Kesha thought about it, and felt that Luo Fan should be able to gather the remaining 20.00% of the holy atoms.

"Okay Luo Fan, you must have done it on purpose to restore this king to this lolita look."

There was warmth and anger on Kaisha's plain face, because Luo Fan gathered her into this appearance, which made her lose face.

Not only was she chased by A, Zhixin, Leng, Moi, Lingxi saw her loli appearance, but also made her own sister Liang Bing also see her appearance, and even laughed at her at the time.

On purpose, Luo Fan, you definitely did it on purpose.

Keisha was full of anger towards Luo Fan, but she still had to get through Hexi's communication as Luo Fan said.

Because, she knew that if she didn't answer the communication now, Luo Fan might never help her gather the remaining 20.00% of the holy atoms in the future.

In that case, wouldn't she want to keep her loli appearance for [-] million years?

No, absolutely not.

So, while despising Luo Fan, Kaisha connected Hexi's communication.

In Merlot's Tianting Garden, He Xi's eyes widened fiercely, staring at Luo Fan in disbelief, and said:
"Kesha, Kesha's communication is connected, she is really resurrected, she is really resurrected."

Hexi's face was full of excitement, he immediately hugged Luo Fan, hugged him tightly, and said excitedly:
"Do you know how happy I am right now?"

"Kesha is my only best friend, and she has been my best friend for [-] million years. Do you know how good my relationship is with her?"

"We used to bathe together, sleep together, feed each other..."

"I'm so happy, I'm so happy."

Being hugged by Hexi, Luo Fan felt Hexi's excitement and was also happy for her.

He can understand Hexi's mood. Once Hua Ye destroyed the kings, unified the ancient civilization, and established the order of the heavenly palace.

As for those female angels, most of them were belittled by Hua Ye, reduced to the taboo of male angels, and insulted at will.

And she, Kesha, and Liang Bing led many angel sisters, and it took hundreds of years to defeat Hua Ye, drive Hua Ye out of the angel civilization, and drive him to a remote corner of the universe.

Afterwards, after another [-] million years of getting along, this relationship is indeed unimaginably thick.

He Xi was excited for a while, and suddenly realized that he had lost his composure, so he slowly let go of Luo Fan, and then said:

"Kesha, it's great that you can be resurrected."

Kesha was also lying on the bed at this time, and replied:
"Yes, I have to thank Luo Fan for this. He saved me, otherwise my consciousness would still be wandering in another dimension of the universe at the moment."

"It feels so lonely."

Hexi was even happier after listening to Kaisha's words, so he asked:

"You have been resurrected, but you have never returned to the Merlot Heaven. Since you went offline, all civilizations in the universe have emerged, and they all want to step on the angels. If you return to the Merlot Heaven to take over, no one will dare to act presumptuously. ah."

Kesha heard this and said:
"I have been invincible in the known universe for 3 years, and have defended justice for 3 years. I am tired and want to rest."

"As for Hua Ye, Triangle, and even that pervert Karl, the god of death, with Luo Fan around, we can't make any big waves."

Speaking of this, Kesha suddenly asked:
"By the way, Hexi... Did Luo Fan sleep with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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