Chapter 261
"Good! That's great."

He Xi murmured happily, and continued:

"Kesha, then I will come here with Luo Fan now, I want to see you soon, thinking about your loli appearance, I am very curious and excited."

Keisha: "..."

Kaisha has already thought about how Hexi will treat her when Hexi comes to Earth.

"Kesha, then I'll hang up the communication first, and I'll talk to you when I get to Earth."

He Xi cut off the communication after saying a word.

Then, Hexi looked at Luo Fan in front of him, and said:

"Let's go, I'm going to Earth together, I can't help but want to see Keisha."

When Luo Fan heard this, he didn't speak, but just stared at Hexi in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Luo Fan's expression, He Xi hurriedly asked.


Luo Fan sighed and asked:
"Hexi, have you forgotten something?"

He Xi knew what Luo Fan was talking about, but she was still a little reluctant.

However, she thought of agreeing to Luo Fan, so as long as Luo Fan attacked her, she would never resist.

However, she has been single for 3 years, and she is still quite uncomfortable when she suddenly wants to have a pony with Luo Fan.

Therefore, He Xi could only procrastinate and say without refusing:

"Luo Fan, now that Kesha has been resurrected, I want to leave now to see Kesha as soon as possible."

"So, when you get to Earth and meet Kaisha in the future, you can do whatever you want. I, Hexi, will never delay."

Suddenly, Luo Fan directly pinched He Xi's delicate chin with his big hand, and kissed He Xi's beautiful face.

Seeing this, Hexi didn't hide.


With a bang, Luo Fan kissed He Xi's beautiful face.

Just when Hexi was about to obey and obey everything Luo Fan did next.

Luo Fan's big hand let go of her chin, squeezed Hexi's fair face, and said:

"Then it's settled, after arriving on Earth, you have to let me do whatever I want, how about it?"

"it is good!"

He Xi listened to Luo Fan's words and said hello with a smile.

Although, now that Luo Fan took her down, she would obey, but in her heart she had the thought of taking advantage of Luo Fan's fire.

After all, she promised to Luo Fan before, because she was forced to do so for Melo Heaven in the black hole.

But now, Luo Fan obviously could get her right away but didn't make a move. Isn't this very empathetic, isn't he an impatient person?

It seems that I misunderstood Luo Fan before. He is not a very good person. He obviously could get her right away but didn't do it. This is very just.

At this moment, Hexi's impression of Luo Fan changed greatly.

She thinks that Luo Fan is very righteous. Could it be that Ah Zhui and the others like Luo Fan?

In fact, Luo Fan is not good...well, he is still lustful.

In short, although Hexi now feels that Luo Fan is still lustful, he is a very righteous person, and he has begun to have a slight liking for him, and a seed in his heart is sprouting in Kaisha.

Luo Fan watched Hexi's series of changes in expression, and smiled inwardly,
For a beauty like Hexi, he didn't intend to be in a hurry to seek sex.

The main reason for the previous Morgana, Qilin, Zhixin and others was that Luo Fan felt that his strength was still weak compared to gods like Hua Ye and Kesha who were more than 3 years old.

Therefore, in order to become stronger quickly, he had to quickly conquer Morgana and the others, so as to get rewards from the system, and then become stronger quickly.

But now, Luo Fan realizes that with his current strength, he has casually killed ancient kings like Hua Ye, and even He Xi and Kesha are no match for him now.

Then, Karl, the biggest villain Boss in the super god world, should not be his opponent now.

Therefore, now, Luo Fan doesn't need to rush to get Hexi in these ten days.

It is interesting to be able to taste Hexi slowly.

Moreover, during the ten or so days of returning to Earth, he can still rely on Hexi's avatar to increase the strengthening value of the four generations of gods such as the power of the galaxy, and his strength is still rapidly becoming stronger.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan got up and said:

"Let's go, let's go to Earth now, I know you must be impatient to see Keisha."

After Luo Fan finished speaking, he walked in the direction of the worm gate in Melo's Heavenly Court.

Listening to Luo Fan's words, He Xi looked at his tall back, with a smile on his extremely beautiful face, so he quickly came to Luo Fan's side, stretched out his small white hand to hold Luo Fan's big hand.

"Hehe!" Luo Fan smiled slightly, and clasped Hexi's little hand back with his big hand.

The shot is slightly cold, but it is very comfortable, very soft, and very gentle.

He Xi felt that his small hands were completely held by Luo Fan's big hands, and he only felt that the whole palm was extremely warm, and his heart was also very warm.

At this moment, Hexi felt a feeling that he had never had in 3 years, as if he was in love.

The two came to the insect gate. Luo Fan still carried out the flying ship, and then walked in with He Xi.

Then, the flying ship passed through the worm gate, and then came to the big worm bridge, and flew towards the earth in the colorful big worm bridge.

inside the airship.

There are seven or eight seats, and Luo Fan and He Xi are sitting opposite each other, a pair of handsome eyes looking at a pair of beautiful eyes, and a pair of beautiful eyes looking at a pair of handsome eyes.

After a while, Luo Fan calculated the time, and it was already twelve o'clock in the evening.

So, Luo Fan got up directly and walked towards the only lounge behind the flying ship.

Seeing that Luo Fan was resting alone, He Xi couldn't go in and be alone in the room with him, or would they sleep together?
Although he didn't go in, Hexi still asked:
"With your physique, it doesn't matter if you don't sleep for [-] million years. Why do you leave me alone outside and you go to sleep alone?"

Luo Fan stopped in his tracks and said:
"Although I don't need to sleep, I used to sleep before. This is a good way to recharge my energy and have good dreams."

After speaking, Luo Fan entered the lounge and closed the door tightly.

He Xi glanced at the lounge, secretly thought that Luo Fan really didn't understand how to pity her, for such a delicate beauty, Luo Fan actually let her stay outside alone, and didn't know how to spend these ten days with her.

But it doesn't matter, it's only a mere ten days. She has lived for 3 years and her mentality is very good.

Then, He Xi closed her beautiful eyes and rested her mind.

At first glance, it looks like a work of art that does not exist in time, it is too perfect.

After half an hour.


Suddenly, Hexi opened her beautiful eyes and looked towards the door of the lounge.

Because just now, she suddenly felt the existence of the clone.

She didn't know what method Luo Fan used before, and she never noticed the slightest information about this clone.

But now, Luo Fan released the avatar in the lounge.

He Xi stared closely at the door of the lounge, as if trying to see through the door.

She wanted to see, what Luo Fan is going to do to her clone next?
(End of this chapter)

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