Chapter 263 Hexi: Can you do it?

In the garden!
Hexi stood in the garden, holding the small and lovely Kaisha in his arms.

"Hexi, put me down quickly!"

Kaisha glared at Hexi, and said coquettishly.

"do not want!"

Hexi directly refused. Kaisha used to look like a strong woman, and she was the strongest in the known universe, so Kaisha has always been stronger when they get along.

But now, when Kaisha finally turned into such a small lolita, Hexi felt that she had to ravage Kaisa.

"Little Naisha, your evil is indeed enormous!"

At this time, Hexi stared at Kaisha with fiery eyes, and said with a smile.

Keisha: "..."

Kesha didn't speak, she just crossed her arms and stared at He Xi warily to prevent her from a sudden attack.

"Little Naisha, I'm already hungry, I want to drink milk!"

Hexi stared at Kaisha, and said with a slightly smirk.

"No, absolutely not."

Kesha refused directly because she would not let Hexi ravage her again.

Seeing this, He Xi smiled slightly and said:

"Since you disagree, don't blame me!"

After Hexi finished speaking, he used the Eagle Claw Kung Fu towards Kaisha...

"Cough cough!"

But at this moment, a cough sounded, causing Hexi to stop moving.

Seeing Luo Fan, Kesha felt that Luo Fan seemed to be doing well for the first time, and said quickly:
"Luo Fan, save me quickly, Hexi wants to drink milk!"


Hearing this, Luo Fan raised his eyebrows, stared at He Xi and said:
"Hexi, you dare to snatch my milk, it's really unreasonable!"

Hexi glared at Luo Fan back, hugged Kaisha even tighter, and said in retort:

"What is your milk? Kaisha and I have been best friends for 3 years. She is my best friend, not your milk."

Seeing Luo Fan and He Xi snatching her away as milk, Kesha felt dizzy.

She is not some milk, she is the King of Angels, Holy Kesha!
It seems that my loli appearance is really not good.

So, Kesha looked at Luo Fan and said:

"Luo Fan, didn't you say when you were in the Heavenly Court of Merlot that as long as I received Hexi's communication, you would restore me to my original form?"

"Well, there is such a thing." Luo Fan nodded.

"Then quickly restore me to the way I was before. I'm really fed up with this lolita."

As Keisha spoke, she stared at her body with disgust.

Luo Fan swept back and forth on Keisha's delicate body, and said:

"I think you look pretty good-looking. You are well-proportioned, extremely beautiful, and full of temptation."

Hexi next to him also agreed and said:

"Kesha, I also think your loli look is very good-looking, why don't you go back to your previous appearance."

"Don't worry, if someone bullies you, I, Hexi, will deal with him immediately."

Kesha glanced at Luo Fan speechlessly, then at Hexi, and said:
"You, you are all bad guys, you all covet my loli appearance, I will definitely not let you succeed."

Speaking of this, Kaisha stared at Hexi with deep eyes, and said:

"If you don't let go, I will break off our relationship with you."

He Xi heard that, with a gentle and kind nature, she no longer joked with Kaisha, so as not to embarrass Kaisha, she felt sorry for Kaisha very much.

In an instant, Hexi's eyes almost went straight.

There is only one thought in my heart, compared with before, Keisha has changed a lot.

Kesha came out of Hexi's arms, then came to Luo Fan, raised her head and chest, put her hands on her hips, looked straight at Luo Fan, and said:

"To be honest, which one looks better, my loli look or the queen look I had before?"

Luo Fan touched his nose when he heard the words, glanced up and down at Kaisha, and said truthfully:
"Hmm... The demeanor of the queen in Lolita form and your previous queen have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it's hard to compare."

"If we have to distinguish between high and low, the Queen's demeanor is more attractive, but the evil is not great."

Keisha smiled knowingly when she heard this, and finally, someone said that the queen looks good.

She was almost suffocated with this loli form during this period of time.

Especially when she was standing in a pile with Ah Zhui, Zhi Xin, Leng, Ling Xi and the others, it seemed like she was a child.

You know, she is their king, and a king is like a child. God knows how embarrassed she is.

She... She couldn't wait to return to her original appearance, so Kesha stared at Luo Fan and said:

"Since you promised me, then quickly help me gather the remaining 20.00% of the sacred atoms, and then restore the former queen demeanor."

"it is good!"

Luo Fan agreed without hesitation. He is a man of his word. Since he said he would help Kesha recover, he would definitely help her recover.

"Luo Fan, do you really have a way to gather the remaining 20.00% of the sacred atoms?"

At this moment, He Xi asked expectantly and anxiously.


A slap sounded, but Luo Fan slapped Hexi's buttocks again.

"Didn't I say it? Don't question what I said, you must obey unconditionally."

"Otherwise, sooner or later your ass will be smashed."

Luo Fan looked at Hexi and said calmly.

He Xi touched his painful buttocks, stared at Luo Fan with resentment, and said:

"You...can't you give me some face? Kesha is still here."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Before Luo Fan could speak, Kesha's laughter sounded beside him.

Keisha rubbed Hexi's butt, and teased with a smile on her face:
"My Hexi, does your butt hurt?"

Hexi: "..."

Luo Fan glanced at the two of them, then made palms with his big hands, and at the same time used the power of time and space, using the sacred atoms in Kesha's body as a medium, to search for the remaining 20.00% of the sacred atoms in the universe.

If it was changed to twenty days ago, the remaining 20.00% of the holy atoms were scattered farther in the universe, and he still couldn't gather these holy atoms.

However, after his twenty days of hard work, the strengthening value of his power of time and space has increased by several hundred, and his understanding of the power of time and space has become more profound.

Therefore, he is now able to gather the remaining 20.00% of the sacred atoms.

However, the speed is a little slow. After all, the universe is so big, even if his power of time and space is very strong, it will take some time.

Unless, unless his power of time and space is one level stronger, he can gather all these holy atoms in an instant.

You can even travel through time and space, travel freely through the time and space corridor, go back to the past, and change everything.

This is the horror of the power of time and space.

He Xi looked at Luo Fan's flat palm, and found that after a full minute, there was still nothing on it.

So, he couldn't help but asked in a low voice:

"Luo Fan, let me ask a question, don't spank my ass later."

"Why, why hasn't a single sacred atom appeared for so long? Can't you do it?"

 Recommend a book [Dou Po: Rebirth of Ice Emperor Hai Bo Dong, Many Children, Many Blessings]


(End of this chapter)

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