Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 272 Restoring the planet with a wave of hands

Chapter 272 Restoring the planet with a wave of hands

"My late king, Pan Zhen is ashamed of treating your orphan!"

Pan Zhen knelt on the ground, with tears running down his majestic face.

Luo Fan looked at Pan Zhen who was crying, and said:
"Pan Zhen, why are you crying, Lie Yang Xing can still be saved."

When Pan Zhen heard the words, there was a hint of excitement on his face, but it soon dimmed, and said:
"Now that the formation has been destroyed, the Sun God Emperor Hongkun only has consciousness left in the Tiandao Tower. No one can use the star core to maintain the half-burning sun, unless..."

Having said this, Pan Zhen looked at Leina and hesitated to speak.

"Unless what?"

Leina was keenly aware of Pan Zhen's eyes, and asked quickly.

Faced with Leina's questioning, Pan Zhen didn't speak, but said with a face of death:

"Luo Fan, you lead Leina to leave quickly, Pan Zhen is ashamed of the former king, and must die to show his will."

At this moment, Leina looked at Pan Zhen and said:

"Actually, Pan Zhen, if you don't tell me, I know that star cores and formations are expensive now, even if Luo Fan has a new star core here, it can't prevent the destruction of Lie Yang.

However, there is another way, that is, I follow the example of the previous generation of Fierce Sun God, sacrifice myself and then combine with the star core, I will definitely be able to keep the star core. "

Unexpectedly, just after Leina finished speaking, Pan Zhen stared at Lena with a serious face, and said:

"No, absolutely not, even if Lie Yang is destroyed, you cannot die."

When Reina heard this, she also said excitedly:

"The previous generation of Fierce Sun Gods could sacrifice themselves for Fierce Sun, but why can't I sacrifice myself?"

Pan Zhen's face was full of determination, and he said:

"You are the main god of Lieyang, as long as you are here, Lieyang will still be there."

"Moreover, in my heart, you are not only the main god, I have already regarded you as my daughter, so you must not die."


At this time, Luo Fan sighed and said:
"Didn't I say that I can really keep you Lieyang?"

However, Reina shook her head and said:
"I am the light of the sun. I know deeply that the core of the Sun Star is undergoing a violent reaction. Only the sacrifice of the sun's light by my third-generation divine body plus the star core can stabilize it."

Pan Zhen also nodded, looked at Luo Fan and said:
"Luo Fan, let Pan Zhen beg you, you are strong, knock Leina unconscious and take her away."

Luo Fan: "..."

Luo Fan knew that the two of them would not believe what they said, although he could really keep Lie Yang, and he would not sacrifice himself like Leina did, even without the slightest price.

After all, his current Sunlight has reached the fifth-generation divine body, and it is a fifth-generation divine body with a strengthening value of more than 300. It is much stronger than Lena and Di Hongkun's third-generation divine body Sunlight.

Therefore, Luo Fan decided not to bother explaining to these two people, and shouted:
"Level [-] extreme rage!"

Suddenly, bursts of golden light erupted from Luo Fan's body, thunder broke out in the sky, and the surrounding boulders rose directly.

And Luo Fan's body became stronger, and his black hair turned into golden, and the roots stood up.

Pan Zhen looked at Luo Fan's state and asked:

"You...what do you want to do?"

"Go away!"

Luo Fan didn't bother to explain to him, after all, Pan Zhen couldn't understand how powerful he was now.

And because after the second level of extreme berserk, Luo Fan's expression and speech were very cold, so he said coldly, get out of here.

However, Pan Zhen did not leave, but continued to persuade:
"Luo Fan, don't make the last resort, none of us will be able to leave if the Lieyang star explodes later, take Leyna out of here quickly."


Luo Fan waved his hand lightly at Pan Zhen and Leina, and immediately two golden rays wrapped them in it, flying directly into the air thousands of meters away.

Lena looked at Luo Fan and asked:

"Luo Fan, what are you going to do, don't do anything stupid."

Luo Fan turned a deaf ear, and with a movement of his body, he appeared directly in the outer space of Lie Yangxing.A huge star core also appeared above him.

Luo Fan stared closely at Lie Yangxing below with a pair of icy blue eyes, then slowly stretched out his right hand, pointing an index finger at Lie Yangxing below.

Pan Zhen and Leina in the distance saw a fist-sized golden energy light ball appearing on Luo Fan's fingertips.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light sphere quickly enlarged to the size of a house, just larger than the huge star core above Luo Fan.


Luo Fan whispered, the golden ball of light in front of his finger suddenly shone brightly, and a huge golden beam of light shot directly at Lie Yangxing.


With a bang, the huge beam of light blasted directly into the interior of Lie Yangxing, and then shot out directly from the other side, directly piercing Lie Yangxing.

"Oops, I used too much force."

Luo Fan murmured, but there was no panic on his face.

Lena and Pan Zhen in the distance saw this scene, their faces were full of shock.

The two looked at each other, and Reina was the first to say in surprise:
"Pan Zhen, you... did you see that just now Luo Fan pierced Lie Yangxing with one finger?"

Pan Zhen was also shocked at this moment, nodded in a daze, and said:
"This... this fucking shot through a planet directly!"

Luo Fan stared closely at the Lieyang Star below. His thinking was that if the star core was placed directly in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, someone would destroy the star core, and Lieyang would face destruction again.

And if the star core is placed inside the planet Lieyang, then no one can destroy it.

Therefore, Luo Fan planned to shoot out the Lieyang Star to a position directly inside the planet with one finger, then place the star core here, and then use the light of the sun from the fifth-generation divine body to stabilize the star core and Lieyang Star.

However, what he didn't expect was that even though he withdrew a large part of his power and only used a small part of it, he still shot directly through the Lieyang Star with one finger.

Luo Fan's body moved.In an instant, he came to the other side of Lie Yangxing, and gave a low drink:
"seal up!"

The next moment, a series of golden lights directly covered the deep passage, pushing the surrounding rocks directly towards the passage.

Soon, the huge passage was half blocked.

Luo Fan's body moved again, returning directly to the original place through the power of time and space, and then waited for the star core to fly towards the interior of the Lieyang Star.

Luo Fan's speed is extremely fast, even without the power of time and space, he can reach the interior of Lieyang within a few seconds just by flying.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Fan placed the star core here, and then the light of the sun, the fifth-generation divine body, was activated to regulate the reaction of the core inside the entire Lieyang Star.

Then, connect the star core and the entire Lieyang star together.

The whole process only took less than 1 minute.

A white light flashed in Luo Fan's eyes. After carefully observing the movement of the entire Lieyang Star, he found that there was no reaction that would explode, and then flew to the ground again.

Immediately afterwards, the big hand pinched the deep passage in front of him. The next moment, bursts of golden lights flashed in the passage. Within a few seconds, the passage disappeared and the ground returned to level.

(End of this chapter)

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