Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 274 Dance photo: Do ​​I accept it or not?

Chapter 274 Dance photo: Do ​​I accept it or not?
Wu Zhao looked at herself up and down as she listened to Mao Shen praising herself as being worthy of Luo Fan.

Indeed, it's not that she is narcissistic, her looks and figure are definitely top-notch.

Even if she is the most beautiful angel in the known universe, she can still be compared with the most beautiful angels.

Moreover, she is also very good.

Ever since she was a child, no man on Star Lieyang could catch her eye.

But now, Wu Zhao glanced at the figure bursting out of golden light in the scorching sun starry sky, and ripples flashed in his eyes.

She knew that Luo Fan's excellence made her attracted.

However, Wu Zhao thought that Luo Fan was the man of her best friend Leina, so she still suppressed this enthusiasm in her heart.

In fact, what Wu Zhao didn't know was that the more she pressed, the greater the rebound.

Wu Zhao looked at Maoshen, shook his head, and said:

"Stop saying such things. Luo Fan is Lena's male god. As her best friend and her courtier, I must not have the slightest thought about Luo Fan. That is wrong."

Although God Mao looks dull, he is very shrewd, otherwise he would not be one of the four guardians.

Looking at Wu Zhao's reaction and listening to her words, he knew that this girl fell in love with Luo Fan.

Although Wu Zhao only met Luo Fan this time, Pan Zhen knew that some people would not feel the slightest feeling after being together for hundreds or even thousands of years.

But some people, even if they only met once, they will never forget it.

Thinking of this, Mao Shen couldn't help but said:

"Wuzhao, forgive me for talking too much. You are so beautiful. What if Luo Fan falls in love with you?"


Wu Zhao only felt a giant hammer hit his head,
That's right, if Luo Fan takes a fancy to him, he wants to be his woman.

So should I agree, or not?
Obviously, she absolutely agreed in her heart.

However, in terms of behavior, she definitely refused.

So what should we do?

It's not right to agree, and it's not right not to agree.

Wu Zhao even stretched out her fair fingers and rubbed her temples vigorously.

What a tough choice!
Eh, no!

Wu Zhao suddenly came to his senses, God Mao was just asking, it wasn't that Luo Fan really fell in love with him, so he was thinking about something here?
Wu Zhao looked up and saw a lewd smile on the face of the male god Muna.

Seeing this, Wu Zhao didn't know that this guy Mao Shen was deceiving her.


Wu Zhao stared at God Mao with her beautiful eyes, snorted coldly, and said:
"Well, you are a hairy god. You look honest and honest, but you are actually full of bad water."

"Oh, I was wronged." Mao Shen said with a wronged expression:

"If I had a bad stomach, I would have married you back as a wife."

"I've been chasing you for several years, and you just don't even look at me, and you don't give me the slightest chance."

Wu Zhao looked Maoshen up and down, and said jokingly:

"You want to chase me?"

"Yeah." Mao Shen nodded quickly.I couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Wu Zhao was smart enough to change her mind and prepare to accept him when she saw that he was full of bad ideas?
However, Wu Zhao's voice sounded again:
"God Mao, look at Luo Fan in the distance. Are you as handsome as him?"


God Mao glanced at Luo Fan's extremely handsome face, not to mention that God Mao was not as handsome as Luo Fan, even men in the entire universe were not more handsome than Luo Fan.

"God Mao, do you have Luo Fangao?"

Mai Zhao asked again.

"It seems, it seems not."

Mao Shen glanced at Luo Fan's height of 1.9 meters. His own height of 1.7 meters seemed too short for Luo Fan.

"Then, are you as strong as Luo Fan?"

"No, I fought against Luo Fan a few months ago, and he easily defeated me."

"At that time, I wanted to work hard to be strong, hoping to get rid of the shame in the future, but now Luo Fan can shoot through the Lieyang Star with one finger, I... I am sure I am not as resistant as the Lieyang Star."

Speaking of this, Wu Zhao looked at the deeply shocked Mao Shen and said:

"I'll ask one last question, do you have Luo Fanmeng?"

Mao Shen: "..."

Mao Shen only felt that his heart was hit hard.

Muna replied:

"Luo Fan has the law of the sky and the earth. Just now it has become a thousand meters huge. In front of him, I am as small as a toothpick."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Wu Zhao covered her mouth and laughed a few times. Her smile was full of flowers and evil.

Wu Zhao looked at Mao Shen Na who was so shocked that he was so shocked that he even hunched his back a little, and said with a smile:
"I told you to lie to me just now, but now you know how powerful I am."

When Mao Shen heard this, he was speechless for a moment.

He also knew that Wu Zhao was joking with him.

However, he now knows that Wu Zhao likes Luo Fan.

He Maoshen is considered a very good man in Lie Yangxing, but getting along with Luo Fan, the person Wu Zhao likes, is not enough at all.

Even before, he could express his intention to pursue Wu Zhao, but now he dare not even have the heart to pursue Wu Zhao.

Wu Zhao looked at the beaten Maoshen, and wanted to jokingly hit him with a few words, but now seeing that Maoshen couldn't bear the blow, he changed the subject and said:
"Now Lieyang is completely safe. There is even a better star core placed in the core of the planet by Luo Fan. Lieyang is no longer in any danger."

"Let's lead the people of Lieyang to the planet Lieyang to thank Luo Fan."


God Mao nodded and said

"The star core is so precious, and it also helped our Lieyang to repair Lieyang. We should be deeply grateful to Luo Fan."

After discussing with each other, the two drove the Ark of Shenhe and landed towards Lie Yangxing.

On Lieyang Star, Luo Fan exited the state of the second-level extreme berserk, and stood next to the Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the golden light outside Pan Zhen and Leina's bodies disappeared, and the two regained their freedom.

Pan Zhen moved his hands and feet, and stared at Luo Fan next to the Tiandao Pagoda with a pair of tiger eyes in horror.

He never expected that Luo Fan's strength was so strong.

He, Pan Zhen, is also a king-level master in the known universe, and even a fierce man who can blow up black holes.

However, he knew that just the golden light that Luo Fan imprisoned him just now, even if he used all his strength, he couldn't break the golden light outside his body.

It's hard to imagine how powerful Luo Fan's entire strength is.

With doubts in their hearts, Pan Zhen and Leina flew to Luo Fan and landed.

Leina hugged Luo Fan directly, holding her tightly, her pretty face was so beautiful that tears flowed down her face.

Luo Fan patted Lena's back and said:
"The Lieyang star has been repaired, and your Lieyang people don't have to leave their homes. Why are you crying?"

Lena hugged Luo Fan tightly, feeling very at ease, and said:
"I am crying with joy. I am the Lord God of Lieyang. Before Lieyang star was about to explode, I could do nothing but send the people of Lieyang away in Shenhe Ark."

"And now, with your help, Lieyang Star has been completely restored, without any hidden dangers, and the people of Lieyang can continue to survive in Lieyang."

"Luo Fan, do you you know how happy I am now?"

(End of this chapter)

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